menu – week of August 8, 2005

August 8th, 2005 — 8:45am

Grilled Sasauge and potato salad with sour cream

Spaghetti and green salad


Gooey BBQ chicken with crunchy pea salad

Camping all weekend!!!

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run for your lives… or just hide your stuff

August 5th, 2005 — 9:16am

Yesterday, just after she made this comment:

“Yesterday after reading this post I walked into my livingroom and saw one of my kids had also gotten out our letter stamp. I immedietaly thought of Honor and grabbed it and ran to find a spot they couldn’t find it again. I knew if I would have come back for it later, we would have had a repeat of your situation.”

my friend Jill sent me this picture.

Then just after that Honor came to me holding the damn stamp, ink cartridge removed, hands blue. AGAIN. He somehow, without the aid of a chair, got the cartridge off the counter. Trust me, this boy is not that tall.

BEWARE! there is something in the air… you are not safe!!! Hide your stamps and for good measure everything else that has ink.

4 comments » | messes

Honorey boy

August 4th, 2005 — 8:22am

I can’t believe that Honor will be two at the end of September. Didn’t he just turn one? It’s really amazing how much he’s changed. I remember lamenting that he’d never speak and now he says everything. He gets his little baby point across in two word sentences.

Asking for more chicken: “More bock, bock?”
More soup: “Some. Soup. Please?”

Everything he can’t find is “hide.”

Many times you will ask him a question and he will answer, “yeah” in the deepest voice you’ve ever heard a 1 year old speak in.

At any mention of a nap or bed time he runs to the kitchen yelling, “meiowk! meiowk!” (milk)

Every morning after he gets his sippy cup of juice he says to me with the most serious face, “Boots.” He’s never once said “Dora” it’s always “Boots”

Perhaps his favorite thing to talk about is bugs. He will talk forever about a “yuck bug” and is braver than me when it comes to “yuck bugs.” In the evenings, our front steps are swarmed with cockroaches (disgusting I know!) and Honor will scramble to step on every one saying, “step. yuck. bug. YUCK!” He will also talk about a fly like it was the coolest thing in the world.

He thinks that he can get out of trouble by coming up to me, holding out his arms and saying, “Hug, mommy? Hug.” And, ahem, it’s not like it’s ever worked. No.. not at all….

But I think that the best thing he has ever said is the thing that is sure to melt my heart every time, even if he looks like this:

is, “Nuggle Mommy. Nuggle mommy.”

And then I scoop him up and hold him very tight and for a short moment, I forget that he’s covered in goo and that the playroom carpet is now blue and that I’ve got to order a whole new thing of eyeshadow and that he broke the arm off my glasses and that he just can’t stay in his bed.

My sister always reminds me that I’ve always wanted a son just like Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes. Somehow, God, in his infinite wisdom, decided to fulfill my wish. That’s what I call a sense of humor.

10 comments » | Honor

at some point posting about all of Honor’s messes is going to get old, let’s pretend we haven’t reached that point

August 3rd, 2005 — 9:17am

So yesterday, while I was chatting with Joelene, Honor found our address stamp and got the ink cartridge out. He had ink everywhere, including the playroom carpet. This is after a good scrubbing.

His hands (and the carpet) are still blue. His lips, not so much. As always, he’s so proud of his destruction.

Today I’m following him around and not letting him out of my sight. I’m taking a risk right now because I can’t see the couch where he’s watching Dora. I’d better go…

9 comments » | Honor, messes

your late twenties have got to be hard

August 2nd, 2005 — 8:36am

Yesterday was my good friend Brooke’s birthday. I feel absolutely terrible about it because instead of emailing her to wish her happy birthday, I emailed her to freak out. (And all I have to say about what was freaking me out is this: of all aspects of my life, church should not be the one that causes me so much heartache. moving on…)

Brooke turned 26 yesterday. And I know that she’s so worried about being in her late twenties now, but don’t you think she’s so cute?

Notice her birthday present, another one skein wonder, this one out of Rowan summer tweed.

Seriously she doesn’t look a day over twenty five.

Happy birthday Brooke! I love you and I thank God that you’re in my life. And for what it’s worth, I consider 26 to be the mid twenties.

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and I thought it would be Honor to land us in the hospital

August 1st, 2005 — 8:07am

Last night we threw a wedding shower for our friend Josh and his fiance Heather at the church. Josh has been our youth pastor for the last year and is now moving on to get married and then go to Bible school. He’s leaving town next week. The shower was just wrapping up when we heard Eden’s blood curdling scream from the next room. The kids had been playing in one of the classrooms and somehow Eden fell and busted up her nose on the Lego table.

Jim went to get her and as I saw him walk by with her I noticed the blood gushing out of her nose. We cleaned her up in the bathroom when we realized that it was cut pretty deep in two places. We decided to take her to the ER for stitches. My mom met us at the hospital to take Honor, because there’s NO way we could have contained him there (good LORD!) and the waiting game began.

As we went through the check in process, we had to endure the many judgmental questions about our waiting to immunize. Because, you know, we’re waiting because we hate our children and want to do the worst possible thing for them. Sometimes the medical field can’t understand that they do more harm than good at times. And it’s frustrating to have to defend your parenting choices to everyone in the hospital.

She had x-rays, and luckily it’s not broken. She kept saying that she wanted to go back to the picture room. I think it was because she got to ride around on the hospital bed. And luckily it wasn’t deep enough to need stitches, the doctor just glued the cuts together. Eden said that they were going to “blue her nose.” Probably the worst part of the night for her was when she got her first shot ever, a tetanus shot. Poor kid, it was awful! And it made me glad that she hadn’t had to endure any other shots before.

I think the worst part of the night for me was when we got home and crawled into bed and I started processing the night. Of course the “what ifs” began running through my head. It is the worst imaginable thing in the world to even think about your child dying. How would I continue if I lost one of them? It fills me with panic to even think about it. It makes me want to lock them up in a padded room in the house and never let them near anything dangerous. But I can’t. I’ve got to let them face all of life’s dangers, take all of life’s risks. All I can do to protect them is trust God that he will keep them safe. Letting them go is the hardest part of being a parent and it’s the most inevitable. And I have to say, it kind of sucks.

12 comments » | Eden

It could always be worse right?

July 29th, 2005 — 7:46am
“What if Honor was twins?”

“Oh, good Lord… if Honor was twins it would have been a sign of the coming apocalypse.”

This is what I found yesterday in the kitchen. Just a small taste of Honor’s recent behavior. I’m grasping at straws here to try to figure out what to do with the kid. I think he just gets bored and then wanders around the house. He finds something and thinks, “this looks fun” and then pours/smears it all over the place.

I’m trying to figure out how to keep the kid interested in his toys. If anyone has any suggestions on how to deal with a kid like Honor, I’ll listen. I was trying to pick Jim’s brain last night because his is the closest brain I know to Honor’s brain. He finally said, “sweetie, I’m sorry… you’re just screwed.” Thanks babe. Thanks.

11 comments » | messes, parenting struggles

Halfway there

July 29th, 2005 — 5:48am

I’m up to 50 salads already! So now, all of you who’ve promised me recipes, it’s time to send them in!

Just remember, they have to be a recipe you’ve tried and they have to have kosher meat.

(let me know if you find anything strange as you browse the salads, thanks!)

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July 28th, 2005 — 8:35am

So it’s July 28th. I’m ready to be done with summer. Winter clothes are just so much better. In the summer, there’s only so much you can peel off, but winter, if you get hot, there are layers and layers to remove. AHH, fall, I need you…

Jim gave me his stupid cold and I’m kinda tired and run down today, so I don’t have much to say. So just go look at these really cool knits by minette that I found via not martha.

I especially like and want to make the multi pixie mittens and multi pixie scarf.

I think I’m going to go back to bed.

6 comments » | daily

One Skein Wonderful

July 27th, 2005 — 8:21am

I used up my three Blingo movie tickets yesterday (can you believe I’ve won THREE?) Jim and I went to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I give it a thumbs up, although it’s not for kids. It was definitely made for my generation, you know the kids who grew up with Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. I gave my sister my third movie ticket in payment for watching the kiddies. Maybe I enjoyed the movie so much because it was WITHOUT kids? Could that be?

I finished two shrugs this weekend. One for my friend Sarah – her birthday was on Saturday. And one for my little grumpy pea. Just look at her, she’s SUCH a big grouch! That’s what I get when I pry her away from Dora.

miss grumpy pants in action

And the one for my friend.

I love this thing. I think I’m going to make one in every color!

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