November 16th, 2005 — 9:05am
Chineese at the mall, oh, so healthy!
Potato Brocolli Soup
Chicken Fingers
Crispy Mustard Chicken with Carrots (MS Everyday Food #27 pg 100)
Manicotti stuffed with spinach and ricotta cheese
Spicy Shredded Beef
Chicken Ruben (MS Everyday Food #27)
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November 15th, 2005 — 1:09pm
(Just a second ago, I dug a wash cloth out of the toilet. Let’s not confuse this wash cloth with the one the plumber dug out of the sewer line last week. AHHH, life is GREAT!)
I’ve been going through internet withdrawls all morning. Jim stole my computer. He just doesn’t know what he’s doing to me. What am I supposed to do without a computer? Even now, I don’t have MY computer, I have the Mac Mini. The very slow 256k of ram Mac Mini… hence the reason he stole my computer. It’s just the saddest thing ever.
All I have to say is that I don’t know how much of this I can take. I NEED his RAM to come in, so he can give me back MY computer and he can take this mini. I love my husband, but he should know better than to come between me and my computer.
4 comments » | daily
November 14th, 2005 — 8:58am
Lately Honor has been delegated to every little brothers role – a dog. Now he spends his days crawling around, panting and licking EVERYTHING in sight, including my face on occasion. You know, it’s nothing unusual from what he usually does.
He’s a pretty good dog, he heels, and listens better than he does when he’s NOT being a dog. He also doesn’t poop on the floor. Eden, of course, loves it because he actually listens to her when she bosses him around – every big sisters dream. I only have one concern about Honor’s newfound canine side: the toilet. Dogs love to drink out of the toilet and it’s not like he needs any encouragement. Maybe if I got a collar and leash for him, I could keep him from drinking out of the toilet? Now that’s an idea.
7 comments » | Honor
November 11th, 2005 — 12:25pm
• Yesterday Honor put a (peeled) banana in his pocket and came up to me and said, “My. Pocket. Mom, clean it?”
• I finished this bag last week. I got some random person on the street to model it for me.

• My step-mother-inlaw’s CD was submitted for a grammy nomination. How cool is that?
• This weekend we’re moving back into our old office, the one I love. I am very happy about this.
13 comments » | random monday
November 10th, 2005 — 9:39am
“Agh, Eden just spilled popcorn on the floor. ON PURPOSE.”
“Really? Usually it’s him.”
“Except it’s on accident…. well, actually I think he does everything on purpose.”
“Yeah, in fact, I didn’t get you pregnant, he just willed himself into being.”
5 comments » | Kids
November 10th, 2005 — 9:39am
I wanted to thank you all for your insightful comments about motherhood and guilt. I always really love to participate in thoughtful conversation.
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November 8th, 2005 — 9:47am
I’ve been thinking lately about the natural progression of change we go through when we become mothers. We spend nine months in anxious anticipation and pee-your-pants-excitement to meet our new child. We think more about what we consume, start to worry about the what if’s, and begin changing our lives to suite a little one.
Then the baby is born. Everything we’ve been preparing for the last nine months, all our hopes and fears, everything, it’s done. And it’s a bit overwhelming. Just the very thought of something bad happening to our child can send us into tears. All the sudden we realize that our entire life is ALL about them and not really anything else.
I think as we live our lives completely for our children, there’s a point we get to, and I think it’s different for all of us, that we realize that we used to be a different person and start to miss that person. It happened for me after I had Honor. I was suddenly living my life for TWO little people and I think it was a little overwhelming. I wanted time for myself and I wanted just a minute of uninterrupted solitude. I wanted time with just me and my husband. And I felt really selfish.
Sometimes I still feel selfish, maybe I AM selfish. But there’s got to be a balance. My life isn’t all about me, but I think it’s ok if it’s a little about me.
I’d like to hear your thoughts on this?
18 comments » | parenting struggles
November 7th, 2005 — 1:19pm
So the plumber came out today to fix the toilet. We were hoping that the reason it was overflowing was all the extra rain we got last week. But it didn’t get better, it got worse. So 110 dollars later, we find out why the toilet was clogged. It seems that SOMEBODY flushed a washcloth down the toilet. I wonder WHO that could be?
10 comments » | Honor, messes
November 4th, 2005 — 11:55am
I just finished this clutch from the Knit Scene Mag.

The handle is two pieces of dowel rods cut and then the bag is sewn around them.

I’m most proud of my lining, probably the best sewing job I’ve done.

Now all I need to do is crochet a couple of flowers and find the lucite chain for the handle and it will look kinda like this.

Too bad it’s not this color…
13 comments » | bags, knitting
November 3rd, 2005 — 10:37am
Honor just obeyed me! I told him to go get some socks out of his drawer and he did it. The very first time I told him. And I didn’t have to walk him into his room and make him do it either. He just obeyed. This is a very momentous occasion.
And while we’re speaking of poop these days, I just over heard Eden say in the bathroom while she was undoing her overalls. “Just a second poop, I’ll let you go in the toilet.”
6 comments » | Eden, Honor, Kids