•My yard sale-ing buddy, Amy, and I had a yard sale. We did pretty well, but were mostly heartbroken about missing out on being to go out and yard sale.

•Tangle had our 4th birthday sale. It was a smashing success, and our biggest day ever. (PS there’s still yarn at 40% off.)
•We floated the river for the first time. It was one of the most fun and relaxing things I did all summer. (The two twelve packs of beer didn’t have anything to do with it.)
•GJ has been especially cool and rainy, so when Brooke, our kids and I went to pick green beans, we had to wait out the sheets of rain and then pick green beans in the mud. (Delicious, organic green beans that we blanched and froze.)

The boys found toads that kept them busy while we picked.

•A few days later Amy and I and our kids went and picked peaches, again in the rain. We picked close to 300lbs of peaches that we’ve been working on turning into pie, chutney, jam, syrup, baby food, dried peaches, frozen peaches and canned peaches.

There’s nothing like a fresh Palisade peach right off the tree.
•I participated in my first race, which was FIVE miles. I’ve been dabbling in running for the last several years, but haven’t really experienced much success in it. Imagine my surprise when I watched the miles go by without dying. Carrie and I ran pretty slow (Carrie has been really supportive of my running and has vowed to always stick it out with me) and we ran the first 3.2 miles, walked the 4th and ran the last, finishing in about 69 minutes. I was SO proud of myself for even being able to do it and it has really changed the way I look at physical activities. I feel like I really can do anything now.

•Which is good because I have this new trainer who is hell bent on getting me in shape. She has been great, but is really pushing me hard! My body really resists losing weight so I figure if Janae can’t get me to lose weight, I’ll just decide to be happy with where I am and deal with it.
•We went to some Pineapple Crackers shows. Friday found me in a rare moment with no children so I hung out at Naggy McGees and watched Jim play. Then Saturday, the kids and I were able to watch them play at a pizza place in Fr-Utah. Jim’s such a rock star these days.

•Eden started third grade and Honor started first (lost his second tooth the same day too). The kids were excited to go back to school, Jim and I were excited to send them. Everyone’s happy.

The End!