finished projects

June 14th, 2004 — 9:21pm

I have finished some new projects which I posted on the projects page. Here is a pic of the bag I made for Eden. I really enjoyed making it, it was so simple and it only took me one day! If you’re interested in directions on how to make it, email me and I can try and tell you how I did it!

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June 14th, 2004 — 1:36pm

rockin’ record cuffs!

beer can cuffs
at $80 a pop, don’t expect me to be sporting one!

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Potty training update #3

June 11th, 2004 — 8:36am

Yesterday Eden sat on the potty with out even telling me. She just came to me and said, “Mommy, I go poo poo.” I was so proud.
Today (the day she woke up at 5:30 am) she discovered that she can take a coloring book and a crayon in there with her. If she had a snack and a little something to drink, I don’t see why she should get off the potty at all!

Speaking of loving the potty, it’s Honor’s new favorite thing. He crawls in there, pulls himself up on her little potty and just does some little dance. The pee pee tango or something. We’re always pulling him out of the bathroom. Who knew the toliet could be so facinating?

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Too E-Z Denim Quilt

June 10th, 2004 — 8:54am

Someone one glitter posted this. It looks really cool. I’d like to make it. Now that I have a sewing machine!!

Too E-Z Denim Quilt

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make yourself a dress form

June 8th, 2004 — 8:52am

duct tape dress form

I read this awhile back and wanted to save the link for future reference.

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Chewy granola bar recipes

June 7th, 2004 — 9:27am

Posting these here so I can find them when I need them
RecipeSource: Chewy Granola Bars
RecipeSource: Chewiest Granola Bars
RecipeZaar: Homemade Chewy Granola Bars — I tried this one, but cut down on the brown sugar, cut out the chocolate chips, doubled the raisins and omitted the wheat germ ( didn’t have any) and omitted the sesame seeds (sounded gross) They’re pretty good!
FoodGeeks: Chewy Granola Bars
All recipes: Chewy Granola Bars

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Terribly two.

June 6th, 2004 — 4:54pm

Eden is so hillarious. If you look over to the left you can see what she walks around the house looking like. Naked, with a beanie, sunglasses and one of those formerly trendy key chains that you hang around your neck. She has been so terribly, two. Extremely, terribly, two. Every time we tell her to do anything she throws the worlds biggest fit. She starts yelling, throwing things around and punching and/or slamming her head into the wall. We don’t let her get away with it, but she continues to test us just the same. This is becoming more of a deterrent to having more kids than pregnancy is.

I just shudder at the thought of Honor being this way too. What if they are both this way at the same time??!![/b] Oh, the horror!! What if I have another child and they are all three this way at the same time??!! Must. Not. Think. About. It.

She’s not even two and a half and I am already counting the days until she turns three. What am I to do? At least she is finally getting the hang of potty training.

251 days to go.

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Declare a national holiday, she pooped in the potty!

June 2nd, 2004 — 2:28pm

Yesterday, while my mom was over visiting the kids Eden announced that she needed to go potty. I was floored. I helped her take off her princess panties and she went and sat on the potty. Less than a minute later she came running through the house, “Grammy! Wook it, Wook it, Wook it.” We went to investigatge and she pooped on the potty! THANK GOD! I about resigned myself that we would be sending her to college in diapers. Think of the cost…

Anyway, the princess panties seem to be doing the trick. That and the candy bribery. If she sits on the potty she gets one pez, dispensed from the snowman pez that Grammy put in her stocking. If she poops, she gets something big, yesterday it was a pixie stick, which I learned is not the best thing. Today (yes she went again today!!!) she got a whole thing of smarties.

The candy is helping to cut down on the fits. I would go tell her to sit on the potty and she would throw the most horendous fit! She would punch the wall, yell “no”, slam her head into the wall, throw things…(you get the picture). She still does things like that, but not when I tell her to go potty. Candy is a marvelous thing. It just makes me dread that someday Honor will be terribly two as well. At least she will be over it by then. I hope? Please tell me she will be over it by then?

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grocery bag, bag

June 1st, 2004 — 5:16pm

I am looking into making a tote out of grocery bags, here are few links.

plastic bag tote

crochet plastic bag

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greg and mia, I’m sad

May 31st, 2004 — 11:07pm

It’s been about a month now since Greg and Mia left for North Carolina. They were the Praise and Worship pastors at our church. In that time, Jim has filled in for them. Last week, we found out that our Pastor has pretty much decided on the person that would take over Greg’s position. Yesterday he led praise and worship and our pastor decided that he is the one.

It seems to me that this guy will be fine. Musically he seems really talented, his style is not quite what I’m used to but its fine. A year ago he was the p&w pastor at a very big church in our town. For reasons I do not know, he left that church and moved to Dallas. Now he’s back and tons of people from that other church are thrilled. Sunday at church, I felt that I was not at my own church. It’s funny how one person can change the tone of a whole church. People who had been silently going to church for months were cheering. It changed the tone of our church so much that I felt that I was at that other church. (Now that other church seems to be a great church, but I like my church. I don’t want to go to the other church. If I did, that’s where I would be.) I have no problem with people getting all into church, none at all. I just have a problem with people doing it because of a person. But, like Jim said, that makes the problem with the people in our church not with the guy.

I think the reason the whole thing is so upsetting to me is that we have gone to our church for a year and a half and I have yet to feel a sense of belonging there. We haven’t tried as hard as we could to fit in, although we have tried. It just seems like there is this impenetrable inner group. Feeling like I went to a totally different church last Sunday doesn’t help that feeling.

I just liked the way things were before Greg and Mia left. I wish they hadn’t. I’m really sad.

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