November 24th, 2009 — 7:15pm

Originally uploaded by pretendingsanity
often, when the kids are misbehaving, especially in stores, I will tell them that their behavior is inappropriate. That has evolved into me just saying ‘inappropriate’ whenever they are throwing fit, fighting, or talking about poop in a restaurant.
Tonight at dinner Honor started telling us how he doesn’t like being named Honor (its boring you know) so we started offering him name suggestions. Jim suggested ‘butt show’ (anyone who knows Honor knows how well this fits as he is allergic to pulling up his pants). And Honor looked at Jim with a look that said "you’re ridiculous" and said "Dad, that’s appropriate.". Yes Honor, yes it is.
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November 23rd, 2009 — 10:22am
Friday the kids and I spent 8 hours in the truck traveling to Craig, Colorado and back. There we picked up our new puppy, a miniature dachshund. The ride home proved to be a little bit interesting – lets just say that it involved dog puke, kid bathroom emergencies (#1 & #2) and a lot of mud. It was quite the “mommy moment” for sure.
But we made it home and Dexter is adjusting pretty well to living us. He is kind of a scardy-cat – I find myself calling him a Weenie quite often. But he is pretty mellow and very sweet and we love him! Today, while the kids are at school, he ventured into their room for the first time unattended and discovered a plethora of really fun stuffed animals. I see several baby gates in our future.
Here he is, all four pounds of squishy, whiney puppyness.

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November 23rd, 2009 — 10:13am
Instead of posting a menu this week, I’m just going to post my Thanksgiving menu. This year I think it will just be the four of us at home. I’m kind of excited to eat off my new fiestaware. All this food should feed us for a week!
Turkey w/ white wine
mashed potatoes
Maple Sweet Potatoes w/ Bosc pears
Cranberry Sauce (homemade and the kind in a can that you slice, which is Jim’s favorite part of Thanksgiving – go figure.)
Green Bean Casserole from ED Food Nov 09 issue
Refrigerator Rolls
Pumpkin Pie
Apple Pie
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November 16th, 2009 — 10:02am

Menu week of Nov 16 2009
Originally uploaded by pretendingsanity
Monday: chicken w/ lemon mustard sauce & seared radicchio
Tuesday: steak tacos (jim)
Wednesday: tomato, pasta & potato bake
Thursday: pizza (jim)
Friday: acorn squash something (jim will be out of town. This is the day we pick up our new puppy!)
Saturday: ?
Sunday: chicken in a pot
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October 26th, 2009 — 10:42am

Menu week of October 26 2009
Originally uploaded by pretendingsanity
Monday: lemon horseradish fish cakes
Tuesday: beef stew
Wednesday: Carne asada
Thursday: pasta w/ turkey Italian sausage and broccoli rabe
Friday: pizza
Saturday: ?
Sunday: flatbreads with lamb and Greek yogurt
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October 23rd, 2009 — 3:13pm
(pardon the glare)

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October 20th, 2009 — 3:22pm

So today the UPS guy brought me something extra special; a box full of copies of Pure Knits. We’ve waited forever for this book to come out! But it’s finally here and I can now, officially say that I’m published.
My two patterns, a boy’s raglan sweater and a girls raglan dress with puffed sleeves are right around the middle of the book. Here’s a peek at what they look like.

6 comments » | knitting
October 9th, 2009 — 1:34pm

Over achieving
Originally uploaded by pretendingsanity
A month and a half ago my little sister and only sibling, moved 250 miles away to denver. Three days before that she found out she was having twins. At her ultrasound at 20 weeks, surprise, twins!
So my promise to make one baby quilt turned into making two baby quilts and bam! Here we are: the shower has come and gone and I still need to make two baby quilts!
I’m feeling real excited for the plan that I have for the first quilt. As you can see I have the very beginnings going. It is going to be terribly cute, I antcipate. All I know is that they could be here in 2 months and I’ve gotta get sewin!
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October 5th, 2009 — 12:42pm

Menu week of October 5 2009
Originally uploaded by pretendingsanity
Monday: roasted chicken with garlic
Tuesday: homemade pizza
Wednesday: mahi mahi with couscous
Thursday: potato soup with turkey bacon
Friday: beef stroganoff
Saturday: ?
Sunday: beef brisket with potatoes and red wine
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September 13th, 2009 — 2:55pm

New (and improved?)
Originally uploaded by pretendingsanity
Yesterday I had an appt with my stylist. I joked with her that it was our four year anniversary, almost to the day, since she started doing my hair. I’ve been feeling so bored with my hair that I decided to do something drastic and go for a longish pixie cut.
So here it is, shorter than I anticipated. I’m still not convinced that I like it but luckily everyone else seems to.
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