Deja vu

June 27th, 2005 — 7:55pm

Tonight I asked Eden to brush her teeth. After 20 minutes of running around, discovering, “look I’ve got two toothbrushes. I want to brush my teeth with the Jasmine tooth brush,” and then running out with both the Jasmine tooth brush and the My Little Pony tooth brush proclaiming, “My bear toothpaste is lost, I’m going to use your spicy toothpaste.” and then coming out to say that the spicy toothpaste was too spicy and that she lost their chairs to stand on and checking all rooms of the house for the chairs, she finally got her teeth brushed. (I know that was like the longest sentence in the history of the world, but I don’t care.)

I told her that she needed to go back and do a better job, because in the 20 minute course of preparing to brush, she only brushed enough to suck the “spicy” toothpaste off the brush and call it good. She went to brush more and then came out, struck a cheesey-grinned pose and said, “How about now?”

I just had this overwhelming sense of deja vu. My little sis and I would always play a game with our parents where we’d ask them how good our teeth looked. Most of the time we’d trick them into thinking that we’d actually brushed, when we hadn’t. It made me think, wasn’t it like five minutes ago that I was a little squirly kid who was trying to get out of brushing my teeth? And now I HAVE one of those squirly kids?

Jim and I both often wonder this, Who gave us kids?

5 comments » | Kids


June 27th, 2005 — 10:01am

I’m working at the office all this week, Jim’s staying home with the kiddos. I doubt that I’ll have much exciting news to share, but I’ll try to get Jim to do a guest post. Afterall, he is being me this week.

Sorry about the menu too, Does anyone want to post their menu for this week? That would be really cool.

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Guest Menu week of June 27, 2005 – by Sara

June 27th, 2005 — 9:15am

Baked Chicken Parmesan & Pasta

Sloppy Joes and Lay’s chips

chicken of some sort, Green beans, mashed taters

Hamburger Helper, baybee! and some sort of veggie

Ordering Pizza

Chicken Kabobs

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Stripe Generator

June 24th, 2005 — 10:11am

This is very, very cool. A stripe generator. You just select your colors and number of rows and it will generate a random pattern for you.

stripe maker

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It turns out….

June 24th, 2005 — 9:41am

… that if you try and grill a pizza on a pizza stone, the stone will break. Boo.

But on a good note, the pizza grilled up great!

We’re trying to think of something really cool and fun and super cheap to do tonight, any ideas?

6 comments » | daily

Would you like some pancakes with that syrup?

June 23rd, 2005 — 9:31am

Today when I was coming up from the basement after doing a load of laundry, I found Eden on the back porch daintily eating almonds. Honor was standing next to her drinking maple syrup straight from the bottle.

4 comments » | messes

I heart camping

June 22nd, 2005 — 7:45am

I just have to say how much I love camping. Isn’t it beautiful? It makes me wonder why I live in the desert? Maybe it’s because I can drive less than an hour and end up here.

Jim and Eden at the glade park movie

Since no one ever takes a pic of me, I’ll take one of myself.

Cookie time!

Because even his jammies couldn’t be clean.

And this is to show how bad of a mom I am.
Her first sunburn.
Who knew that you could get burned in the shade?

4 comments » | camping

A pain in the…

June 21st, 2005 — 9:31am

I had intended to post pictures from our weekend camping trip, but I woke up this morning at 4:30am with a migraine. Luckily my medication worked this time and my head is feeling better, but I’m pretty sick to my stomach. I didn’t get a chance to grab my camera as I headed out the door, we were already 10 minutes late to Eden’s dance class. So I’m at the office now and I don’t really have much to say other than….


That’s all. There will be pics of camping tomorrow.

1 comment » | daily

Some thoughts on marriage

June 20th, 2005 — 9:23am

It’s amazing that something like a movie can be so thought provoking. Some friends of ours, an older couple in their early 40’s, kept talking about the movie “The Notebook,” so last night we watched it. It’s a little slow and a little sappy, but the story was absolutely amazing.

It made me realize how very much I love my husband. Of course I’ve always loved him, but last night I remembered all the reasons WHY. I remembered how hard we fought to be together and how we never gave up on what we have.

Some friends of ours are going through a divorce right now and I’m finding it hard not to judge them. It’s hard to understand why marriages go bad. But I’m trying to see the other side of things. Jim and I have such open lines of communication, maybe they don’t? Maybe our marriage works because we’re both still trying to make it work. Maybe marriages fail when one or both people just give up? A working marriage is never something that just happens, it’s something that’s made to happen.

It just solidifies in my mind what I’ve always known in my heart, that I’m never going to let go of this.

This is the part of the movie that says it so well for me.

Well that’s what we do, we fight… You tell me when I am being an arrogant son of a bitch and I tell you when you are a pain in the ass. Which you are, 99% of the time. I’m not afraid to hurt your feelings. You have like a 2 second rebound rate, then you’re back doing the next pain-in-the-ass thing.

So what?

So it’s not gonna be easy. It’s gonna be really hard. We’re gonna have to work at this every day, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, for ever, you and me, every day.

I know that this has all been pretty mushy, but I wanted to write it down while I had some clarity in my mind on the subject. I want to have this to look back on when Jim is being arrogant or I’m being a pain in the ass. *wink* It’s good to keep written down the things in life that matter most.

6 comments » | marriage

He may be ornery but he sure is loving

June 17th, 2005 — 7:32am

Honor told me yesterday that he was going poop, so I rushed him to the bathroom, pulled off his diaper and sat him on the toilet. We arrived just in time for the poop to plop into the toilet. And, after many congratulations, he was done. He hopped off and I wiped him. I flushed the toilet and as the poop swirled around the toilet, we waved bye bye to it. And in true Honor fashion, he air kissed the poop good bye. “Bye poo poo, mwah!”

6 comments » | Honor

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