May 24th, 2006 — 8:55am
I finished Picovoli last night. Or I should say, I finished it as much as I could. I ran out of yarn. It’s about an inch short. And of course I picked the last 5 balls of Rowan All Seasons Cotton Color #186 there are, on earth. Isn’t it just my luck to pick a discontinued color, that NO ONE HAS?
But really the lack of yarn really isn’t my problem with the shirt. I should have known from the beginning that I wouldn’t like it. I’m knitting on gauge, the yarn is a good match in weight to Debbie Bliss Cathay, and I’m just finding the fabric to be too firm. I knit this whole thing on 5’s. (And this is were I get to talk about my needles. I bought a size 5 32″ addi turbo for this project. There were rough spots on the needles, so it was like fingernails on a chalk board! I had to stop every few rows because I was being driven insane!!! Finally I borrowed some needles from the store, because, of course I bought the last size 5 32″. I have to send them back.)
Another thing that I should have thought about was the rolling. I just don’t think rolling like this will block out. I should have done a folded hem, although it would have been bulky with this dense fabric. I also planned to do longer sleeves but the lack of yarn nixed that.
Finally, it flares out too much at the waist. I could easily fix that, with fewer waist increases, but it won’t matter. I still won’t like it. There’s nothing like knitting a whole garment, just to try it on to see if you like it.
So here’s my plan: If I can stand to look at the yarn again after all the hours and hours and hours I’ve spent with it, I’m going to rip the whole damn thing out and start over. I’m going to knit a raglan tee-shirt style shirt with folded hems and a more open raglan “seam.” I’m going to knit it on 8’s too. And I’m NOT going to run out of yarn and it IS going to fit.
5 comments » | daily
May 23rd, 2006 — 8:23am
Tuck mid-lick.
Honor the Grumpy Pants
Eden took this one
Eden and her bunny that she loves oh, so much.
Look how tall she looks.
5 comments » | photos
May 22nd, 2006 — 9:09am
•33 comments so far and not a one is male! But it was amazing to hear from all of you!
The internet brings people together in ways that are impossible. It’s something that I’ve really grown to appreciate.
Amy was the winner, her itunes gift certificate is on it’s way!!
•I taught a group of women to knit in November. They decided they would all stick together for all their classes and only I could be their teacher. Since then, they’ve learned how to make a hat, a felted bag and a baby sweater. A few weeks ago they decided to name themselves the “Knitwits.” Their class tonight will be the first of their “independent study” classes, each of them will choose their own project to begin.
Over the months, I’ve gotten to know each of these ladies, each different and amazing in their own way. Each one has had an impact on me. This is why I love teaching.
•My Grandma is in town today from Wyoming. I’m going to go meet her at her favorite place, Taco Bell. She hasn’t seen the kids since before Honor was talking, so I’m excited to see her reaction to how much they’ve changed. Since I see them every day, all day, all the time, the changes happen so much more gradually that they don’t seem so huge and amazing. I really enjoy experiencing them through someone else’s eyes.
•I’m working on a worsted weight sock pattern right now, for beginning sock knitters. The good thing about worsted weight yarn and size 7 needles is that it goes really fast. I got to the heel last night and should finish the sock today. All Seasons Cotton is really strange for socks, but at least they’ll be washable.
•I helped my friend Sarah get her new website up and running this weekend. Go check it out.
4 comments » | daily
May 19th, 2006 — 6:43am
It’s official. Today is the day that all of you out there that I never hear from get to say “hi”. And to sweeten the deal, commenter #?? will win a little prize (of the itunes variety). I’m especially interested to see how many men are reading, Jim thought maybe 20% of my readers are men. I think maybe 4 of my readers are men, all of whom I know.
So you can just stop by to say “hi.” You can tell me a little about yourself or you can tell me your favorite item on the toilet list. Make sure you include a valid email address with your comment so I can email the winner about their prize!
Let the de-lurking begin.
35 comments » | this website
May 18th, 2006 — 8:08am
I finished my Koigu socks! Really these socks went pretty fast, I just never had any time to work on them… except all those times I was waiting a the dentist’s office. And then of course there was the time that the dog drug the sock in progress across the house. That wasn’t a very good day for the dog…
But they’re finished and haven’t sustained any lasting harm. Perfect timing, in a month it’s going to be 100 degrees here and I just knit some wool socks. Oh well.

Pattern: Out of the mind of Joelene
Yarn: Koigu – I have no clue what colorway. I picked it up at Stitches West.
Needles: Addi Turbos #1
Finished: May 16, 2006
6 comments » | knitting
May 17th, 2006 — 8:36am
Lately Honor has taken to tagging the word “Butt” onto the end of every sentence. Like, “I love you mommy, Butt!” “I don’t want to sit on the potty, Butt!” At first I figured, at least he’s not saying “ass” or something worse, but it’s gotten a little excessive and over the weekend Jim banned the use of the “B” word.
See the problem is, these children, they learned the word from their parents. And it seems their parents use the “B” word a lot. So now through the house you’ll hear, “Buh…ottom” or “Buh..ooty” or “Buh…hiney.” Telling your husband to “stop being a bottom” isn’t really all that effective.
We also reside with the “B” word patrol.
“Mom, Honor said the “B” word!”
“Honor, did you say the “B” word?”
“Yes, mommy tootie, Butt!”
“Mom, Honor said the “B” word again.”
“I know. Honor, don’t say the “B” word.”
“Ok, mommy, Butt!”
3 comments » | Honor
May 16th, 2006 — 9:06am
Last week Jim and I met with our insurance lady to talk about adding more life insurance to our policy. If we go with the changes, it’ll be about $70 more a month. A few days after the meeting, Jim came to me with a plan. “We should take that $70 a month and buy powerball tickets!!!” He went on to explain, “With life insurance we have to wait for the other one to die, but with the lottery, we can be rich and be alive to enjoy it.”
Sounds like a plan to me.
5 comments » | daily
May 15th, 2006 — 8:01am
I finished this scarf over the weekend. It was really an easy knit, but remained interesting because of the short rows. I’m in love with the yarn. It’s pretty similar to silk in look and feel and I have to say, I’m becoming more and more in love with silk.
(Notice my new mothers day shoes? They’re a little blurry, but they’re fabulous!)
Pattern: Loop d Loop
Yarn: Chasing Rainbows Dyeworks Tencel and Merino – picked up at Stitches West
Needles: #11 Addi Turbos
Finished: May 14, 2006
2 comments » | knitting
May 12th, 2006 — 9:21am
The new toy.
Features that I think are cool:
It charges the ipod(s) when it’s turned on.
Cross fade feature between ipods (which allows me to switch from Jim’s music to my own far superior music.)
It was $62.54 (brand new) on clearance at my favorite place. Regular price $249.99.
4 comments » | NERD!
May 11th, 2006 — 9:53am
“You’re a good girl Eden.”
“You love me even if I’m naughty huh?”
“Just like God, he loves me even if I’m naughty too.”
“That’s right.”
2 comments » | quote of the week