craftivity baby blanket

March 9th, 2007 — 5:23pm

Craftivity baby blanket

The thing I really love about crocheting is that it seems so much more forgiving than knitting. (And it needs to be if I’m doing it!) Plus, I really love the free form aspects of it – it allows the creator free range to do just about anything.

When Christina (my right hand woman at Tangle) and I decided that she should teach this class for Tangle (and boo hoo, nobody signed up!) I knew that I had to make the blanket myself. It looked like so much fun. And it was! Christina helped me out with this one – it sort of became the project that whoever was working at the store worked on – and I think that’s what made it even more fun. Working with someone on a largish project makes it so much less daunting.

We are really loving the idea of baby blankets that aren’t necessarily “heirloom” blankets, but ones that get used. That’s the reason we decided to go with Peaches and Creme yarn. (I find Peaches and Creme yarn to be far more superior to Sugar and Cream plus it’s the same price. I carry Peaches and Creme at Tangle and can special order the other colors we don’t presently carry too.) This ended up taking about 8 balls with a 6.0mm hook. This blanket will stay at the store, hopefully providing inspiration for other projects. But once again, I find myself wishing that I would have started knitting and crocheting just a few years earlier. Honor would have been so cute wrapped up in this one.

edit: I forgot to say that the pattern is from the book Craftivity

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stripey baby dress

March 7th, 2007 — 3:51pm

The thing I love about knitting pure and simple patterns is how much you can change them to make them really fab. This baby dress is not only very cute, but was a great way to use up scrap yarn too. (Pictured on either side is a knitting pure and simple bulky cardigan and child’s cardigan – can you tell we love these patterns at Tangle?)

baby dress

pattern: knitting pure and simple’s sundress pattern

yarn: GGH Samoa – used up all the leftovers from various projects – I just knit until each ball was gone.

needles: Denise

changes: Instead of sewing the straps down, I used a provisional cast on, and added the straps in while I was casting on for the back. I also made sure to slip the first stitch of every row for a nice clean edge. And I decided to crochet around the neck to clean up the strange looking stitches that occurred when casting on for the body section.

Now I only wish I made it in Eden’s size!

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March 6th, 2007 — 4:47pm

I woke up this morning with one of the worst migraines that I’ve had in 5 years. I took my Imitrex but it did nothing for me. Could it be because it expired in 2003? I finally broke down, called the doctor and got a prescription called in. You’ll never guess how much just ONE of those boogers costs. TWENTY FIVE DOLLARS. For one pill. Of course this happened on a day when I had tons to do, a new cute outfit to wear and some new yarn to order. Not to mention I missed some cool people at the store today.

Freakin migraines….

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menu – week of March 5, 2007

March 5th, 2007 — 10:06am

Bowtie Pasta with cream cheese and smoked salmon

Enchilada Casserole

Pitas with turkey, cucumber and avacado

BBQ Chicken Strips and baked sweet potatoes


avocado with ezekiel bread and cottage cheese

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bath time

March 4th, 2007 — 6:04pm

Every so often, I let the kids take a bath with me. We’re nearing the end of this because Honor is starting to become aware of boobs. I swear, it’s hard wired into them.

Case in point: While in the bath the other day, Eden mentioned something about the fact that she has boobs. Honor told her, “Eden you don’t have boobs, you just have nickels.”

He also gave us a taste of what it’s really going to be like living with a little boy. He started leaning WAY over the tub and I thought he was picking something up that fell out. But he just stayed there, hands on the floor and butt up in the air. I finally started to ask him what he was doing when a 3 year old sized toot escaped his buns, followed closely by hilarious giggles. Yep, this boy thing is going to be fun.

5 comments » | Honor


February 27th, 2007 — 9:37pm

Is it worth the extra $6 a week to upgrade from a case of aquafina to a case of smart water? I really love smart water.

(PS sorry for my absenteeism, I’ve had lots of thought floating around but haven’t been able to corral them into something legible.)

(PPS congrats to one of my best friends, Sarah on the discovery that her #3 baby is going to be a girl!)

(PPPS I spelled absenteeism right the first time, congratulate me!!!)

5 comments » | daily

saving these links for later

February 22nd, 2007 — 12:53pm

not handmade but really amazing

handmade online


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short row hat

February 20th, 2007 — 4:50pm

My list of things I’m knitting is growing again. I do this, finish up a whole bunch of things and then start a whole bunch. It’s not too bad of a cycle I suppose, as long as it all gets done eventually.

short row hat

This hat was one of the things that I worked on in the car on the way to the hot springs last week. I really like this pattern – but I have to say, it’s not one that you can knit and be distracted.

A couple things that helped me were being in a quiet place and running a “safety line” after each pattern repeat. (I just ran some scrap yarn through each stitch on the needles after the pattern repeat – thankfully, because I ripped back SEVERAL times.) The only thing I would have changed about the pattern would have been to make the garter stitch cuff shorter. Considering the family that I came from, it’s surprising that my head isn’t really all that big.

I used one skein of Malabrigo Worsted Lettuce and size 7 needles. Oh and the other thing I did to the pattern was kitchener the seam rather than work the 3 needle bind off. I have no clue why it was written for a 3 needle bindoff rather than a seamless kitchener. (oh and to make the garter stitch look seamless with the kitchener, I worked those last 10 garter stitch stitches of kitchener on the inside of the hat rather than on the outside.)

from the spring Verena 07

Have you seen the German knitting magazine Verena? I’m in love. The only problem is that I can’t speak or read German. Luckily, I have a WONDERFUL person who helps me out at the shop who is German. I’m going to keep her around forever!

I’ve started knitting this shell, isn’t it beautiful? I’m using a rich, royal blue cotton with a tiny bit of wool in it. Actually, I’m really excited about this new yarn – that little bit of wool really makes it a nice yarn.

Other things I’m working on?
-a slouchy hat out of Malabrigo
-a funky free form crocheted blanket
-still my sweater workshop sweater (but it’s getting closer – I’ve finally been re-inspired)
-a baby dress
-a couple pairs of socks
-and I’ve got a couple patterns floating around in my head in various stages of knitting.
hmmm, I’m sure there’s more but I can’t recall… All I want to do these days is knit.

2 comments » | knitting

menu week of Feb 19, 2007

February 19th, 2007 — 1:45pm

potato leek soup

Veggie Burgers

tofu, potato, sweet potato curry

Chicken Cacciatore

Chicken Fajitas

Banana muffins for breakfasts
frozen strawberry and banana shakes for deserts
bloody marys for drinks :)

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February 15th, 2007 — 2:11pm

I’ve been trying all week to post these photos! Eden turned 5 on Monday. And in true my-daughter form she had a whole birthday celebration. Saturday we had a little party with her friends, Sunday we went swimming at the hot springs in Ouray, Colorado and Monday we had lunch with her grandpa and his wife. All along the way she opened lots and lots of Hello Kitty-themed presents.

I tried to take a couple minutes during all the activities to think about how much she has changed in the last year. All I really had time to think about is how mature she seems. She can be so responsible – makes me wonder who the adult is sometimes. She is most definitely five.

Click the photos below to see the few pictures I uploaded of her birthday. (The only thing I regret about these photos is that they don’t capture how pretty blue-blue her eyes are.)

cake time

Eden opening her first Barbie

notice her haircut?
giant coloring book

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