
January 10th, 2005 — 8:43am

So, it’s official. We moved out of our office yesterday. It’s the begininning of a lot of great changes for our business, but I’m still SO SAD. I really loved our office. We spent so much time (and money) working on it, not to mention that our rent was NOTHING compared to any other place in town. And it was mere blocks from our house. The new office is across town.

Why did we move? We’re merging our business with another company in town. This company offers video production and some graphic work. With the merger, our combined businesses will now be able to offer a total marketing package, web design, graphic design, television commercial and radio commercial. There are many other benefits, but I don’t need to bother you all with the boring details.

I just miss our office.

the office

the office

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Jelly Bath

January 8th, 2005 — 9:43pm

Bath connoisseurs this is the product for you!! Jelly Bath turns your bath water into a jelly substance and they say it holds the heat 5 times longer than regular water. Wouldn’t that be so cool? To take a bath in warm jello?? I need to try it. It’s $21 for a box and you can order online. Too bad that the closest store to me is in Aspen, maybe I need to make at trip.

Also, the website has some pretty cool Flash, you can even change the radio station, check it out.

10 comments » | cool things

Heating vent

January 6th, 2005 — 11:34pm

When Eden was a year and a half, my dad gave her a bundle of Mardi gras beads. They’ve been the favorite toy for all of our little visitors ever since. Lately I’ve noticed that we’ve been missing our beads. Out of 12 strands, there were only two left kicking around the house.

Yesterday, Honor was playing with one of the strands of beads. He came and got me and grunted towards the heating vent. I took the cover off, only to discover that ALL of the beads were laying in the bottom of the heating duct. All of them, in a nice, dusty, warm pile. This child just never stops. I swear, the only time he ever plays with his toys is to stick them in the plant, the toilet, the trash can, and now the heating vent. I just don’t know what to do with him.

And now for a moment of Peanut cuteness:
Today when I was heating the remainder of lunch up in the microwave, Eden grabbed Honor’s hand, bowed her poor little hairless head and prayed for lunch all by herself.

5 comments » | Honor

Ktog (knit together)

January 5th, 2005 — 3:34pm

I set up a new web program that will allow you to register and post pictures of your knitted projects.

All I have set up now is a place for the scarf swap spectacular. I’d love to see everybodies progress. I’ll be adding more categories as we go, Joelene and I are going to start on our Ribby Cardi’s soon. If anybody wants to do another knit along or as I call them, knit together, let me know.

It’s still not totally the way I’d like it, but go ahead and start using it and let me know if there are any problems. Mostly all I will change is the appearance.

Happy posting!!

Ktog (knit together)

1 comment » | knitting

Hug my Shrug

January 4th, 2005 — 9:48am

I finished my magknits shrug. The pattern had some mistakes, so email me if you are going to make it so I can tell you what they are. I wasn’t sure if I was going to like a shrug or not, especially since Jim thinks it’s dorky. (Trust me, if I went off of his fashion sense, who knows what I’d look like.) But I like it quite a bit. It’s really comfy, I just used a soft acrylic from Evil Walmart so it only cost me $6.00, and it knit up pretty fast.

my hug shrug


shrug back

4 comments » | knitting

scarf swap spectacular details

January 2nd, 2005 — 10:54pm

OK. Here is who I have signed up.
Lactivist (Carol)
Chicken Flicken (Michelle)

That’s 13. We will each make 13 squares 6 inches long and 5 inches wide. The squares DO NOT all have to be the same. Label each square (with a pinned note card or sticky note or something) with your name and, if you wish, your email/url. I think it will be fun to know where each of your squares comes from. The deadline for your squares is Feb 1st. Please have your squares in the mail no later than Feb 1. Don’t forget to send along a self addressed, postage paid envelope, so I can send it back to you. The sooner I get all the squares, the sooner I can send you out your scarf!!

I will be emailing you with my mailing address. If anybody has decided to back out of the swap, let me know immediately so I can tell the others to make fewer squares.

If anyone wants to send me pictures of their progress, I’ll post them. Let me know if there are any questions.

To sum up.
13 squares – 6 inches long and 5 inches wide
Self addressed and stamped envelope
Mail by Feb 1.

I’m excited!! This is going to be great!!!

2 comments » | daily

My new favorite scarf

January 1st, 2005 — 5:08pm

My step mother in law gave me a gift certificate to the local yarn store for Christmas. I had planned to buy some double pointed needles with it, but I got there and fell in love with this yarn! Brooke was with me and we kind of fought over it. I won.

Here’s the scarf.

my favorite scarf

I’ve also improved my knitting page. Check it out and tell me what you think or if you find any bugs.

7 comments » | knitting

Last chance

January 1st, 2005 — 10:26am

Last chance to sign up for the scarf swap spectacular. There’s 3 spaces left, so email me if you want to sign up. I’m going to post the specifics by Monday.

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December 31st, 2004 — 1:06pm

At the end of every year I like to take a minute to sit and think about the possibilities of the next year. Think about it, we really never know what is going to happen in our lives. Sometimes we dream so big and nothing really happens. And other times our dreams are more than fulfilled. I know what I want to happen in my life, but I wonder what will really happen? The uncertainty of it all is kind of scary, but I think it’s mostly exciting. Starting a new year is like starting out fresh, anything can happen and anything is possible. And to top it all off, THINK OF HOW MUCH KNITTING I’M GOING TO GET DONE IN A WHOLE YEAR!!!

Have a happy 2005, I pray that everybodys life is full of peace.

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A few more Christmas pics

December 30th, 2004 — 2:43pm

Here is my sister modeling her Harry Potter (aka Mesa State) scarf. Imagine her horror when she discovered that the colors she picked out were also the same as her school colors!! This will be the first time she’s ever be accused of having “school spirit”!

Harry Potter Scarf

And Honor opening his MASSIVE box of legos (thanks Grammy!).

Honor's legos

My mom really loves us this year. She got Eden a Barbie CD player that comes with a microphone that she can sing into. Yeah. Eden loves it.
Eden's Barbie CD player

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