at some point posting about all of Honor’s messes is going to get old, let’s pretend we haven’t reached that point
So yesterday, while I was chatting with Joelene, Honor found our address stamp and got the ink cartridge out. He had ink everywhere, including the playroom carpet. This is after a good scrubbing.

His hands (and the carpet) are still blue. His lips, not so much. As always, he’s so proud of his destruction.

Today I’m following him around and not letting him out of my sight. I’m taking a risk right now because I can’t see the couch where he’s watching Dora. I’d better go…
Category: Honor, messes 9 comments »
August 3rd, 2005 at 9:32 am
Oh WOW! That is too bad. 2 days ago I found Tasia covered in my darkest red lipstick head to toe. Like she had tried to cover every bit of bare skin with it. My white carpet also got a dose of it. But luckily I have this cleaning magic liquid that I got from Furniture Row and it took it right out. Good luck with scrubbing.
August 3rd, 2005 at 9:49 am
LOL I have to say I love Honor’s messes… probably because I am not the one cleaning them up, and he just looks so darned pleased about them!
August 3rd, 2005 at 10:02 am
August 3rd, 2005 at 10:11 am
there has to be some sort of not-so-cruel parenting shock treatment you can give him / trick you can play on him to get him to stop! maybe just a few days of really, really tightening down will annoy him enough to get him to stop–sort of like, ‘this is not a good way to use your time to yourself, so you don’t get any…’ but not too harsh, you know? you’re going to be bald from pulling all your hair out–or at least have some nasty looking hands from all of the scrubbing! :) i’m hoping, for your sanity–that this is just a phase and not a sign of anything to come!
August 3rd, 2005 at 12:02 pm
So…is he still watching Dora?!
August 3rd, 2005 at 5:46 pm
That kid is too much.
August 3rd, 2005 at 8:10 pm
his hands are camo like his shorts! He is a pretty cute little boy :)
August 4th, 2005 at 8:10 am
Yesterday after reading this post I walked into my livingroom and saw one of my kids had also gotten out our letter stamp. I immedietaly thought of Honor and grabbed it and ran to find a spot they couldn’t find it again. I knew if I would have come back for it later, we would have had a repeat of your situation.
And always remember when you think your kids are onry, just remember the story I told you about Hunter putting the laundry basket on top of Tasia and what he did following LOL!
August 4th, 2005 at 11:17 pm
Nail polish remover gets ink off.
If he got it on his clothing, rubbing alcohol will get it out. I had a highlighter sucked up into one of my favorite shirts. The R.A. got it all out.
You just have to pour on a ton and blot.
The nail polish remover gets off sharpies, and any permanent ink super easily. So it should get that ink right off.I know that because I had a pen explode all over my hands.Hope that helps.