menu – week of Jan 28, 2005

March 28th, 2005 — 9:35pm

Farafalle with marinara and meatballs

Enchilada Casserole



Weekend Options
Sweet and Sour Chicken

Saturday we’re going to switch our friends Adam and Melissa. This Saturday we get to go out on a date while they watch our kids and then the 3rd Saturday of the month, we’ll take their kiddos. Needless to say, I’m very excited about our date!

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What happens in Vegas…

March 28th, 2005 — 8:54am

We had a really nice trip. There’s so much to tell, I think I’ll just list out the highlights.

*There was a Starbucks 10 feet from our room (much to Brooke’s delight)
*I immedialty won $46. Brooke was getting frustrated with her machine because she wasn’t winning anything, so the first nickel I put in, I won 6 bucks. (That is pretty telling of how our whole gambling experience was.)
*It was too cold to swim (although some crazy people were) but we did get to sit by the pool and knit. I taught Brooke how to cable – she was shocked at how easy it is.
*Brooke almost called the front desk to ask what time Alias was on. Yes, she’s even more addicted than I am. I thought it was on at 9pm, she thought it was on at 7pm. She was right and we missed it during dinner.

*We discovered that riding the monorail in Vegas takes almost as much time as just walking would (since you have to walk through the whole casino to get to it). But it was fun anyway.
*The fountains at the Bellagio weren’t going because it was too windy, but here’s a picture of me and Brooke inside.

me and brooke in the bellagio

*Cesars Palace was a fun maze of shops, but it was quite pricey. I don’t understand how people can pay $500 for a Louis Vuitton bag. It has also more than tripled in size since I was last there, 9 years ago.
*We really enjoyed the Fashion Show Mall, it made us realize how truly pathetic our mall is here.
*Paris was our favorite casino. It was really relaxing and peaceful to walk around the shops. We didn’t want to pay NINE bucks to ride up the Eiffel Tower elevator, but now I kinda wish we would have.

The Paris Hotel and Casino

*As we traveled back to Mesquite around 11pm, we were able to see all the lights of the city. Las Vegas is HUGE! It makes Grand Junction look like a teeny, tiny ghost town.

*Friday, before we left, we went and got our massages at the spa. Before hand we floated in the mineral pools. It was SO relaxing. Unfortunately, driving through two blizzards on the way home, kinda tensed me back up.

*And for the funniest part of the whole trip: As we waited in traffic, we watched a guy pick his nose and EAT IT.

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Cabled clutch

March 22nd, 2005 — 11:04am

I made this little clutch over the weekend. It’s a knock off of the Margaret and Nicole clutch.

I’m pretty proud of how it turned out, it’s Eden sized, but I think I’ll try to make a larger one too.

purple cable clutch

My friend Brooke and I are leaving early, early tomorrow for Mesquite, Nevada. You may not hear from me until Monday unless our hotel has wireless internet access. The forecast calls for rain Wed, Thurs and Friday, so keep your fingers crossed for us, we’ve both got brand new swimming suits that we’re wanting to break in.

Also, the menu will be back next week too, but I’ll tell you that Jim’s got a wide assortment of frozen pizzas and meals at his disposal to eat while I’m gone.

3 comments » | knitting

Asthma attack

March 21st, 2005 — 12:43pm

I spent the morning at the doctors office. Honor had an asthma attack. He’s never had one before. It started in the middle of the night last night with him sounding very congested. We’ve never dealt with this before, so we didn’t really know what was happening. When his wheezing got worse this morning, I took him into the doctors office.

He’s just so miserable, I feel so bad for him. The doctor sent us over to the out patient clinic next door so Honor could have a nebulizer treatment. It was awful. It took 3 of us to hold him down for the 10 minutes he had to have the breathing mask on. It was so hard to see him so scared, his face was red and he was screaming as huge alligator tears welled up underneath the mask. It helped him a lot though, he wasn’t wheezing at all by the time we left.

Unfortunately, the treatment didn’t last very long. By the time we were leaving the pharmacy, the wheezing had started up again. As soon as I got home, I gave him the liquid Albuterol and Prednisone. It’s been 45 minutes and his breathing is starting to sound better, but it’s not normal. I just feel so bad for the little guy, I just don’t really know what to do for him. It just makes me really sad that he’s probably going to have to deal with this for the rest of his life.

5 comments » | Honor, Kids

Nikon D70

March 18th, 2005 — 10:57pm

We brought the camera home from the office this weekend. I think I’m in love. It’s a Nikon D70, the same as Dooce uses.

Anyway, if I overload you with photos, you’ll know why. The thing I love best about the camera so far is that when I push the button it actually takes the photo, no delay. See, the good people at Nikon know that when photographing children, if you have even the slightest delay, you’ll end up getting a picture of them picking their noses instead of smiling so prettily.

Here I am with my little spud.
Me and Honor

Eden blowing on a dandelion
eden blowing on a dandelion

Jim cleaning the blood off Honor’s face after he found a piece of BROKEN GLASS and tried to EAT IT (I have no words…)
honor ate broken glass

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If there’s yarn involved

March 18th, 2005 — 11:08am

Well, I only ended up with four kids today. I think I might survive! I just keep telling myself, this time next week, I’ll be laying by the pool in Mesquite, Nevada. My friend Brooke and I (and JUST my friend Brooke and I – no kids!!!) are leaving EARLY next Wednesday to say in Mesquite for a few days. We’ll probably drive the hour to Las Vegas for a day trip as well. I’m just excited to be laying by the pool. If anyone knows of a killer yarn store in Las Vegas or anywhere between Las Vegas and Grand Junction, Colorado, let me know. We all know that the trip will be THAT much better if there’s yarn involved.

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forty three

March 17th, 2005 — 2:00pm

Today is my mom’s 43’rd birthday. I took the kids over to her house early this morning, at 9, so we could eat breakfast with her and my little sister. I wonder at this point how fast she feels her life has gone? Will I wake up tomorrow and be 43 and wonder what happened? Honor is already a year and a half and he was just born! hmmm…

My poor husband is having such a rough time! I wish I could help him more. He’s so swamped now with work. It’s kind of amazing, you think “things couldn’t get worse than this” and then they do. I guess this is the time when you remember everything GOOD in your life. Sometimes it’s hard to see, but there is SO much good in our lives.

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I am that crazy.

March 16th, 2005 — 11:36am

I’m getting ready to watch my friend Melissa’s kids who are approximately the same ages as my kids. If you never hear from me again, you’ll know what happened.

We traded, yesterday she watched my kids, today I’m watching hers for an hour and Friday I will watch them for four hours. Friday I’m watching my friend Tara’s kids too, so that means 3 one year olds, 1 three year old, one 2 year old and one 4 year old. Yes, I am THAT crazy.

Monday one of our employees quit, which caused a huge upset, he was a friend before he was an employee. Poor Jim, he’s had so much to stress about before all this, and now his workload has doubled. I wish I could help him more. I’m thinking about working one more half day a week, that would make it 3 half days/week. I could help free up both Jim and his business partner, so they can focus on their most important tasks.

I go back and forth about leaving my babies, but I’m going to work during nap time, so I won’t be missing much. I think for the time being, it’s just a “sacrifice” we need to make. The business is just on the verge of doing REALLY well, and I need to take the next couple of months to help it get over the “hump”.

I think the reason I struggle with leaving the kids is that I NEVER saw myself as being a working mom. I’ve always strongly advocated staying at home. I’ve definitely changed my stance to a degree; I see that I do SO much better if I get a break from my kids. I have a hard time self motivating and having to be somewhere three days a week helps so much. Some people are just so much better at being home all the time and being organized with it; it’s been kind of hard figuring out that I’m not one of those people. I’ve expected myself to be, but I’m just not.

As long as the kids seem happy and I don’t feel like I’m slacking on my job as a parent, we’ll try this. We’re just taking it a month at at time to see how it works. I want everyone in my family to be happy, even me.

6 comments » | parenting struggles

I need new glasses

March 14th, 2005 — 10:23am

Some of may internet friends have been posting links to their glasses. It’s totally making me want new ones. (Not to mention that may prescription is 4 years old!)

I like these a lot.

Nothing too terribly interesting is happening around here, I did a baby shower on Saturday. We bummed around the house yesterday – skipped church because I’m sick of Eden getting sick from the other kiddos. I’ve got the back of my Ribby Cardi done and am almost done with the left, front panel. I hate size 7 needles. It’s SO spring here. Saturday the high was 68 degrees. (Poor you, Sarah, 18 degrees!!!) I need to go buy some seed so I can plant lettuce before it gets too hot. Yep, that’s about it. Oh, and I’m craving cake out of a box. Strange.

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Pony Points

March 11th, 2005 — 10:08am

On his way home yesterday, Jim stopped in St. George, Utah and shopped a little while at the outlet stores. He brought the kids home a couple of toys (but didn’t bring me home a pink ipod mini even though he was at the apple store in Las Vegas. For shame!) He brought Honor a xylophone and Eden a Playdoh My Little Pony. Her two favorite things all rolled into one toy. I was happy for the pony because that meant that we finally had collected enough Pony Points to send off for the free horse. Aren’t I such a NERD??? Getting excited about Pony Points, I’m a little ashamed of myself.

But the best thing about Jim coming home is that I get a new computer. This is extremely ridiculous, but at the office we had an extra brand new computer just sitting around. Jim took it with him on his trip and now that he’s back I get it. I’m really scared to use it because The Head might wack it too. But this screen is getting so bad that I can hardly see through it.

Broken Apple G4 LCD Screen

Isn’t it just the saddest thing EVAR??

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