10 miles

October 8th, 2004 — 1:23pm

Yesterday Jim had the day off so we were able to go on a bike ride. We parked at Riverside park. From there we followed the Colorado River, past Banana’s fun park and all the way up Redlands Parkway into South Rim subdivision. I can’t say how hard that was!! Two huge hills back to back to climb! The only good thing about climbing hills is coming down.
We came down from South Rim into the connected lakes section of the River Trail. We rode through that section, past the Albertsons shopping center and over the bridge on Grand back to Riverside Park.
It was about 10 miles in all. It was hard work (to quote our President), and if it wasn’t for the migraine that was threatening to present itself, it would have been really enjoyable. This time of year is my favorite, with the trees changing and perfect temperatures.
We’ll probably take that same loop tomorrow. The only part that makes us both nervous about it is for a short time while riding along Redlands Parkway, we’re riding next to oncoming traffic with no barriers to protect us. I have to force my overactive imagination to not overact.

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felty bracelets

October 6th, 2004 — 8:39am

Via awful cufflinks
These are the greatest =http://www.glamscience.comfelty bracelets[/url]!! I’d love to order one, or maybe make one… yeah, probably order one.

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a little something

October 5th, 2004 — 8:29am

I’m thinking that I need to make some of these felt flowers (click on the picture to see more) to go along with my hats and scarves. What do you think?

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October 4th, 2004 — 1:05pm

Fiesta Blevinza was a huge success. And I’m exhausted! On top of 50 people coming through my house, I stayed up until 2:30 am Sunday morning and yesterday I woke up sick. The kids and I came down with some kind of stomach bug, which luckily was very short lived; only about 12 hours.

But now we’re all recovering and I’m trying to get the house somewhat put back together. I’ve got one more load of dishes left to do, (I refuse to hand wash dishes, they can just sit on the counter and wait until the dishwasher is finished running) and then I have some very filthy floors to mop. And the play room!! WOW! Talk about war zone.

Since I was pretty busy last week, I thought I’d catch up on all the fiesta projects that I did. These are all the party favors I made:

Popcorn balls. I made two batches and that was more than enough for everyone.

Chocolate covered pretzel sticks. I used 2 containers of Bakers Dipping Chocolate, 4.5 bags of pretzel rods and 2 large containers of sprinkles.

Suckers. I made two batches, I think one would have been plenty.

Cotton candy. I used up 5 lbs of sugar, which made 75 bags of cotton candy. Luckily for me (but not for my thighs) there were leftovers.

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My baby is 1 year old

September 29th, 2004 — 1:38pm

Yesterday was Honor’s first birthday. I can’t believe that it has already been a year. Just in time for his birthday, he started walking so he spent his day toddling around.

He wasn’t sure wat to think of everyone singing him “Happy Birthday” the whole time he just looked at everyone wide eyed.

I made him a robot cake which proved to be VERY frusterating. I got the idea from a friend on glitter.

I tried using fondant to ice the cake, but the stuff is the most horrid stuff I’ve ever tasted (aside from the little minnow I ate in Africa, but that’s another story.) So I ended up sending Jennifer to the store to buy some powdered sugar at the last minute so I could ice the cake with buttercream frosting. I used the fontant to decorate the cake, but I’m really frusterated that I spent $18 on fondant (this was because our wonderful local paper, the Daily Sentinel, neglected to enclose the Michaels ad containing the 40% off coupon. grr.)

Honor REALLY enjoyed the cake, I think it’s the most sugar he’s ever had. Ever.

So onto his presents…
Cars, Cars and more Cars. But, what more could a one year old boy want?

Here I am with my two little stinkers.

All the kiddos enjoying cake.

One last thing I’d like to say… really this party was a celebration that I made it to one my kids first birthday NOT pregnant!!

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Seafoam, tan and brown scarf and tan hat

September 25th, 2004 — 12:59pm

I’ve finished my hat and scarf. I think this is one of the first things I’ve made for myself. I’m really happy with the way this turned out and can’t wait for it to get a litte get cooler so I can wear them.

On another note, Fiesta Blevinza is a week away. All of next week, I will be busy making suckers, popcorn balls, chocolate dipped pretzles, cookies and cotton candy. Yes you heard it, cotton candy. I have my very own cotton candy machine in my very own house. I’ve decided that this is not a good thing because I’ve already eaten my weight in cotton candy and my mom only brought the machine over on Thursday. Anyway, I’ll keep you updated on all my little fiesta projects. This is going to be a busy, busy week. Honor’s first birthday is also on Tuesday so I will be swamped all day Tuesday with preperations for his party.

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enough yarn

September 21st, 2004 — 10:45am

I’m posting from the office so there will be no pictures today. Sorry.

Yesterday I went with my friend Brooke to the yarn store in Palisade. Palisade is the little town about 20 minutes away from where we live now. Jim and I both went to high school in Palisade. Anyway, this shopping trip further confirmed that Brooke and I should not shop together. But somebody seriously tell me how we could say no to Jo Sharp yarn that was half off? Really?

So, I decided to start knitting something for myself. It’s a bias scarf, make out of seafoam, tan and brown stripes. And a tan hat to match. I’m really liking it, but I’m starting to get a little worried that I did not buy enough yarn. I do that frequently. Seriously though, what is enough yarn? I don’t think that I’ll ever have enough yarn and I think that is Jim’s biggest fear.

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Hat #…. well, I lose track, but here it is.

September 17th, 2004 — 11:57am

I’ve finished yet another hat.

This one is out of Brown Sheep Company’s Lambs Pride, Bulky in Ink Blue.

But more importantly is the very cool rice bowls that my sister MADE me for my birthday. I just have to share with the internet how terribly cool these bowls are and make sure everyone out there is jealous of what amazing rice bowls I have.

Did I mention that she made these?

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yummy, salty scrub

September 15th, 2004 — 3:11pm

My friend Dani (aka Crafty goddess) gave me this recipe for a salt scrub. I have to say I’m addicted. I’ve even gone as far as running throught the house, dripping wet, to make more, because I forgot to make some before I got in the shower.

So, here’s what you do. Take your desired container with airtight (and watertight) lid and fill it 3/4 of the way with coarse kosher salt. Pour in oil, I used baby oil, Dani uses lavendar scented baby oil but I don’t like the smell; and stir adding a little at a time until the mixture resembles the texture of wet sand. Voila!

Be careful, the tub may get slippery from the oil. Also don’t use on freshly shaved skin or on any spots that are especially sensitive.

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The bias scarf and pattern as requested

September 13th, 2004 — 8:25am

I finished the bias scarf. I love knitting on large needles, it goes so quick!
The scarf is made out of bernat soft boucle in forest shades.

And here is the pattern:
Cast on 20. Even rows decrease one stitch at the begining of the row by knitting two together. Odd rows knit one, increase one stitch by making one. Do not increase by knitting in the front and back of the stitch, it will make the scarf roll. Just do this until desired length is reached. I knit a scarf until it is as long as me (5’9″).

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