
I know that this past week has been a lot of me saying how bad things are. It’s been a really awful week and I appreciate all the support I’ve received. When things get so crappy, it’s nice to know there are people out there pulling for me.

So this (I hope) will be my last, “the world is ending” post.

Honor broke my computer last night. As I type it looks like I’m looking through a broken windshield. He slammed his head into the closed top of my lap top which shattered the LCD screen. I love my mac, but you’d think they’d make their laptops with a little more fortitude. So I’m super frustrated. I feel as though I’ve tried really hard to protect my computer, it was just one of those fluke things that I couldn’t see coming. And I’m frustrated that it seems like he destroys everything.

Here’s to next week being a happy one. One in which I don’t want to lock my children in a padded room and throw away the key. Jim leaves Sunday for LA and won’t be back until Thursday. I’m trying not to worry how I’m going to survive 5 days without his help.

Broken Apple G4 LCD Screen

Category: daily 8 comments »

8 Responses to “Broken”

  1. Joelene

    Oh, Alison, it’s seems you have had the worst week ever. That really sucks! But I hope that your not “broken” you will get through this. Heres to hopeing, praying and wishing that next week is better.

    I know (and I am sure your husband knows too) of some independent companys that replace Apple laptop screens. Becasue I know that it really really sucks, but your not the first to shatter your LCD. Hugs for you and your laptop.

  2. JP

    Its interesting that at “these” times (when it rains, in pours!) everyone always tells you that you need a hug…and if ANYONE gives ME a hug, I usually break down!

    I’m hoping an Internet Hug won’t do that to you…unless you need to break down and have a good cry!

    Hank in there…

  3. JP

    or HANG in there…geez.

  4. LeAnne

    Schedule (RIGHT NOW) a sitter for a 4-5 hour chunk during the time Jim will be gone. You can look forward to it and it will save your sanity.

  5. elizabeth

    girl, if i can survive 8 weeks (so far, i have 2 left) without mike, you are going to do just fine on five days! here’s to you and a much happier next week.

  6. Lactivist

    You’ll survive. Don’t worry about it. The good news is that it really won’t be all that long before you can take your eyes off of them and not have to worry that they’re going to destroy something or inflict bodily injury upon themselves. (((HUGS)))

  7. LeAnne

    Hey, the MS Everyday Food #20 is out…Yay!

  8. Jules

    Honey, I want to lock my children in a padded room and throw away the key EVERY SINGLE DAY! Are we not supposed to want that?!

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