menu – week of September 16, 2013

September 17th, 2013 — 2:17pm

(it’s been awhile!)

Out of town, dinner at Beau Jo’s pizza in Idaho Springs.

Tamales from la Popular (A Denver tamale place that’s amazing – we brought a dozen home with us.)


Baked Eggs with Spinach

Eggplant Pizzas

Bacon, lettuce and peach sandwiches with siracha mayo

Roasted Vegetable Soup & Focaccia

pumpkin/peanut butter granola

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risk and redemption and hope

September 10th, 2013 — 7:17pm

It’s been a rough year. I hate that. I think back to last year, how I felt like life was just bubbling out of me, overflowing. This year has been harder. While there are many amazing things happening in my life. Lots of things have gotten harder too. Money has been difficult. Money that I had been counting on is no longer there. I don’t do well with financial insecurity. Everything feels balanced on a thin ledge. I feel afraid a lot.

Having Josh in my life has been amazing. He constantly proves to me what it’s like to be wholly loved. Loved because of my flaws, not despite them. I have a hard time getting used to it because I’ve never had THIS before. There are a lot of things that being in a relationship has triggered. And I keep finding damage that I didn’t know was there. Here I thought I was all healed and there’s a whole new layer to work through. I’m tired of working through things.

I’ve been panicking a lot. I don’t know exactly what’s happened between last year and now, but I’m not as good at trusting God as I used to be. I’ve lost my way a little bit. Maybe because really hard things have happened between then and now and I keep finding myself brace for impact, again and again. I feel so broken. I feel so afraid. I don’t have the luxury of the naivety that comes with doing a relationship for the first time. I’ve already done all of this and I know exactly how bad it hurts when everything falls apart. I know exactly what I’m getting into. I know exactly what I’m risking. That scares the hell out of me.

I don’t think I knew exactly how hurt and damaged my marriage left me. I was so fragile and hurt that all I could really focus on was surviving. With that survival came a newfound sense of independence and freedom and the euphoria that comes with it. I think there was also this sense of hope for the future that kept me going. Hope that I could do it again, but with someone who was willing to be as IN as I was. Hope that maybe being with that person would fix all of the external things that seemed broken. And really all I wanted, all I hoped for, was to get married again. I think I was looking to replace what I lost, fill the holes. Pick up where I left off. I was looking so desperately for redemption to make sense of all of that heartache and loss.

Now that I’m experiencing a bit of that longed-for redemption, I’m seeing that being in another relationship (even a healthy one) isn’t the saving that I needed. Josh isn’t here to save me. And Josh isn’t THE story. He’s just part of it. Being with him doesn’t suddenly fix the financial problems I was left to deal with. Being with him doesn’t cover over all the ways I was damaged. Being with him doesn’t replace what I lost, but instead gives me something different. Good, but different. I have what I so desperately hoped for for so long and, SURPRISE!, it doesn’t fix everything. Excuse me while I adjust my world view. But what being with Josh does do is slowly, surely prove to me that things can be different and better. That maybe, with him anyway, I don’t have to brace for impact all the time. Maybe, a few years in – like at year seven, things won’t go to hell. Maybe things will always be as good as they are now. Maybe, even when he doesn’t really feel it, he will always choose to love me. Maybe this is what redemption really is, slow and steady, proving and steadfast, patient and always, always there.

Maybe, like I’ve been telling myself all this time, Love really, actually is worth the risk?

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Cali trip

August 6th, 2013 — 2:03pm

Better late than never, pics from our trip to California. Can I just say, I’m in LOVE with the ocean…

This was the kid’s first time on a plane.

Waiting for her first airplane flight. #vacay #laxbound

First plane trip!

His hope is to eat here everyday. @joshhudnall
Josh’s goal was to eat at In n Out everyday. We got off the plane and went straight there.


They're in love.

This place... I could live here.


Disneyland kids
We barely got any pics at Disneyland, we were too busy running from ride to ride.

Space mountain

Closed eyes and photo bombs...

Honor begged me to take this pic. Amazing what they can do with Legos...

Heaven for the boy

Sky writing #LA
Sky writing in LA


Sail away

Sand mermaid


Spent another day at venice beach.


seasalt fish grill in Santa Monica #yesplease
Santa Monica

Don't mind us driving up hwy. 1.

Outdoor dining, sooo good.

I love him.


This beach....such a dreamy experience.

Sea cave with baby Royal photo bombing us.

Avila beach and coffee at joe mamas.

We got to see a school of dolphins swimming along Hwy 1. Amazing.

Just north of Malibu.

I feel like being at the ocean is breathing deeper, or like God puts his hand on you and you settle in and calm down. I nearly cried when we left it for the last time.

Smog makes for some great sunsets over Hollywood.

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July 20th, 2013 — 6:08pm

I ran the clinic today. I got to watch 18 volunteers pour themselves into 30 patients who gratefully took their much-needed help. That got to happen because I get to do my job facilitating the clinic. The system is so broken and I get to be a tiny part of the answer. So thankful.

Josh has been out of town on a business trip and is traveling home today. I’ve had some extra time to think about him and our relationship. Everything with him is just so perfectly uncomplicated. If ever I thought God knew what he was doing, it’s when I look at the people he put in my life. So thankful.

I went to my family reunion last weekend. I was laying in bed in my grandma’s basement, my face buried in the pillows, headphones in to block out the sound of the early-rising twinzies and God started talking to me. Ironically I skipped church so he could keep talking to me. He talked to me about being brave and being rescued. He reminded me that HE is the one who is rescuing me, not Josh or anyone else. That feels like such a relief. I got to talk to my uncle about being myself when being myself isn’t always allowed. It was exactly what I needed. I continue to realize: I’m being taken care of… I’m getting exactly what I need. So thankful.

This summer has been so perfect. The ocean and Disneyland, rafting, camping, hours in the car, friends and beers around the makeshift campfire (a citronella torch set inside the firepit). Tomatoes right off the vine, Olathe sweet corn and every meal simple and grilled. Dirty feet, tan lines, popsicles and noses pink from the sun. So thankful.

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July 16th, 2013 — 2:41pm

When my life fell apart and I was going through my divorce, my message to myself was:

Be brave and take one step in front of the other even though you don’t know where you’re going. And even though you don’t know where you’re going, you’re going to be OK.
No matter what.

Somewhere in the last 6 months or so, I decided that I didn’t have to be brave anymore. That’s worked out really well for me… Being a single mom is really hard. Being divorced is really hard… on the finances. I’m at a stage in my life where I don’t have a lot of security. And there are still a lot of things beyond my control. I knew that this would be hard. Back when I was being brave, I prepared myself for this. I told myself that no matter what happened, I would figure it out and I would be OK.

It’s time to start believing that again. It’s time to stop stressing myself out to the point making myself sick. It’s time to trust, to know that I will be taken care of no matter what. It’s time to be brave again. I don’t really have any other choice.

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Macklemore and other thoughts on God

July 3rd, 2013 — 6:44pm

I’m starting to think that maybe God is a lot more gracious than we think he is. Certainly more gracious than we are with ourselves or each other. If we’re made in his image and we can’t go a second without judging each other, looking down our noses and loving with love that’s based on a list of conditions, maybe we think he’s the same way. Maybe the point of life isn’t to do it perfectly, but to learn as much as we can, sometimes the hard way. Maybe we’re here to get through, seeing the beauty in the people that surround us. Maybe the point isn’t being RIGHT but instead operating with LOVE. And maybe God is looking at us, seeing us struggle, doing things maybe a little bit wrong, but he just has so much love for us that it doesn’t matter. We’re OK with him just as we are. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we were just OK with each other just as we are? I could use some of that right now.

I think that theology isn’t something that’s supposed to be static, but something fluid that changes with life experiences and the ways we encounter God. Right now my theology is being heavily influenced by Macklemore and Glennon Melton. Really. (And if you’ve yet to read Glennon’s book, Carry On Warrior, please go get it right now. It’s the best book I’ve read all year, hands down.)

I guess what I’m saying is that I don’t want to live a life that points at everyone else and says, “you’re doing it wrong” because I’m pretty sure I’m doing it wrong too. I don’t have the time or energy to legislate other peoples morality, I’m too busy figuring out my own. Instead I like the idea of Namaste: the acknowledgment of the soul in one by the soul in another. I want to live a life that says, “I see you. Life is hard for me too. You’re doing a good job getting through.”

Hey, you! I see you. Life is hard for me too. You’re doing a good job getting through.

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June 25th, 2013 — 4:32pm

I will operate with a thankful heart. I will not forget the magnitude of what I was rescued from. I will be thankful for the beautiful mess that is my life.

I will TRUST. Trust will be my new way of life. I will always trust. There is no other way.

I will take this time to learn whatever I can, to wring every last drop out of my experiences, to let them change me, soften me, mold me.

I will embrace my true self and I will not apologize for or hide who I am. Who I am is what others around me NEED me to be. I will be it.

I will be present, with my eyes wide open. I will SEE what’s around me. I will SEE the good things I have. I will SEE the good things happening to me. And I will SEE others around me. I will witness their pain and their joy and help how I can.


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We had a baby

June 3rd, 2013 — 4:43pm

Memorial Day is the day that Brian joined our community last year. I remember this because we invited him over as we all sat up on the roof watching the Juco fireworks. This year, on Memorial Day, baby Elliott joined our community. He came after 28 difficult hours of labor, making his entrance as his mother always does – fashionably late. I was honored and lucky to get to be with Seth and Carrie at the hospital while she labored and delivered. Carrie was a rockstar, laboring WAY longer that I ever had to.

Carrie and Seth keep talking about how great I was during her labor. But I did what they would have done for me. I was just there. And I helped however I could. (And really, I think it’s because I finally said, after 24 hours of labor, “I think you should get an epidural.”) The thing is, that’s what it means to be family, staying up all night if we have to, to get through whatever comes.


I can’t imagine Elliott coming into the world without me, just as I can’t imagine going through my divorce without Carrie. We’re so lucky to have each other.

That’s what these last few months have been showing me: Family doesn’t have to be blood and I have LOTS of family who would be there for me as much as I would be there for them (which is always). I have all of the things that I’ve longed for all of my life, they just look a little different than I thought they would.

Welcome to the world, baby Elliott. You’ve got a great, big family who’s so excited to know you.

Today, we had a baby. @carringtonschaeffer @hoptocopter #elliottandrew
Elliott was a whopping 8lbs! We can’t believe he fit into Carrie’s tiny 5 foot frame!


Gettin my fix.

"I'm going to tickle you and call you weird names...I'm the new Carrie."

First meeting. #siblings

How can a girl not get a little melty over this? #notthatiwantmore #butstill

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pics from the last week or two

May 17th, 2013 — 9:19am

Now he has a helicopter to match Josh and Seth. #nerds #cutenerds
Honor saved up to get a helicopter so he could fly with Josh and Seth.

Kitchen fries. Girls happy hour. #bin707 #yum
Kitchen Fries at Bin 707 – girls happy hour.

Just workin on Lord Grantham Schaeffer's chamber. #doublebabywars @sstruwe

Progress...including the yoyo quilt I made.
Workin on setting up Carrie’s baby’s room. Note the quilt I made.

Middle school orientation. #yep
Eden with her buddies at Middle School Orientation.

Lights in @joshhudnall's new office.
The lights in Josh’s new office.

Larimer Square, my secret plan for downtown gj. #nofilter
Larimer Square in Denver

Rooftop dining
Rooftop dining in Denver


Shooting a promo video for Swaylist at bin. #bin707 #swaylist

@joshhudnall @hoptocopter on set for the @swaylist shoot.
We took over Bin 707 one night to film a promo video for Josh’s startup, Swaylist.

Dexter is glad that at least one person loves him.
Seth loves him.

Workin at Josh's office with every Apple device imaginable. #someofthemmine!

Conference area in @joshhudnall's & @hoptocopter's new, mod office.
more shots of Josh’s office

She's reading to us.
She was reading to us.

Second meeting of the #westslopesupperclub early 1960's theme

Josh and I went to the second meeting of the West Slope Supper Club. It was early ’60’s themed.

Gotta get all the mileage I can outta these lashes. #lifedream

We built a firepit.
new fire pit

At this point I'm wondering if I should do nothing and just wait for the next time change...

Cozy little place to knit.
at Tangle

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Duck Face Week

May 16th, 2013 — 3:08pm

A couple of weeks ago, Carrie and I thought it would be funny to declare it Duck Face Week. If you don’t know what a Duck Face is, it’s when girls take “sexy” pictures of themselves, sticking their lips out. It seems to be quite the trend on the internet these days. We had fun with our little project, silly as it was.

Day 1.
Day 1 #duckfaceweek

Day 2.
Day 2 #duckfaceweek

Day 3.
Day 3 #duckfaceweek

Day 4.
Day 4. Duckface with coffee. #duckfaceweek

Day 5.
Day 5. Duckface with knitting on the way to Denver. #duckfaceweek

Day 6.
Day 6. #duckfaceweek

Final day. Duck face in a park. #duckfaceweek

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