April 5th, 2005 — 8:21am

We had such a nice date night on Saturday. We finally used our gift card to the Olive Garden that my aunt gave us at Christmas. (It was funny because one of our employees was picking up some extra hours at the Olive Garden and was our server.) After dinner we walked around the mall until our movie started. I’m so used to walking around the mall either with 1. a stroller or 2. holding two kids, who don’t want to hold hands, hands, that I didn’t realize how much FUN the mall can be with out children. (Even though our mall is LAME).

The movie we saw was Hitch. We both really liked it, I haven’t laughed that hard in a long time. (And while we are talking about movies, let me just say that I can’t believe how EXPENSIVE movies are these days! $7.50/person. I could even justify paying $7.50/person if our theaters were newer than 40 years old. Seriously, these things are ghetto.)

Anyway, it’s just really nice to get out of the house ALONE. I’m glad that this will be a monthly ritual.

6 comments » | marriage

I’m in trouble now

April 5th, 2005 — 8:01am

Honor learned how to say “NO.”

1 comment » | Honor


April 3rd, 2005 — 10:05pm

Well, a grueling week of sifting through code and here it is. I’m really excited about the new and improved It started with my EXTREME need to find a way to block all the freaking spam. Seriously, there were days that I deleted over 100 spam comments from the site. With upgrading the blog software, it should take care of the spam problem.

But there are several cool new features that I think you’ll like. I’ve been able to expand the menu section so that I can now store past weeks menu’s in the database. You can also now comment on the weekly menus.

The posts are now sorted by categories and thanks to my husbands GENIUS mind, the archives are sorted by month AND title.

There will only be one days post on the front page from now on, but viewing previous posts is simple. Just click through the before and after links at the top of each page. Or view previous posts by clicking on the calendar or visiting the archives.

Anyway, I hope you really like it. Please let me know if you find anything wonky as you’re looking around. I’m excited about all the new features and about NO MORE SPAM!!! (keep your fingers crossed.)

Oh, yeah, if something looks really strange, try hitting your refresh button a couple of times and don’t forget to read about how Honor may of may not have consumed a worm yesterday. :)

5 comments » | this website

menu – week of Apr 4, 2005

April 3rd, 2005 — 12:49pm

sweet and sour chicken
noodles with peanut sauce

BBQ chicken
baked potatoes

Carls Jr. Chick-fil-A (we just got one in town and I have a coupon)

chicken curry

weekend options
stir fry w/ grilled chicken

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The afternoon during which Honor may or may not have eaten a worm

April 2nd, 2005 — 2:55pm

The weather has been so nice here today, so we worked out in the yard. I was turning up the dirt in the garden and found an earth worm. The kids were (of course) very interested in the worm and I found myself cracking up about some of the statements being made.

“Honor, bring me back the worm.”

“Mom, Honor ate the worm.” (This is when I went inside to grab the camera. When I came back outside, the worm was gone and there was dirt on Honor’s face and Eden was claiming that he ate the worm.)

Here’s photographic proof that he may or may not have eaten the worm. (I guess the possibility of worm consumption makes him grumpy.)

Honor ate the worm?

(After I found another worm.) “This is my worm, he’s slimy, his name is ‘worm’.”

“Mom, my worm is broke-ing” Can I have a new worm that isn’t broke-ing?”

“Honor, don’t step on the worm.”

Really if you put the words “the worm” in any sentence, it makes it funny.

And here’s a picture of Eden’s curls just because they’re cute.

Edens curls

5 comments » | Honor

Always check your shoes

April 1st, 2005 — 8:32am

Ok, Ok. Jim found a slimey, brown, peeled ……. BANANA.

(those of you who guessed poop, you were at least right in appearance)

Guess what Jim found in his shoe today while getting ready for work? You’ll never guess… but I’ll tell you, Honor did it.

So guess, guess!

7 comments » | Honor, messes

Old Navy Love

March 31st, 2005 — 9:22am

I am SO in love with my new purse. I bough it at Old Navy (where else?). It wasn’t the best purse to take to Las Vegas, because it doesn’t have a shoulder strap and it got a little old carrying it everywhere with my heavy camera in it. I think my hand is STILL sore.

Isn’t it JUST so great?

It also comes in pink, but I’ve been so into green lately.

I also got these shoes at Old Navy.

AHHHH, Old Navy… What would I do with out you?

4 comments » | cool things

Tea leaves

March 30th, 2005 — 11:26am

Honor has been up to his usual stinker self. His latest thing is to open up a box of tea bags and rip them open. He can find the biggest possible mess in ANYTHING. I made the mistake of leaving my empty tea cup by my bed and he managed to find it. He ripped open the wet tea bag and smeared it EVERYWHERE. What is it with this kid smearing things all over my bed? Until this stinker came along, I was sure I wanted to have 3 or 4 kids, now I’m wondering if I would survive four kids?

On the up side, he hasn’t had any more signs of asthma. He will go in for a follow up check up next week and we’ll see where the doctor wants to go from there.

4 comments » | Honor, messes

real quick

March 29th, 2005 — 4:04pm

Joelene led me to find this cool knitting blog.

two pointy sticks

2 comments » | knitting

outdoor fireplace

March 29th, 2005 — 8:13am

Eden stayed at her friend Madison’s house last night for her first sleepover where her brother wasn’t there. I’m assuming that she had a great time, I haven’t got a call yet. I just can’t believe how BIG she’s getting.

Saturday we went to Target. Twice. (We really like Target.) The first trip was kind of a bust, but the second we came home with this.

outdoor fireplace

Honor was SO fascinated with the fire, so I’m sure you can guess that we were busy all night trying to keep him away from it.

Honor with the fire

We had to stop for a booger break. (If you look closely you can see Jim’s grimace. He hates snot. He freaks out every time he has to wipe a runny nose, which is quite often. He’d rather deal with puke than snot. I, however would not and I will forever be the one that gets puked on EVERY SINGLE TIME.)

booger break

All I need to say about this is GRUMPY PANTS!

grumpy pants

She did get a little sweeter, but only a little. She is such a three year old.


We finished off the night roasting marshmallows over our new fire. One small (really small) problem. All we had were mini marshmallows. But, hey, it worked…. kind of.

(You can’t say I didn’t warn you about the picture overload, I’m addicted to this Nikon!)

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