*My little sister returned from a 10 day vacation in Switzerland last week. She brought me some yummy chocolate and coffee and this Oh, so cool necklace.

*Eden and I made a trip to Old Navy this weekend. They finally had in the store this shirt that I’d been wanting ever since they emailed me about it. Shhh, don’t tell them their spam email is effective.
*We also went out to the yarn store, which we found out is moving SO much closer to me!! yay! I bought some blue cotton linen to knit a tank. The pattern is out of some random knitting mag I bought on clearance for .50 cents. And I bought sock yarn! Here’s my progress thus far. (it’s a stretchy cotton)

I’m surprised to say that the size 3 needles aren’t getting to me like I thought they would.
*After the trip to the yarn store, we went to the “ice cream store” where Eden had to have “Pink ice cream, not with a spoon and not with a straw.” She settled for a cherry dipped cone.
*We also went that night to see Madagascar while Honor and Jim went to a guys Playstation/Xbox night for the youth group. Eden really liked it, she sat on the edge of her seat the whole time and kept saying cute things very loudly like, “That ‘zwebra’ is SO funny.” I thought it was OK for a cartoon, I just really hate how they’re making the humor in children’s movies a bit too “adult.”
*Eden starts her teeny tiny ballet class tomorrow. She’s peeing her pants with excitement and I’m sure there will be more about it tomorrow.