I’m a dooce-lebrity!

November 2nd, 2004 — 3:20pm

Imagine my excitement when I got an email from a friend telling me that my knitting was on dooce.com. I feel so honored, Dooce has been referred to as the “Queen of all bloggers”. Not to mention what this has done for my web stats. In the last 24 hours, I’ve had over two THOUSAND hits. I knew that people loved Dooce (how could you not?) but WOW.

So I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has stopped by, I know that I’ll never be as cool as Dooce, but maybe half as cool? While I don’t have a pop tart loving dog to dress up, I do get to fish many, many, many things out of the toilet. Afterall, sticking my BARE HAND in an icy bowl of toilet water to retrieve the beloved toy dog has got to count for something.

12 comments » | daily

Happy Birthday Jennaniah

November 1st, 2004 — 7:44pm

Saturday was Jennaniah’s birthday party. And we were brave enough to let her have her birthday party at our house. It turned out fine, but when I found out that she had invited close to 25 teenagers, I was worried.

Her birthday cake was chocolate with chocolate cream frosting and strawberries. Yummy! Please notice that she is also wearing her new birthday shirt and scarf.

Today she got her drivers liscense, which makes Jim’s life much easier. He no longer has to wake up at 5:30 in the morning to drive her, across town, to school.

It will be interesting to have a driving teenager in the house. At least I can send her to the store to buy milk if we run out!

3 comments » | daily

The Sampler

October 28th, 2004 — 11:13am

Check this out. “The Sampler is an ever-changing monthly collection of samples, goodies, promos and more from indie crafters, record labels and zines – mailed right to your door!”

$25 for 3 months, not too bad. I’m saving up my pennies, the pennies that aren’t going for yarn that is.

edit: I see that they just raised their prices, $39 for 3 months, still not too bad. :)

2 comments » | daily

I’m such a blogging slacker

October 26th, 2004 — 8:13pm

But you’ll forgive me when you see my Hallowig, right?

And if that doesn’t make you want to forgive me, this certainly will.

4 comments » | knitting


October 22nd, 2004 — 10:01am

Last weekend I started working on the Frida poncho from MagKnits. I LOVE IT! It’s so fun to knit; sometimes it can get boring doing the same stitch over and over and over again. This is why Frida is great, so much stitch variety. So with all this greatness, there has to be something sad, I don’t have enough yarn. And, I bought it on closeout; I’m so afraid to check and see if the yarn store can get more. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

The reason I have not gotten very far on the poncho is that 1, I’m scared about the yarn and 2, I’ve been secretly working on Jennifers birthday scarf. The other night she came home and I had to stuff it between the couch cushions before she could see it. Luckily last night she was out (no school) so I was able to finish it.

I’ve also started on Knitty’s Hallowig. I’m going to attempt to shorten the bangs to more of a punk rock length, but I’m not sure if I’m that good.

1 comment » | knitting

Scarf pattern generator

October 19th, 2004 — 2:10pm

scarf pattern generator

WOWZERS. This will come in quite handy.

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up to the mountain

October 18th, 2004 — 11:57am

I just really can’t believe that I’ve been married for 5 years. I feel so old saying this, but where did the time go? I can hardly fathom how much my life has changed since we were married.
When Jim and I got married, I was 18 years old. I worked at Palisade Pharmacy for under $8 an hour. Jim worked at a telemarketing company for like, $8.50 an hour. Our rent was $350 a month, all we had to pay was trash and electricity. We had virtually no debt.

Now we have a mortgage, a thriving business with 3 employees. A daughter who, no matter how many times I tell her, will not go get her pants on! A son who likes to bite everything, including aforementioned daughter. In a blink of an eye your life can up and change on you. I think I’m finally getting used to the fact that this is my life now. I’m learning that although it can be SO hard, it can also be SO good. In a time when some of my friends haven’t made it to their 5th wedding anniversary, I’m so very thankful that I have a husband that I love tremendously and that loves me back.

This is the sunset view from our room at Powderhorn.

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Wrist Warmer and Biker Baby

October 14th, 2004 — 10:39am

I finished these wonderful wrist warmers last night.

(Please don’t think less me for having inherited my Dads chubby hands. Or for the picture being weird, it’s hard to take a picture of your own hand.)

Also, for your viewing pleasure, Eden, the Biker Baby.

More to come on the wrist warmers later, I’m working on a whole new, database driven, page for my knitting.

1 comment » | Eden, knitting

it’s all fun and games until somebody falls in the bathtub

October 11th, 2004 — 2:59pm

Last night Eden and Honor were taking a bath. Jim stood guard over them while I folded the mountain of clothes on our bed. We came to this arrangement because if Jim encounters a mountain of clothes on our bed he has this insatiable desire to throw all of those clothes On. The. Floor. Not in a laundry basket, the floor.

Honor was finally banished from the bathtub, I think because Jim was starting to get hoarse from saying “Honor, sit down” every 8.5 seconds. I had to take a break from folding clothes to get him all greased up. This is because his father refuses to touch lotion. On top of that, Honor had a diaper rash and needed some cream on his bottom. (While we’re talking about rashes on the bottom, Eden has been very interested in the fact that Honor has a rash. So the other day after going potty – yes the child actually went potty! – she came out of the bathroom and announced, “I have a RAT on my bottom.”)

I got him all jammied up and went back to my clothes folding while Jim started to take out the trash. Eden was still happily swimming away in the bath. All the sudden I heard a splash and Eden yelled, “Mom! Honor has jammys on in the bath tub.” There Honor stood, in his jammys, sopping wet and yelling. (Notice how he was once again STANDING UP!) The toilet brush was floating in the tub behind him.

I can’t even figure out how he got in there, unless he just jumped head first? I DO know how the toilet brush got in there; every time I turn around he is brandishing it like a scepter! As much as he likes the toilet, I guess it’s fitting. Honor, the King of the Toilet. Maybe he’ll potty train early…..

4 comments » | Honor

Dooce and Baby Dooce

October 10th, 2004 — 3:43pm

Many of you know that I’m a Dooce addict. While she was in the hospital, I decided that I’d like to make her a scarf. Kind of a literal way to send her a hug. Anyway, I’ve finally finished it along with a hat for the very cute Leta.

Here they are

The pattern from the scarf was adapted from this pattern from Knitty. I used TLC Amore yarn in white, celery and plum. For the ruffles I used Lion Brand, Cotton Ease in black.

Now I just have to pack it up and mail it off. Maybe she’ll get it before Thanksgiving!

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