
I’ve been knitting hats like crazy lately. I’m teaching a class at the yarn store next month and I’ve been trying to find the perfect and most affordable yarn. This is my favorite hat so far, but the yarn, which is Colinette, is really expensive.

I also made one out of Di.ve Fiamma, but next to the Colinette, it was less than impressive. Right now, I’m just two rows from finishing my third, this time out of Rowan Biggie Print.

I’m excited to be teaching a class, I think it will be really fun. We’re also talking about me teaching the One Skein Wonder too, which will be really fun.

Category: knitting 8 comments »

8 Responses to “hats”

  1. Ginny

    Great colors! That’s really fun that you’ll be teaching a class. I love knitting with other people, it’s such a nice alternative to what is usually such a solitary hobbie.
    It seems to me that alot of the really chunky yarns are the most expensive. Maybe you should try stringing two lighter weight yarns together instead? Sometimes there are some good wools that have a lot more yardage. But then again you’re buying two….oh I don’t know.

  2. Brooke

    Teaching a class?! How exciting! Maybe I’ll have to come and give some support! Ya know, be the really naughty student! (I have some great examples from my students). Oh and I LOVE the hat and the yarn!

  3. trudie

    i’ve always wanted to learn to knit. i tried it a while back, but got frustrated. i’m finally tackling crochet again, and i’m actually getting it. maybe i’ll be ready for knitting soon… maybe you can do an online class or do a knit-along for something???

  4. Kate

    Congrats on teaching a class, that is so cool, the hat looks great, good luck!

  5. Daph

    That’s a gorgeous hat! Come live HERE so you can teach a knitting class to ME at MY lys, would’ya? *wink*

  6. sarahgrace

    The hat rocks! You know I’ve always associated knitting with grammas and some really not so cool stuff, but you have blown that stereotype right outta da wata!

  7. LeAnne

    Yeah, I know about the Colinette! Sheesh. There’s a pullover I want to knit out of Yarn Girls’ Guide but it would cost a mint. If you find something else, lemme know. Oh yeah…and do you want 500 yards of light blue cotton with the pink I’m going to send you? I bought it at a 50% off sale a year ago and thought I’d make baby things, but it’s not washable. It’s a bit on the lavender side.

  8. Annejelynn

    looks very cool! very cozy!

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