August 14th, 2007 — 11:36am
Yesterday we were in Old Navy trying on a mountain of clothes for school. Honor only had one thing to try on (hello Old Navy, I don’t want to dress my almost 4 year old in teddy bears and clouds!) so he got restless quickly. Luckily I happened to be prepared and pulled a bag of health food animal cookies out of my purse.
He seemed to think this was the best thing ever and told me, “Mom, these cookies make naughty boys be good.”
3 comments » | Honor, quote of the week
August 10th, 2007 — 12:13pm
I’ve finally found myself with the camera and some time to upload photos! Without further ado, pics of our bedroom makeover. It’s not 100% where I’d like it, but I only spent $50 bucks to change the whole thing, so I figure it’s not too bad. Click on any photo to read my extensive notes.

1 comment » | house
August 7th, 2007 — 5:29pm
Eden got a cute, handwritten letter from her kindergarden teacher in the mail the other day. She starts school in two weeks. We’ve started to do a little shopping around for clothes and school accessories. Often times with kids clothes I have to be convinced that I like something before I buy it, so we need a few precursory trips to the mall before I’ve decided what we should purchase.
At first I was really excited for her to be going to school. Sometimes, corralling these two is hard on me, and I thought it would be so great to have some alone time with Honor. (I’ve always thought that was the odd thing about having a second, you’re never alone with them.) But as school time creeps up, I find that I’m starting to feel a little anxious about my baby leaving the house. I think she’s a little nervous about being away from me too.
And I keep wondering, have I taught her enough? Is she really ready to be all on her own? Is she going to starve without free access to the fridge all day? Maybe I’ve held onto the reins a little too tightly? I hope that she’s ready to be loving to her peers, to accept them for themselves and to not project her little beliefs onto them. I hope she’s strong and stands up for herself and those who can’t. I hope that her new friends won’t influence her in the wrong direction and I hope that she won’t influence her new friends in the wrong direction either.
Going to kindergarden sort of seems like growing up all at once, I just hope that we did this whole parenting thing right enough that she won’t fall on her face come growing up time.
4 comments » | Eden
August 3rd, 2007 — 5:08pm
So it turns out that my exciting news for Tangle fell through. But not to worry, things are still going to great, you should see the place. It’s jam packed with the most gorgeous yarn… I have to say Christina (who is my new business partner, by the way, THAT’S an exciting thing!), and I have really good taste!
Anyway, I am certain that things are going to go well for us no matter what! And I’m proud of what business women we’ve become too.
BTW, tomorrow is our first birthday party at the store. Can you believe it’s been a year since I opened? If any of you are in town, stop by the store for a cupcake to celebrate with us! And if you’re not in town, check out the website tomorrow, there is going to be an AMAZING sale going on.
5 comments » | yarn store
August 1st, 2007 — 12:38pm
Sunday (after I had completely torn apart my bedroom, ripped out the carpet and painted the walls and floors – pics to come) Jim got a wild hair and decided that we needed to drive out to the Utah border to look at an obelisk stuck in the middle of the desert. This mythical obelisk turned out to be nothing but the marker on the old highway for the state line. We did take some nice photos though and we did get to witness the sun setting on our way there and the moon rising on the way home.
As much as I hate the summer days here, the summer nights are spectacular. There is something about experiencing the beauty of the earth that makes me feel connected to God.
2 comments » | trips
July 26th, 2007 — 9:53am
I sit down to write and
I have nothing to say. Eden
is combing her
polly pocket’s
with my hair brush. Honor
changed out all the
on his lego robots
and they look
I packed up all the stuff
I’ve forgotten
to take to Tangle the last
several trips.
I can’t forget my camera
too because there is
hand dyed yarn to
photograph. (I do not
use my camera entirely
I really want this jacket.
My mind is buzzing with
many ideas. This is good,
but I fear I will
them all.
It is a relief to be inspired,
Everyone has been quiet
Are you still out there?
10 comments » | random monday
July 23rd, 2007 — 10:51am
Well the wedding went off without a hitch. I have to say, it was the most perfect wedding I’ve ever been to. (Maybe because I was coordinating? ha ha!) I now know that I have to really love someone to coordinate their wedding. Wow, talk about a lot of work!! But it was so fun, and I can’t think of two people who deserve it more.
Also, the day of the wedding we had a new arrival to our family of friends. Miss Selah decided it was time to make her entrance. I’m sooo happy for Kevin and Sarah. Drop by here to wish them well.
Today I’m headed over the mountains for a quick trip to visit Jim’s sister. My friend Brooke is coming with me, so that will help a lot with the I-70 anxiety that I tend to experience. I gotta say, it’s so great to have friends that you can count on! I’m hoping to check out a few yarn shops and of course, another trip to Whole Foods would be great!
AND I also just found out some really exciting news concerning Tangle that I will be announcing soon. (Sorry for the suspense, but I’m just bursting at the seams!) This has just been SUCH a fantastic week and it’s just starting!
1 comment » | daily
July 19th, 2007 — 3:14pm
The wonderful and free! better than booties pattern from
And this started out as the daisy hat from Itty Bitty Hats, but the daisy’s looked so hokey and totally homemade (not handmade) and I tried to sew it all together the night before the shower so I didn’t have time to mess with the pattern and knit more petals. (And that was the longest sentence EVAR.)
Now all we need is the baby! Sarah, get on that ok?
Comments Off | knitting
July 19th, 2007 — 2:59pm
“Mom, Veggie Tales is actually good for people ’cause it’s like Bible stories at the end.”
(And I’m kicking myself right now because Jim had a really good quote earlier this week about church and Christianity and I can’t remember it!)
2 comments » | quote of the week
July 16th, 2007 — 4:01pm
Wow, my life has been busy the last few days. I helped give my friend Sarah (who is about to POP) a baby shower, two of our dear friends are marrying each other on Saturday so that’s got us busy with planning and parties, and another great friend just moved back to town. Needless to say, our house has been quite the hub of activity.
There’s been a lot on my mind, but much of it involves other people – probably not a good idea to write about – so I’m missing the option of this outlet. I’ve also been thinking about how I handle my relationships. I always try to treat people the way I want to be treated and I wonder, do we all automatically default to treating each other the way we’d want to be treated? But maybe it’s better to treat people the way THEY want to be treated? Sometimes there is a big difference in the way I’d like things and the way Jim would like things. I tend to get upset with people about certain things, but are those things a matter of common courtesy or just something that is important to me? And I could ramble on, but I need to go make dinner.
3 comments » | daily