January 30th, 2006 — 11:37am
A few more things I’ve finished over the weekend. These bebe pants are knit out of Rowan denim (FYI: cotton, Elaine) yarn. It’s cool cause it shrinks and fades like jeans. They were a gift for my friend Jill for her baby shower on Saturday.

And I finished this kitty hat for the store (photo taken at the store.) I’m teaching the class in March. Good ole Stitch ‘n Bitch.

On another note, the carpets are being cleaned right now. Honor took the opportunity of my having my back turned on him last night to get the sugar jar and spill it all over the playroom. I can’t say HOW lucky he is that it was last night and not tonight.
I’m taking bets on how long it will take before he spills or purposely smears something (staining) on the newly cleaned carpet. Whoever gets it right will win a little prize!
15 comments » | knitting
January 27th, 2006 — 2:24pm
I was at the fabric store earlier today picking up some strapping for the purse that my mom is helping me make. As I was waiting to get my items cut, Honor was trying to get into the big bin of buttons. Fearing the backlash from the meanies at the store, I told him no, and picked him up. He asked me “Why?” And the lady cutting my strapping said, “Oh, I miss that, the ‘whys’.”
I jokingly said, “Trust me you don’t.”
And she replied, “If you like being mom you do. I guess if you don’t like this age and can’t wait for it to be over then you don’t. But I liked being a mom.”
I didn’t even know how to reply to that, so I just stared at her.
23 comments » | ouch
January 26th, 2006 — 10:08am
So you know the snow that it was just snowing like THIRTY MINUTES AGO? It’s almost gone already. Boo. That’s all I’m going to say.
5 comments » | daily
January 26th, 2006 — 9:39am
I’m pausing from my “sword” fight with Honor with plastic knives (how safe is that?) to post a few pictures.
First! I woke up this morning to big, fat snowflakes! They’re still coming down!

I just finished knitting this Ballet Tee from Loop d Loop and I whipped up some little leg warmers to match with the leftover yarn. I added a garter stitch border at the hem and also picked up stitches and added a border for the neckline too. Does anyone know the washing instructions for Cotton Fleece?
Eden was none too pleased to be modeling for me today, hence the grumpy face.

EDIT: I forgot the most important part, a big FAT thank you to Leanne for the yarn! You’re such a sweetie!!!
12 comments » | Eden, knitting
January 25th, 2006 — 10:23am
Maybe I’m the only one who’s particular about the way certain dishes are washed? But there’s several things that I’ve found in the dishwasher that made me freak out a bit. So I made a little list to post in front of the sink. I even said please. See if you can tell what Jim added to my list.

(no offense to Mormons intended)
14 comments » | NERD!
January 24th, 2006 — 9:51am
Well, it’s only two hats, but here they are.
Birthday present for my friend Adam.

And I actually knitted myself a hat! As many of these as I’ve made, and this is the first one I made for myself.

5 comments » | daily
January 23rd, 2006 — 9:13am

Me: “Eden, are you glad that you were obedient and got your car?”
Eden: “Yes.”
Me: “Do you like your car?”
Eden: “Yes.”
Me: “Do you think you’ll keep being obedient?”
long pause
Eden: “Mmmmm…. Maybe.”
4 comments » | Eden
January 23rd, 2006 — 8:14am
Heidi tagged me!
4-Jobs you have had in your life.
1. Hardware store clerk
2. Pharmacy Technician
3. Painter of hand made rocking animals
4. Knitting teacher
4-Movies you would watch over and over again.
1. Ever After
2. The Notebook
3. The Matrix
4. yeah, I can only think of three.
4-Places I have lived.
1. Wyoming
2. Colorado
4-tv shows you love to watch.
1. Battlestar Gallactica.
2. 24
3. Martha
4. Grey’s Anatomy
4-Places you have been on vaction.
1. Disney Land
2. Four Corners/Mesa Verde
3. Las Vegas
4. Very soon to be California!!
4-Websites you visit daily
Too many to list.
4-Favorite foods.
1. Sushi
2. Candy
3. Salad
4. Tamales
4-Places you would rather be right now.
1. Knitting
2. Ouray hot springs
3. shopping
4. having coffee and a bagel at Main St. Bagels
3 comments » | daily
January 20th, 2006 — 9:25am
That’s what Honor kept saying when I took this picture.

He’s been dragging all these little toys around. He usually stuffs a few in his pockets and I discover that he has all these little things when we’re out somewhere. It’s funny how I treasure whatever he does. These are my treasures too.

8 comments » | Honor
January 19th, 2006 — 12:59pm
I had a long talk with Eden before she layed down for her rest yesterday. And when she got up, she told me that she “thinked” about it and she’s going to try and get her star tomorrow. I asked her, “So you’re going to be a big girl?” “Yes, when it gets dark and then it gets light again. In the morning.” “So will you say your verse?” “Yes, in the morning.” “Why don’t you say your verse now?” “No, I can’t. Sometimes girls just like to wait to say things until tomorrow.”
6 comments » | Eden