November 28th, 2005 — 1:06pm
“It’s funny, he can’t play with his toys for more than two minutes but he can do something naughty for hours.”
“Yeah, playing with his legos – eh, but playing in the toilet! Yay!
Coloring on the coloring book – eh, but drawing on the cabinets with a sharpie! Yay!
Reading books – eh, but playing with mommies makeup! Yay!
Playing with his cars – eh, but dumping toys down the heater vent! Yay!”
5 comments » | Honor
November 24th, 2005 — 11:26am
The turkey is roasting away, filling the house with an intoxicating aroma. The stock for the gravy is simmering on the stove, and the bread is starting to rise. I wanted to take a minute away from my preparation to say how thankful I am for life today. God has truly blessed me with many wonderful things, including people who love me.
I am so thankful today for my friends, on the internet and in real life (and so thankful that some of my internet friends are my real life friends too!) You have all impacted my life in ways I cannot say. I have cherished every minute of my “internet life”, every friendship I have formed, every lesson I have learned. I think I have become a better person because of it, and for that I am abundantly, forever thankful.
Have a very happy Thanksgiving.
4 comments » | holidays
November 23rd, 2005 — 10:13am
Today I am going to get most of my baking done. I’m going to make Marthas Mile High Apple Pie. And I think I’m also going to make some cranberry-cornmeal cookies. I’ll also get the refrigerator rolls started.
Today I also have to clean and prep the turkey. This is my absolute LEAST favorite part of Thanksgiving cooking. Next time I cook a turkey, I vow to buy an already thawed one. Eewww, it just grosses me out to deal with raw poultry. But I think the thought of pumpkin pie and apple pie will keep me going. Mmmmmm…..
2 comments » | holidays
November 22nd, 2005 — 10:11am
5 comments » | Kids
November 21st, 2005 — 5:08pm
Portobello Mushroom Burgers
Manicotti – Jim wouldn’t make it last week
Bourbon Chicken
The rest of the week
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November 21st, 2005 — 10:12am
This is the hat I taught this weekend. It only took me one hour. The yarn is Rowan Biggy Print.

And my leg warmers are finally done. The pattern is from Last Minute Knitted Gifts in the 2 to 4 hour section. What a load of crap! Each one took me at least 5 hours.

7 comments » | knitting
November 18th, 2005 — 9:31am
Honor just spent 30 minutes crying because the banana that he had half eaten wasn’t big anymore. Two year olds can be so unreasonable. After that he decided that he wanted a “sammich” with “matos” and knowing that he wouldn’t eat the bread, I just gave him the meat. When he finally stopped crying long enough to taste his meat, he accidentally tore it. And that sent him into a new wave of hysterics.
It took me five minutes to convince him that having his meat in a nice little roll was cool. Then he discovered that it was really fun to unroll. Guess how many times I rolled up that piece of turkey?
Today is going to be a great day, I can feel it.
14 comments » | Honor
November 17th, 2005 — 10:09am
Diet Dr. Pepper really DOES taste more like regular Dr. Pepper.
7 comments » | NERD!
November 17th, 2005 — 10:09am
Congratulations to my friend Kari who just found our that she’s having a boy!
3 comments » | cool things
November 16th, 2005 — 9:16am
I’m still using the Mini. Isn’t it amazing how much we grow to love our computers?
Now don’t anyone fall over or anything, but I actually just posted my menu for this week, so go check it out. And yes, I know it’s halfway through the week already, but something is better than nothing right?
We’ve really been slackers about planning Thanksgiving, but we finally got which family members we’re spending it with arranged. We’re hosting dinner at our house and I’d like to come up with some different yet traditional-ish dishes. Usually we have turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, refrigerator rolls (yum!), cranberry sauce, 7up salad, green bean casserole and of course(!) pie. Lots and lots of pie. I’d like to at least change up the side dishes. Anyone wanna post your Thanksgiving menus?
7 comments » | recipes