me on tv ->

December 10th, 2008 — 11:58am

It’s kind of hard to get to but here is one of my segments from monday morning.

Click this link. And then from the video player on the lower right, use the drop down menu to select “lifestyle”. I am the first little video.

4 comments » | daily, yarn store

random Monday

December 8th, 2008 — 1:19pm

• I woke up this am at 4:30 for my first of two TV appearances today. I talked about Tangle and how fashionable knitting can be. It was really interesting to see the behind-the-scenes of our local TV station. At noon I’ll be making an appearance at another local TV station.

I’m quite tired…

• I’m really liking these knitted key cozies and this knitted arm chair. All need to do is knit so I can make everything that I fall in love with.

• Maybe it’s because I’ve already been awake for an ungodly amount of time, but I feel as though I’m hyper-aware of every detail today. I noticed the chipped fingernail polish of the anchor who interviewed me, the City employee picking his nose as he waited in traffic, and the way the hair curled on the back of the grandma-lady’s head as she carried packages into the post office. It’s like a super power or something.

• Also, I think I’m going to find a way to turn off my voicemail. I loathe listening to it and usually I wait weeks to listen to them anyway. Texting is the way of the future yo.

4 comments » | random monday


December 5th, 2008 — 12:44pm


Originally uploaded by pretendingsanity

Eden: santa reads cursive?

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random Monday Tuesday

December 2nd, 2008 — 4:40pm

• Yesterday one of the local TV stations called and asked me to appear on their noon show next Monday. I’ll be talking about Tangle, demonstrating how to knit and showing off some of our finished projects. I’m wondering what I should wear! eee! (It’s KREX for those of you who live in town and want to watch.)

• Speaking of my “celebrity” (haha) appearances, here’s the MP3 of my radio interview. Thanks to my lovely friend Carrington for recording it for me.

• Other than that, I don’t have too much else to say today. Life is… well, life, full of surprises, heartaches and joys as always.

2 comments » | random monday

menu – week of December 1, 2008

November 30th, 2008 — 6:05pm

taco salad

tortilla pizzas with ricotta and mushrooms

date night

Chicken with olives, raisins and spinach rice

Sesame Chicken w/ brown rice

Carrie really is cooking this time

Manicotti with ricotta and spinach

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it was a spiller

November 27th, 2008 — 12:52pm

“Dad, we had an accident. It was a spiller. And my tiger has apple cider on him now.”

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menu – week of November 24, 2008

November 24th, 2008 — 1:13pm

Fish Tacos

date night


Thanksgiving at Aunt Ann’s


Chicken Devan

Carrie will be forced to cook for me

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random monday

November 24th, 2008 — 1:00pm

• Honor woke up with his second ever asthma attack yesterday. Because it’s been 4 years since the last one, we didn’t have any medication so I had to take him to the ER to get a nebulizer treatment. I’m very thankful that we have access to great medicine!

• This week is a crazy week for me. Friday (black Friday) is always super busy for Tangle so I’m going crazy doing the rest of the holiday decor and getting ready for our sale. (PS, did I mention that we now have Offhand Design’s bags? I want this one SO bad. And yes, I do need another bag – it’s important!)

• I’ve just about given up on knitting this jacket. The shaping is totally screwy and the fit is going to be completely off. And I’ve knit the whole thing except the second half of the sleeves. I’m beyond words with excitement at the thought of ripping the whole damn thing out. I think I may try to knit it once more with no shaping at all. I find that straight knit things hug my curves much better than garments with obvious hip and waist shaping. I’m totally frustrated but it has such potential… BTW, I’m also just about to swear off knitting anything in pieces ever again. There is something to be said for a top down raglan. Fo Sho.

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random Monday

November 17th, 2008 — 6:53pm

• Tomorrow at noon I’m going to be talking about Tangle on our local radio station KAFM. If you’re in the area and listen to me, you’re not allowed to laugh at my chipmunk voice!

• At my friend Brooke’s suggestion I just finished reading The Shack. To say that it was just what I needed would be an understatement, but I’m still processing the effects it’s had on me, so for now I’ll say that I really enjoyed it.

• Yesterday we drove to the top of the Rockies to meet our niece’s dad halfway and give her back to him for awhile. It’s always a mixture of emotions when we hand her off. There’s the selfish, busy woman in me who is very happy to have one less kid to corral. And this is the only way of life she’s ever known, so it all seems very normal to her. But the mommy in me worries about her. And the part of me that very much wants the world to be as it should (this is a very big part of me) has a hard time wrapping her head around dealing with the world as it shouldn’t be.

[I suppose this might be one of the biggest emotional struggles of my life thus far because it’s very difficult for me to handle things being wrong when they so desperately need to be right. I don’t really know how to reconcile myself to the fact that things aren’t the way they need to be and that lots of times I’m powerless to effect any change – to bring things into the “right”. I don’t like being helpless. I usually make my own path and get what I want, so I don’t like helplessly watching lives headed for destruction and/or pain whilst I sit there not being able to change it… if only by my sheer will. I don’t like any of it. At all.]

• I think that I’ve also discovered that my head doesn’t like the altitude change very much – this is the second time on such a trip that I’ve come down with a migraine. Such fun!

• This week for me is going to be about getting ahold of my life. It will be my second week that I’ve stuck to my house cleaning schedule. And the second week that I’ve stuck to my menu too (just as soon as I plan it!). We’re into the groove of working out pretty well, so the rest of it should come easier too, right?

6 comments » | random monday

New shoes!

November 12th, 2008 — 2:27pm

New shoes!

Originally uploaded by pretendingsanity

Its an addiction. I admit it. At least they were way on sale?

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