October 29th, 2007 — 4:26pm
Pasta with organic sauce
Chicken chili
Penne with pumpkin sauce and rosemary
Chicken pot pie
chicken, mushroom, rice soup
potato basil fritatta
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October 29th, 2007 — 4:12pm
•I should probably apologize. I subjected you all to my biggest pet peeve. I dangled information in front of your face and then jerked it away. I still don’t feel like I can say anything because it’s not my information to give. But it’s hard because I’m part of this, you know? And I do really appreciate all the thoughtful and heartfelt comments I received.
•My niece has been with us the past several days and all three kids are sick. And now I have a new nephew. Who I didn’t get to go see because my throat hurts. boo.
•Today is the day of rude people. At (evil) walmart today I needed my credit card approved at the self checkout because it was over $100. Behind me in line was a lady with her young daughter. As the checker came up, the girl tried to scan her pack of gum. And the checker grabbed her hand and shoved it aside. I didn’t even know what to say, I could not believe someone would DO that. (Also, I remember why I usually go to (evil) walmart early in the morning… good Lord it was awful around one.)
•Also today, Christina and I put in quite the exciting yarn order. Just wait to hear what it is! (yes, I’m dangling information in front of your face again…)
1 comment » | random monday
October 26th, 2007 — 11:39am
It’s been a difficult week for me. And of course I can’t write about much of it. I continue to be frustrated that I can’t turn to this blog when I really need it. And I really don’t know what to do… I’m seriously about to say eff it all and write whatever the hell I want. (And you thought I already did that!)
I think part of my problem is that I am such an emotional and sensitive person. It’s something that I can’t change about myself and something that I’m trying to use as a strength rather than a weakness. Sometimes things just effect me more than they do others. Sometimes things effect me A LOT more than they do others. But I’m trying to realize that I can’t shut myself down. I can’t close myself off to the world as much as I sometimes want to. So I remain open, open to hurts and heartaches and anguish. I’m not sure what the positive to that is yet, but I’m learning to not fight it and instead work with it.
Right now, some people are coming back into our lives that have been fairly absent in the past few years. I’m having a hard time accepting that our relationships with these people are just how. they. are. I’m having a hard time with being manipulated and pushed aside until I’m needed. And I’m pissed that I can’t write about the whole fracking thing.
So I guess that I just came here to throw a pity party and a temper tantrum and it’s probably best that I don’t even hit publish. But I’m going to anyway. Because, today, I guess I want to be a spoiled brat.
7 comments » | gah!
October 23rd, 2007 — 8:35am
“Zombie movies are stupid.”
“They’re not stupid. They teach us about ourselves. They teach us what we’d all be like if we came back from the dead…. and hungered for brains.”
4 comments » | Jim, quote of the week
October 22nd, 2007 — 10:46am
• I finally took and uploaded pictures of the cable 8 top that I started, oh, more than a year ago. It’s been finished for a long time, but I never got it photographed. I’m not entirely sure I’m in love with the neckline (which I changed up a LOT) but here it is anyway. I think it looks better as a vest over a long sleeved button up.
• I finished knitting the short sleeved cardigan from fitted knits, but I’m not sure what to do with the buttons. Even on the very square model, the buttons are gaping. see?

So I’m not sure if I should try snaps or hook & eyes or just smaller buttons much closer together. What do you think? (btw, I knit mine out of this color of eco wool.)
•Tomorrow is our first day of milk delivery. I’m so excited! We’re getting local milk and half & half in glass bottles, organic orange juice, farm fresh eggs and cheddar cheese that’s not loaded up with food coloring. And the great part, it’s not costing us any more money. Plus, think of all the trash we’re avoiding!
5 comments » | random monday
October 21st, 2007 — 7:15pm
Turkey Pepperoni Pizza
French Dip Sandwiches
Potato Soup
Shredded Beef Tacos
chicken tetrazini
1 comment » | Menu
October 19th, 2007 — 10:44am
I’ve been a knitting maniac lately. I’m currently working on two sweaters from Fitted Knits. I just finished a baby sweater for my new nephew who should be born soon (pics when it’s all polished). hmmm, what else. I’m working on some simple bibs for a friend’s baby who should be born soon too. And I’m one arm warmer down on this pattern.
Oh, I knit this baby blanket for Tangle out of a new amazing acrylic we recently got in, which reminds me, I have to write up the pattern today!

It’s fun to be swamped with knitting!
2 comments » | knitting
October 16th, 2007 — 12:26pm
•Yesterday was blog action day and I missed it! But I’d like to go ahead and write about my dish washer detergent discoveries. Back when I started becoming more aware of my environmental impact, I decided to switch to Seventh Generation dish detergent. I probably costs close to twice what I pay for Cascade at Target, but I felt like the extra 2-4 dollars a month was worth it.
What I didn’t realize is how much better it makes my food taste. I realized this when I ran out of dish soap and didn’t have time to run to the health food store to pick up more. So I just grabbed a box of Cascade from Target. Whenever I would drink out of plastic cups washed with Cascade the taste of soap and chemicals was SO bad that I couldn’t stand it! Even out of glass containers, the soap taste came through. So! Not only is using seventh generation more eco friendly, but it also makes me not freak out when drinking water. (As we all know, this happens frequently.)
•Do you think it’s possible to for your eyelashes to get longer? I think possibly mine might have gotten a tiny bit longer. This would be a very important event.
•Today is our 8th anniversary. Wow that’s a long time! But it’s been a good 8 years and I am SO thankful for my husband and our marriage. yay!

12 comments » | eyelashes, marriage, random monday
October 15th, 2007 — 8:17pm
There continues to be an ongoing conversation about church with the people in my life. And I continue to try to come to terms with my stance (or lack thereof) on the subject and always find it hard to put words to where I stand.
A friend of mine sent me a link to this article and I think that it pretty much sums it up for me… quite a bit.
It, I think, also agrees with this article about my generation (or close to my generation) that I read a while back.
Here are a few quotes from the first article that I can’t get over.
“This generation has the gift of discerning authenticity in the church, Shaddix plainly stated.”
“The traditional church will survive and thrive if its people have a change of heart about their God.”
Good stuff, yo.
2 comments » | church/spiritual beliefs, daily
October 15th, 2007 — 2:17pm
Can I just say, I HAVE to knit this.
(from the holiday 2007 issue of Vouge Knitting)
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