April 5th, 2006 — 8:41am
Well, I sit here and type this with my numb mouth. Really, the root canal wasn’t too bad. With all the braces and mouth surgeries I’ve had, it didn’t seem bad at all. The dentist was done so quick, in less than an hour, that he offered to fill a cavity next to the root canal tooth. I thought, “What the hell? I’m already in it for 1600 dollars, what’s another couple hundred towards the dentist’s Ferrari fund?” You’d think they’d give me a discount for the filling; I was already numb and everything. But, nope, I paid full price for this baby.
One thing I come away from this knowing, when this tooth gets paid off, or hopefully even before then, I’m gong to start a medical savings account. We just need to plan on these things being a monthly expense so it doesn’t hit so hard when it happens. Ahh, the joys of being an adult… a self-employeed, uninsured adult.
7 comments » | daily
April 4th, 2006 — 12:27pm
customizable chore charts
(Oh and Honor just told me that he needed to go potty and he went and sat on the potty and peed all by himself! wow.
Edit: I should also mention that he not only went on the potty, but that he carried it into the dining room for me to see. Can’t get much by that boy.)
4 comments » | Kids
April 4th, 2006 — 9:20am
I’m feeling much better today, except that I just paid bills and that’s never makes anyone feel good… except, I guess, not being able to pay bills, which makes you feel worse… so I guess I’m feeling better today. My root canal is scheduled for 7am tomorrow, nothing like starting the day out great! I’m relieved that I at least got an appointment with my regular dentist rather than the rude and uncompassionate one I saw yesterday. If someone is going to spend an hour and a half hammering on my poor tooth, they had better be nice.
Even though I’ve been laid up, I haven’t got as much knitting done as I would have liked. I finished my Koigu sock, but I refuse to post a photo of it until the second one is done. That will give me some sort of motivation to finish the second. I’m working another purse, my own pattern, and it’s coming along, slowly. Also I’m almost finished with the Linen Print shawl for my mom, it’ll only be about a month late for her birthday, oops. All of my projects are in varying stages of completion, but all I can think about is this rug. I want to knit it so bad!
It’s just so amazing! Someday, I will finish my huge list of projects I have to get finished and I will knit this rug. Someday…
5 comments » | knitting
April 3rd, 2006 — 10:30am
Yesterday, I woke up at 7:00am (so really 6:00am to my body – thanks Daylight Savings Time) with the most terrible toothache of my life. It was like the kind of sharp excruciating pain that makes you want to scream, except you can’t scream because your tooth is killing you. I quickly took a Darvocet that I had leftover from something or the other and sprayed the tooth with some Chloraseptic to numb it. The Chloraseptic gave me about 20 seconds of relief before the pain came back and I wanted to smash my head into the wall.
I was trying not to wake Jim up, but finaly I woke him up and asked him to call the dentist. All this happened between sprays of Chloraseptic – it was starting to make me sick but it was the only way I could handle the pain. Seriously, I told Jim that I’d rather be having a baby than suffering that toothache. The dentist called me in some Vicodin and some antibiotics and Jim got me a shot of Vodka to hold in my mouth.
Vodka at 8:00am, when you’re feeling sick to begin with, is not very enjoyable. I finally couldn’t handle it any more and tried just holding some water in my mouth. Surprisingly it helped. And it’s what I did for the next 4 hours. I took another Darvocet around 9:00am, and just sat there watching the clock, with a mouthful of water, waiting for 45 minutes to pass so I could get some relief. It didn’t help. And I just started to cry, which was really hard with a mouthful of water. I was so frustrated by the pain and the lack of relief, I was worried that I wasn’t going to be able to sleep and that I’d be up all night, holding water in my mouth. I just couldn’t take it. Honor was sitting on the couch, and he kept asking, “Mommy are you crying?” And he started to cry. I felt so bad, he was worried about me. And he was being so sweet, giving me hugs and touching my cheek.
Finally, after two Vicodin and some antibiotics, I threw up. And for some reason, my tooth started to feel better. (I think the antibiotics started to help.) I was finally able to sleep. Since then it’s gotten better and better. Although, I’m still taking Vicodin every 4 hours, I’m scared for the pain to come back.
I went to the dentist this morning, and I have to have a root canal. A SIXTEEN HUNDRED DOLLAR root canal. Either that or have my tooth pulled. So I went ahead and scheduled it for Wednesday, but I’m sitting here thinking, is my tooth worth $1600? That’s like a down payment on a car. I think I’m going to go ahead and do it, but geeze this sucks. I’m just glad I’m not dying from pain anymore.
12 comments » | daily
March 31st, 2006 — 8:23am
I’ve been meaning to take photos of the shirts I got for the kids in California. I wasn’t so sure about this shirt for Eden at first, but Joelene pointed out that since almost every photo I take of Eden is a grumpy one, that really this shirt is very appropriate.
And of course she really likes it, if only because it’s extremely pink.
I was just happy to find any black shirt for Honor. I have the hardest time finding clothes for little boys that don’t have teddy bears on them. I’m not really into the sports thing, so I’ve tried to limit the amount of baseball shirts he has. It’s not really easy to do. Luckily, I can usually at least find some cammo stuff, but there’s only so much cammo a boy can wear. Since dressing a boy isn’t nearly as fun as dressing a girl anyway, I just want to at least like what he’s wearing. I’m picky, it’s sort of silly, I know, but you have to admit, he’s pretty dern cute.
7 comments » | Eden, Honor
March 30th, 2006 — 9:57am
My links page works now. And I need to say one more thing and then I’ll stop talking about my website. I have to give credit to my husband. I did the design, but he made it all work. All that coding is no easy thing. My knowledge of PHP is limited to editing pre-exsisting pages, and even then I barely know what I’m doing. Jim on the other hand is a coding genious. He made all of this work and continues to fix it for me when I mess it up (which is, unfortunately, quite often.)
He installed the new (and very cool) version of wordpress for me, did something fancy with the database and even wrote a script that made 10 comments » | Jim, this website
March 29th, 2006 — 8:39am
I can’t believe that I forgot to take photos of the scarf swap scarves! Luckily I still had one to get out to Canada. These things are impossibly hard to take photos of, so here’s the best I can do.

In other news, Honor boy sat on the potty (and went) 12 times in a couple of days, filling up his chart, so he got his batman toy. Has he gone potty since? Nope. Maybe I should train him like the puppy and just have him go on newspaper.
2 comments » | Honor
March 29th, 2006 — 8:16am
“Aren’t you glad that you did your chores and got your Dora toy?”
“Mmm, hmm!”
“But you know that you still have to do chores.”
Jaw drops open, “But I finished my chart!”
“Do you like to live here?”
“Yes, silly.”
“Everyone who lives here has to do chores.”
“But mom…”
5 comments » | Eden
March 28th, 2006 — 12:01am
Saturday we drove 30 miles to the next town over to pick up our new beagle puppy. He and the kids were very excited as we drove home, so much so that he peed on me 3 times on the way home. Nothing like breaking in your new owner. (Let’s not talk about our floor – I’m just thankful that we’ve got mostly hard surfaces.)
He’s 3 months old, cute, sweet and he can clear a room like nobodies business. We’re pretty sure that his name is going to be Tuck. He’s sitting snuggling me with his sweet puppy head as I type this. awww…
And if you’re surfing with bloglines, you may want to check out the new look. Now you know why my wrist has been bothering me! I’m still testing, and working some things out (especially in Internet Explorer), but I’m glad to be done. Just let me know if you find any bugs as you browse around.
23 comments » | dog, this website
March 27th, 2006 — 9:40am
I have something special for tomorrow, but until then, guess what I won? A nano! Isn’t blingo the bestest ever? If you haven’t signed up, DO IT!!! I’ve won 11 prizes since I started using it, including 2 Visa gift cards, movie tickets, free itunes and now my ipod Nano!

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