February 21st, 2008 — 4:20pm
My mind is buzzing with ideas for our new Amy Butler fabric. It’s almost enough motivation to get going on refinishing the chairs so I can cover the seats. Almost.
I’m also thinking of making these storage bags to hang on a small wall in our dining room. I think it would be nice to have one for everyone in the house so when I’m running around picking up stuff, I can just put it in their bag rather than take the time to put everything away.
Also with scraps, cloth covered thumb tacks are perfect.
(I really need to stop sleeping so I can have more time to craft!)
2 comments » | daily
February 20th, 2008 — 1:14pm
The gas stove came Monday. I haven’t even had a chance to cook on it yet, but tonight… there will be a feast!

(new cell phone takes pretty good pics)
2 comments » | house
February 18th, 2008 — 1:41pm
•Make your own finger paint. Do I dare?
•The new stove should finally be here today. Now that the weather is starting to hint of spring (after more snow than I’ve ever seen here in Western Colorado), I’ve finally started enjoying preparing meals at the grill.
•I whipped out this hat yesterday. Wow, how I love bamboo yarn! This one is Rowan Bamboo Tape, I can’t wait to use it more.

•I got a new phone a couple weeks ago and it does this really cool thing. I can hold it up to a song playing on the radio and it will ID the song. Such great nerdness…
•Today I’m working – I have lots of new yarn to photograph for Tangle’s website. And did you know that we now carry Amy Butler fabric? I’m having a hard time containing my excitement.
1 comment » | random monday
February 17th, 2008 — 11:09am
We let Eden spend a little bit of her birthday money yesterday at Target. She chose a Kidz Bop CD. (For those of you who are not fortunate to have the opportunity to watch Nickelodeon, it’s a pop music remake CD for kids.) I’m starting to wonder if that was a good idea because I woke up this morning to Eden singing,
“If you don’t got no money, take your broke self home.”
1 comment » | Eden, quote of the week
February 15th, 2008 — 9:53am
On Tuesday, Eden turned 6 years old. After some deliberation, we decided to get her a computer for her birthday. For months she has been asking for one, and fighting with us when we wouldn’t let her use ours. (Who thought I’d have to compete with a 5 year old to use my own computer?) So when it came time to asking her what she’d like for her birthday, she was steadfast in her request for a computer.
So we found an eMac in fantastic shape on Ebay for a good price and barely got it here in time – thanks to all the snow in the mountains! Eden was so, so, SO excited when she got her present early Tuesday morning before school. (Hence the sleepy daddy in the background.)

We also celebrated her birthday on Sunday with a little tea party with her kindergarten friends. Because our gas stove wasn’t here yet (still isn’t!), I bought unfrosted cupcakes from the local bakery and decorated them myself. Hello Kitty, of course…

I just can’t believe that she is six years old. But if you were to talk to her, she would convince you that she was like… 19.. I can’t believe how mature she is these days. And I’m very proud of how well she is doing in school. The other day she read all 64 pages of “Hop on Pop.” It’s such an unexplainable feeling to see your children thriving and succeeding.

(click any photo to see the whole set.)
4 comments » | Eden
February 14th, 2008 — 3:49pm
I like how you
think it’s cute when I say
And how
you grow a beard for shock factor.
I like how
you are completely enthralled when you sit and color
the kids.
And how you will never
give up
your obsession for Apples.
And how you are in this
with me
no matter what.
I like that our kids will always have a dad
who’s there
for them
because of that.
I like how you
like the dog
even though you’ll never admit it.
And how, for you,
the glass is
half full.
I like that you like to go camping
and to the movies
and to the park
and shopping.
just kidding.
And I like
that you like me.
2 comments » | Jim
February 8th, 2008 — 4:51pm

Because the passes on I-70 are closed due to lots and lots of snow, the UPS lady was shocked that she had such a mountain of boxes to deliver to me! I was, in fact, quite happy. In this shipment, new books, Jo Sharp Cotton, Saucy Mercerized cotton (just $5 a ball) and lots of new display baskets, hooks and racks.
This here yarn store is busting at the seams!! (And I have more work to do than I can possibly get done. That’s why I’m blogging! ha!)
3 comments » | yarn store
February 7th, 2008 — 9:12pm
•We all started feeling better.
•I found a new stove. It’s stainless steel and I bought it from a contractor supply place so I saved about $200. I’m happy but it won’t be here for another week!
•I’m so close to finishing our new table I can’t stand it. Just two more coats and it’s done. I can’t wait. Next up is the matching chairs and I’m SO not excited about working on those.
•We tore through the house cleaning and the only thing left to clean now is the bathroom. What a nice feeling…
•Another disk of Heros came from netflix and that makes me quite happy.
1 comment » | daily
February 6th, 2008 — 5:25pm
Eden spent last night puking and today sleeping. I’m not feeling good at all either. All I want to do is clean out the kitchen and prepare it for our new stove. And finish finishing our new dining room table so it will be done in time for Eden’s tea party on Sunday.
1 comment » | gah!
February 5th, 2008 — 9:34am
Last night we had a visit from the xcel energy guy. The night before we had started smelling a strange gas smell. It was strange because it didn’t smell like regular gas but more like butane. Especially when I was cooking. The xcel guy determined that our stove had a couple substantial gas leaks and he shut it off and issued us a red tag. So now I need a new stove. Which is good and bad.
Good because the old one was falling apart anyway. The handle had completely busted off, the oven door wouldn’t seal properly and one of the burners would rarely light. Bad because Eden’s birthday is next week and we just ordered her a somewhat expensive present. And I’m not going to run out and buy the very first stove I see; I need to become acquainted with one first and decide that I will like it before I make a purchase. So I have to figure out how to cook dinner with a microwave and a grill for the next few days. (What is it with all these electric stoves anyway? Lowes had rows and rows of electric stoves and 5 gas stoves to choose from. All I know is I’d rather not have a stove than go back to using an electric!)
4 comments » | gah!