August 28th, 2006 — 2:09pm
Well, I am happy to report that we are on day two of no accidents (not counting nights). Honor has successfully pottied in the potty without even being told. The key seems to be wearing big boy underwear, but today we were out for several hours while he wore a pullup and he didn’t have an accident either. Could this be it? I’m probably jinxing myself just writing this… Keep your fingers crossed for me, it would be nice if he could be trained by his 3rd birthday one month from now.
3 comments » | Honor
August 24th, 2006 — 12:46pm
What does your name mean? Mine means, Honest Truthful One. I think mostly I tend to live up to the meaning of my name, sometimes brutally so. But there are times that I shirk from the truth. There are times when it’s really hard to tell the truth. Especially when you know the truth will really hurt.
Maybe Honesty isn’t always the best policy. Is it better to destroy a relationship in the name of honesty or to preserve it in the name of… deceit? omission?
And while we’re talking about truthfulness, do you feel compelled to tell a person in a close relationship if you think they are doing something wrong or damaging? I think this is where it gets sticky. I think a good friend should be able to be honest with you without destroying the relationship. But I think that the risk a good friend takes is that just because they think you are doing something wrong, doesn’t mean that it’s actually wrong. And in that case, they damage or destroy the relationship and loose your trust.
What do you think?
(edit: Not to worry, nothing is going on, I’ve just been thinking about this for awhile.)
13 comments » | daily
August 23rd, 2006 — 9:36am
Just in case anyone is interested, no pressure.
The Foxy Socks Club members receive the following over a 3 month period:

• A different yarn each month, enough to make a pair of socks. This yarn could be the following:
-hand dyed superwash wool
-self patterning superwash wool/nylon
-solid superwash
-self striping superwash wool/nylon
-cotton with elastic
-…? the possibilities are endless, all yarn will be machine washable.

• A punch card for sock patterns. Every 4th sock pattern bought will be free.
• 10% discount on sock needles (any brand, sizes 0-3)
• Monthly sock club meetings (3rd Saturday of every month from 2pm – 4pm.)
What about color choices? 
Upon registration you may list the colors you love and hate. We will try our best to accommodate this, but part of the experience of the sock club is the surprise of getting an unexpected yarn. If other color choices are available, members may exchange odor-free yarn in it’s original packaging for a different color choice in the same brand. Exchanges will be for color only, not for a different yarn. Members will be responsible for any additional shipping costs that an exchange by mail will incur.
Pricing (all membership pricing is non-refundable)
• In-Store Pick Up: $50.00 for 3 months
• By Mail: $60.00 for 3 months
When do I get my yarn?
Yarn will be ready for pickup the first day of every month and can be picked up during our regular store hours. 
Mail order yarn will be mailed out within the first five days of every month via USPS First Class Mail.
5 comments » | yarn store
August 22nd, 2006 — 12:41pm
Dear people of who drive on my streets,
Please drive carefully. I know it is easy to think this, but you are not the only one on the road. Please watch for stop signs. You’re really supposed to stop at them. Especially if you are downtown, please stop. I see you running them everyday, but they really are there for a reason.
Please watch for red lights. You’re really supposed to stop for these too. Especially if you are an 18 wheeler, please stop, you almost killed my family yesterday. (We’re talking almost as in you missed them by mere feet.) I kind of like them and they kind of like me and we’d sort of like to stay together if that’s all the same to you. I know you are bigger than everything else, but really, the laws still do apply to you. It’s surprising, I know.
Please check your blind spot before changing lanes. You’re really supposed to do this, especially if you are a big fancy-pants SUV. I know this is an irksome task, but if you crash into my meager Honda, it will probably leave a dent in your big fancy-pants SUV. I like my meager Honda as-is and I’m willing to bet you like your big fancy-pants SUV the way it is too.
Please just be very careful in general. I know someday I’m going to die and someday you’re going to die too. I just don’t want it to be because you couldn’t stop when you really should have.
4 comments » | daily
August 21st, 2006 — 3:26pm
Hopefully these menus will resume their regular appearance.
Grilled tuna with Olathe sweet corn
Chicken Curry and basamati rice
Homemade Tamales for my sisters 23rd birthday
Mushroom Ragout with polenta and green beans
weekend options
4 comments » | Menu
August 21st, 2006 — 9:41am
• Today I cut Honors hair. You’d think by now, he’d be ok with the clippers. But, alas, he is not and it was so not very fun. This time I had him sit in the bath tub on a stool with just a pullup on. At least the mess was containable.
•Being in the hair mood, I decided to dye mine. Ahh, the things you get to do on a day off… It will just be a shade darker than my natural color. (I sit and type with a plastic bag over my hair while it processes.)
I’ve also been on the look out of a new hair cut. I had my stylist cut quite a bit off last time because the straightening iron was murder to my poor hair. But now I’m not really liking it. Right now it’s right above my shoulders in sort of that faux mullet that I’ve been sporting lately. Everyone seems to be wearing side-swept bangs and faux mullets these days… I want something different. And fast. I’ve been spending a lot of time on madradhair but to no avail. *sigh* Having good hair makes all the difference… Time to go rinse.
3 comments » | hair
August 19th, 2006 — 10:18am
I just have to say, I want these.

3 comments » | random monday
August 17th, 2006 — 9:41am
When Eden went to visit my Grandma with my mom and sister a couple of weeks ago, my sister tried to play some country music in the car (this is why, out of all the channels we have on cable, only the country music channel is blocked.)
Eden announced, “Country music is bad for little kids, kids can’t listen to country music.”
That’s my girl.
5 comments » | Eden
August 16th, 2006 — 11:10am
I wrote the pattern for these mittens last week. I think it was a beautiful use of the new Malabrigo. I’m looking for a couple of people to test the pattern for me, so let me know if you’d be interested. (I’m also looking for someone to test the hooded scarf too.) Ok! I’m all set on test knitters, thanks!!
6 comments » | daily
August 14th, 2006 — 10:19am
Last week, after I got off work, I loaded up the kids and headed out to the mall to look for some new shoes and jeans. Usually this would be a fun experience, but we have NO good shoe shopping in this town. It’s pretty sad, really. After several stores and dinner, we headed to Old Navy. The thing about Old Navy is that even though I love their jeans, I have to try on every single pair in my size to find the perfect pair. No pair of jeans is the same.
Needless to say, we were out for several hours. As we were leaving Old Navy, I picked Honor up and noticed that his pants were wet. “I spilled water.” he told me. Um, yeah, no water in sight. Thats when I realized that he had had real underwear on the whole time. Over 3 hours he went without an accident.
I called my sister to ask her to let me know next time he’s not wearing a pullup and that’s when I found out: He always wears real underwear for her and he never has an accident. He always sits on the potty. He even goes without being told.
So, yeah, when it comes to potty training, it’s just me he hates.
8 comments » | Honor