September 20th, 2008 — 12:13pm
Congrats to my friend Lori who delivered a healthy baby girl last night. Lori, I’m so happy for you!!
(Lori and I went to high school together. We spent many hours in the music and art rooms and we sang a song together – as long as I have music – at one of our graduation events. She found me on myspace last year after she moved back to town.)
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September 18th, 2008 — 12:05pm

Its not a new puppy but it will do
Originally uploaded by pretendingsanity
Jim surprised me with a new ipod for my birthday week. Im so happy to be able to fit all my music on it! Isnt he sweet?
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September 17th, 2008 — 6:29pm

Edens Night Writer 9/17
Originally uploaded by pretendingsanity
Eden writes in her Night Writer every night as her homework. She can write whatever she wants and she shares it with her class the next day.
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September 16th, 2008 — 11:32am
• Yesterday I turned 27 years old. I’ve been dreading this birthday because 27 seems significantly older than 26. But so far, it’s not seeming too bad. Maybe it just hasn’t hit me yet?
• For my birthday my friend Carrie and my sister surprised me with a white Hobo wallet that I’ve been lusting after. I am quite excited about this.
• Friday we went fishing up in the mountains. We had fun, but I didn’t catch any fish. In fact, for all the fishing we’ve done this summer, I’ve only caught one fish the whole time. I think it’s official, I suck. And that makes for one expensive fish considering the cost of fishing licenses. I shouldn’t have thrown him back, but eww, I so don’t like trout!
• Things at Tangle are going quite well. I’m really happy to be in our new space, we’re already filling it up! Yesterday a nice order of Malabrigo arrived. It’s so nice to have it in stock again. We also have amy butler wrapping paper! (I have a lot of web updates to do. eeep!)
4 comments » | random monday
September 10th, 2008 — 9:39pm
Carrie: This music is butt music.
Jim: You mean butt rock? This is metal not butt rock.
Carrie: No this is butt music, as in music that I can perform with my butt.
Jim: Wow, your butt rocks!
4 comments » | quote of the week
September 9th, 2008 — 8:34pm
It should be noted that last weeks menu never happened due to my lack of grocery shopping.
Date night
taco salad
Cuban black bean stew with tortillas and chicken for Jim
Farmers market
pasta with roasted cauliflower
friends over:
roasted vegetable soup
broccoli corn chowder
good bread and a big salad
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September 8th, 2008 — 9:29pm
So I realize it may seem as though I’ve fallen off the face of the earth, but I just haven’t gotten back into the swing of things yet. I do, however, have some pictures from the wedding. I’m not 100% thrilled with the photographers work, but these pictures turned out pretty well.
(click any to see bigger and more)

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September 6th, 2008 — 11:24am

Starbucking it
Originally uploaded by pretendingsanity
She reads chapter books now. Her smartness amazes me.
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September 1st, 2008 — 7:37pm
Red beans and rice and peach cobbler with peaches from my tree!
rotisserie chicken and salad
broccoli chowder with bacon
gonna work farmers market because it’s on Main street and I now have a STORE there!!
camping – grilled lemon chicken with corn on the cob and fresh bread
camping – cuban black bean stew with rice and shredded chicken on the side for Jim. Corn tortillas too
pasta with roasted vegetables
Lunches: spicy sweet pretzel mix, edamame, sesame sticks, cheese slices, carrots and mushrooms, sliced peaches and lunch meat roll ups
Other camping food: blueberry muffins and cantelope for breakfasts, sandwiches and veggies for lunches
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September 1st, 2008 — 4:30pm

Front of the store
Originally uploaded by pretendingsanity
The signs are not finished yet but its coming along.
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