A chance to grow
About a month ago we raised the bed of my garden. It took two truckfulls of soil, a little bit of wood and a few metal brackets. I planted my garden a little bit later than I had planned, but got it in and it’s started to grow nicely. My problem with gardening is that I’m not very good at remembering to water it.
So over the past week Jim has been digging trenches and glueing little plastic pipes together to make an automatic watering system for the garden. He had to tap into our automatic sprinkler system for the lawn and figured while he was at it, he would also install a tap for a hose in the backyard which I’ve lusted after for the entire time we’ve lived here. He’s my hero.
My plan is to take progress pictures over the summer to see how well the garden does. I anticipate it will be much better than last year because it will actually get watered every single day. Here’s the pics from yesterday.
And here is a picture of the garden before.
Category: daily One comment »
July 27th, 2010 at 9:02 pm
[…] here are the last previous photos from a little over a month […]