The kiddies

September 23rd, 2005 — 8:47am

Thank you all for participating in my hair drama with me. I know that I promised better pictures today, but that means that I have to commit to taking a shower, and that’s just a little too much.

But I can show you photos of the kids, because I got my iphoto fixed.

Eden making a silly face.

Eden with her very best friend, Alannah, who is over a head taller than her and 2 months younger.
Eden and Alannah

Honor was slowly transferring the whole sandbox onto the patio using these two legos.

Today I am busy getting the invitations for Fiesta Blevinza out. I wish you all lived close enough to come! (if you are close, email me.)

7 comments » | Kids, photos

The big hair day

September 22nd, 2005 — 8:50am

It’s Perfect!! There is a God!! (joking) Ok, here it is. The photo doesn’t do it justice, at all, and my camera batteries died. I’ll post better photos tomorrow, but if you click on this photo you can see the other two that I took before the camera died.

Today, at 11am, I am going to get my hair cut. I am so scared! But also determined. I will not let her cut my hair if I feel she won’t do a good job. I will not!

And since this week seems to be post pictures of myself week, here’s my hair before (not the best pic of me, but oh, well). I think I look a lot like my little sister with my hair being so long. Isn’t it long? It’s the longest it’s ever, ever been.

I’ll post pics of my new cut as soon as I’m back to a computer. Say a little prayer to the hair gods for me.

18 comments » | hair

Monkey wrench

September 21st, 2005 — 8:59am

I was planning on posting photos of the kiddies today, but I’m having all kinds of problems with a plugin I installed for iphoto and now I’m so fed with up with the whole thing that I refuse to mess with it anymore.

So here’s a picture of me wearing my new neck warmer. I haven’t weaved in the ends and the dark green button is falling off (which I ended up replacing with a smaller dark green button anyway) but here it is.

agh! I hate, hate, HATE when I have problems with computers…grrrr.

12 comments » | knitting

Despite his best efforts

September 20th, 2005 — 8:19am

Jim: You look cute.
Me: I do not, I’m fat.
Jim: You look really good in those jeans.
Me: But this (pointing to my stomach.)
Jim: Whatever I’ve seen girls with much bigger guts than that.

And then I watch his face as the realization of what he just said washes over him.

7 comments » | Jim, quote of the week

About the Cars

September 19th, 2005 — 9:30am

Lately Honor has taken to dragging his cars everywhere. First he was keeping them in an old wipe box, and then my mom gave him a lime green bag to keep them in. The bag goes everywhere. He had quite the broken heart the other night when his daddy didn’t let him sleep with Every. Single. Car. He. Owns. He’s even taken to stashing some in his pillow case, on the off chance we don’t find them.

Really this is a good thing. We bought him most of these cars a year ago in hopes that we could find some sort of toy he’d play with. He sure plays with them now. Plus I told Jim to look on the bright side, at least he’s not wanting to sleep with Edens baby any more.

1 comment » | Honor

The knitting class

September 16th, 2005 — 8:13am

So yesterday I taught my knitting class. I think it went pretty well. I had six students with varying degrees of expertise. A few of them didn’t know know to cast on. One didn’t realize that when you knit in the round, that you just keep going ’round and ’round, so she kept turning her work. Luckily we caught it after a few rows. One was an experienced grandma who was just enjoying spending her day at the yarn store. She left early because her thumb was going numb.

The class was two hours long. I think my biggest mistake was thinking that we’d finish the hat in two hours (even though I can finish one in one hour.) I have to go back on Saturday to show a few of them how to decrease and switch to DPN’s. The only person who totally finished her hat was a 10 year old girl. She was great, and amazing, I just told her what to do and she whipped it out. Isn’t that funny?

I had a really great time teaching, it’s really fun to hang out at the yarn store, being surrounded by so much yarn. Ahhhhh. Eden was so impressed that I was the teacher. She keeps asking me, “is there a school in the yarn store? And a desk?” I’m enjoying these moment’s while I can still impress my children, I know it won’t last.

12 comments » | knitting

still not enough candles to burn down the house

September 15th, 2005 — 8:22am

Today I am 24 years old. 24 seems like it will be a really good age, old enough to be taken seriously, young enough to shop in the Juniors section without being laughed out of the store. It’s gotta be a good year.

I’ve got a busy day planned today. First my sweet husband is taking me to lunch at the Nepali restaurant. I love this place and Jim hates it, so it really is love. Then I am going to walk over the the new salon on Main St. that my friend Sarah told me about yesterday. (You saved my life Sarah.) If it seems cool and the stylists have great hair, I’m going to make an appointment. Deep breaths.

Then I will head to the office where I will quickly print out invoices and do some bookkeeping. Next I will go to the yarn store(!) where I will teach my very first knitting class. I’m very excited about this. It’s the Colinette Point 5 hat. After my knitting class, Jim, the kids, my sister and I will all head to my moms house. She’s making me homemade tamales, margaritas, and ice cream cake. Oh, yum.

I’m off to start my busy day.

12 comments » | me

the hair

September 14th, 2005 — 8:28am

I’ve always had the worst experience with my hair. It all culminated when I was pregnant with Honor and Jim suggested that I go to a lady who was in his business referral group. So here I was, 8 months pregnant, with the worst hair cut of my life. I know that it’s shocking that I’d freak out, but I did, so much so that Jim had to yell at me to stop because he was worried that I’d freak myself into premature labor.

I guess it was a good thing in disguise, because it led me to the best stylist in the entire world. She gave me some temporary extensions and was able to eventually work me into a great cut. You can imagine my distress when I found out that she MOVED AWAY. It was quite possibly the saddest thing in the entire world.

So now here I am, it’s been over 9 months since my last cut and I need one, desperately. And I’m scared to death to get one. Thinking about it, I keep fighting off mini panic attacks. I know that I want it to look like this or this but how will I get it? Where will I go? What will they do to my hair? I’m so scared.

9 comments » | hair

The best husband in the world

September 13th, 2005 — 9:26am

Today is the second day of my official birthday week. (Thursday is my actual birthday.) I think every year since we’ve been married I’ve managed to stretch my birthday into a whole week, so last year, Jim decided to go with it. Every morning of my birthday week, I would wake up to a present to open. He set himself quite the dangerous precedent.

But he’s doing great this year. Yesterday I got a really cool necklace made out of huge wooden beads kukui nuts.

big necklace from pollux

Today, in his normal tradition, I got the ugliest sweater in Old Navy so I can return it. Jim is convinced that I love to return things. I don’t know where he’d get that idea? So he always buys me something to return.

ugliest sweater in Old Navy

Don’t you agree that he’s the best husband in the world?

17 comments » | Jim

menu – week of Sept 12, 2005

September 13th, 2005 — 7:19am

Potato soup with bacon

Hamburgers and fresh green beans from my mom’s garden


My 24th birthday
My mom’s making homemade chicken tamales, margaritas and ice cream cake

Spaghetti and meatballs
Pasta Salad

1 comment » | daily, Menu

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