potty mouth

June 16th, 2005 — 7:00am

So Eden picked up a bad word. Tuesday after dance class, she was at my friends house (the one I trade baby-sitting with). They were all walking outside to play in the wading pool when Eden said “Oh, Sh*t.” My friend was shocked and thinking that she couldn’t possibly have heard right, she asked Eden to clarify. And yes, Eden, in fact, did cuss! My friend had a long talk with her and Eden had to sit in time out.

We also talked to Eden that night about saying bad words. She never admitted to us that she had said something. So when Jim had the kids down at the church during band practice, you can imagine his embarrassment when Eden was playing with the microphone and said her new word. (Luckily for Jim, the microphone was turned off!) He asked her, “What did you say?” and she immediately became sheepish.

The funny thing is that it’s a word we NEVER say. I mean, never, ever! If she was going around saying, “Oh, crap,” I’d take full responsibility for that. My mom always admonishes that Eden will say “ass” when we’re at church. I admit, there is a distinct possibility. But this word? It’s just not a word either of us ever say. We’ve been wracking our brains and we can’t come up with anyone/thing who could have taught Eden her new word.

I’m calking this one up to the joys of having a kid who’s too smart for her own good.

6 comments » | Eden

And Blingo was his name-o

June 15th, 2005 — 8:14am

I won!! See? See? Here I am at the top of the list! (I won a movie ticket.)

I’m pretty impressed with Blingo now. Especially because it’s just google with benefits!

Here’s the link to sign up and if you win, I win too!


Ever more importantly, Elizabeth, who is a sweet, sweet, sweetie, sent me a fab care package. I’d take a picture of it but the kids have already gotten into all the stuff she sent for them. The started stickering everything with Dora stickers, including us and Jim went to the store with a Dora sticker on his shirt! Luckily he noticed it as he walked in.

She sent me the coolest green fabric ever and now I need to knit another purse so I can line it with the fabric!

Thank you Elizabeth!!

6 comments » | cool things

My little Ballerina

June 14th, 2005 — 9:20am

Eden has been enjoying her ballet class so much. Today she called it her pink ballet class because she wore her pink leotard. Last Thursday it was her black ballet class because she was wearing her black leotard. Strangely this morning, she didn’t want to peel herself out of bed when I told here that we were going to go to ballet class. She said, “I just need to take a little rest.” And rolled back over.

We made it though, barely in time. I can’t believe how fast I got Eden to move when I told her we were going to be late for her dance class. Honor of course was as slow as possible. Which leads us to the hardest part of dance class: containing Honor for the VERY long 40 minutes. I’m starting to think that we made a mistake in naming him “Honor,” because it’s very similar to the word “Ornery.”

Here’s Eden with her friend Tasia on the first day of dance.

And the girls with their teacher.

Thanks to my friend Jill who took much better photos than I did.

7 comments » | Eden

menu – week of June 13, 2005

June 14th, 2005 — 8:26am

Hot dogs, spicy jicama and carrot slaw, baked beans

Cold Thai noodle salad with shredded chicken, carrots, cucumbers and peanut sauce

Turkey sandwiches with avocado and bean sprouts

Green Chile smothered burritos

Friday, Saturday
Camping!!! And the weather is really supposed to be nice this time.
We’ll have hamburgers and beef stew. Yum!

Something easy like leftover burritos or frozen pizza, we’ll be busy unpacking.

1 comment » | Menu

My first sock

June 13th, 2005 — 10:25am

I’m about to give up on ever taking a good picture ever again. Let’s all take a moment of silence for the loss of my Nikon D-70.


I don’t think I ever posted about my ipod(!) though. The ipod fairy felt so bad that I had to give up the camera that he dropped a silver mini in my lap! I love it so much.

So here’s my sock, in poor photo quality.

It was so, so rainy here this weekend that we weren’t able to camp or go to the circus (we even had free tickets) or walk down to the art and jazz festival or do much of anything. We did take our obligatory Friday trip to Target, though, where I continued to drool over the sushi plates and cool oval serving bowls that match my dishes perfectly. Which, because life is always like this, I’m sure, will be gone by the time I have money to purchase them.

AND strangest of all, it was cold here. It’s never cold here in June. It’s never cold here in May!! This has been the absolute strangest weather ever! The low was 45º. I had to dig out all of our winter bedding and clothing. I’m not complaining though, because Saturday night, Jim and I were able to sit out under our gazebo and drink hot chocolate by the fire while it rained. It was almost as nice as camping, especially because we got to sleep in our comfy bed!

Thanks to the weather, I was able to finish my sock and start on it’s mate. We also watched “The Forgotten”, “King Aurthur” and “Alfie”. I give them all a rating of 3.75 stars. Worth watching, but don’t expect too much, well “The Forgotten” was pretty good, I’ll give it a rating of 4 stars.

I also decided that I DO like my ring. I got a slightly better picture of it.

Some times I annoy myself with how picky I am!

7 comments » | daily, knitting

Book quiz

June 13th, 2005 — 9:40am

Princess Jazz tagged me for this book quiz. I’ll try to answer the questions, but since in my spare time I can either knit or read, you can guess what I choose.

1. Total number of books I’ve owned.
I’m too lazy to go count, but I’ll tell you that my book collection in NO WAY compares to my sisters. Who lives in a teeny, tiny apartment and everywhere you look, there are books and books and books.
2. The last book I bought.
“Chainfire” by Terry Goodkind (I haven’t even read it because I don’t want to be left in suspense until the next book comes out.)
3. The Last Book I read.
my Bible and uuhhh, Weekend Knitting
4. 5 books that mean something to me.
*My Bible – the only book I’ll ever “need”
*”Stitch n Bitch” by Debbie Stoller – this is how I learned to knit, it’s very dear to my heart.
*The whole Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind, I never thought I’d like fantasy books, but I really like this series.
*A breast feeing book that I can’t find at the moment, but it was called something like, “So that’s what they’re for?” It was very influential in my breast feeding efforts.
*”The Visitation” by Frank Peretti. The book in and of itself is just ok, but there are a few parts about corporate church that I always think about, even years after reading the book.

5. Tag 5 people and request they fill this out on their journals.
let me know if you want to be tagged.

I’ll be back in a few to post pics of my first sock! And yes, yes, the menu will be back this week too.

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at least it wasn’t her butt

June 9th, 2005 — 6:01am

On the way to bed, Eden let out a big, huge burp,

“My mouth tooted.”

1 comment » | Eden, quote of the week

about blog cliques

June 8th, 2005 — 12:18pm

I never want to be a blog clique. I always want people to know that they’re welcome here and that I’m interested in the comments they make. That’s why I always try my hardest to reply to each comment. I’m not interested in this website just being all about me or the number of hits I get. (But I do have to say, it’s fun to brag to my husband that my website gets the most hits out of every website on our server. I think deep down he’s actually proud.) I never want it to be at the point that I’m just writing it to write, I’m all about building friendships. I don’t see the internet as a barrier for creating friendships, I see it as an enabler.

So I guess what I was trying to say before, is that I give up on trying to be friends with people who don’t want to be friends with me.

And I neglected to say that I’m so thankful for all of YOU! It just makes my day to open up my email and see that I’ve got comments. I’m also really enjoying getting to know all of you through your blogs too. So if this were a clique, you’d all be in it, but I just think a clique is too exclusive and I’m not about excluding anyone.

5 comments » | this website

Freaking Out (with update)

June 8th, 2005 — 8:35am

I haven’t worn a wedding ring since I was pregnant with Eden. My hands have never slimmed back down to the way they were pre pregnancy. With our tax return, I was able to order a new ring. So I designed a ring that would utilize the small sapphires and diamonds from my original ring. (The part of my ring with the stones crapped out on me shortly after the wedding. The jeweler did a poor job or applying the stones to my band. So I was just wearing a plain band.)

I’m going today, after over a month of waiting, to pick up my ring. I’m freaking out because the jeweler called yesterday to tell me he didn’t set the stones like I wanted them. I wanted them set flush into the band so that it looks like they were just dropped into it. He put a small ring of white gold around each stone, so it’s not totally flush. At this point I don’t really even want to go pick it up. My appointment is at 11am and I’ll update you with how the ring turns out. Until then, I’ll pace the floor in worried anticipation.


Well, it’s not exactly what I wanted, but I think I like it. It’s going to take a while for me to really decide. The pictures are horrible, I couldn’t get a good photo with my camera, but I hope this will at least give you some sort of idea.

I’ll try to get some better pictures later.

There’s a diamond on the top and the bottom and four sapphires on either side.

When asking for ideas in designing my ring, a very wise woman wrote this to me.

“My husband and I picked my engagement ring together, from an antique store in the French Quarter of New Orleans. It was totally NOT what I thought I wanted: I thought I wanted a white gold or platinum ring with an elaborate antique setting. And instead I chose a simple yellow-gold band with a solitaire. It’s a “mine-cut” stone, meaning it was cut at the mine, roughly, to determine the grade of the stone and how much it could be sold for. I’ll tell you a secret: the diamond in my engagement ring has a big old flaw right in the middle of it that you can see if you look carefully through a loupe. But apparently someone had it set for some sentimental reason, and some woman wore it for alot of years — you can tell by the wear on the band. We had the setting checked and the (can’t think of the term) bendy-over-points renewed so I wouldn’t lose the stone.

But we got it. You know why? For me it’s metaphorical of my life: there’s this big old ugly reality that’s close to the heart of my history, and yet the pressure of the world made this beautiful stone around it. And it’s not been “perfected” with a perfectly round cut. And it’s beautiful. It catches the light, and makes me happy. To the naked eye, it’s just a beautiful solitaire. And this incredible man who makes me so happy wanted to get me exactly what I wanted.

My point in telling you this? You just might want to consider a design that’s less than perfectly symmetrical, less than “perfect” in some way. Because that’s how life is, that’s how marriage is, and seeing your wedding band can remind you of it. When I have the presence of mind to notice my engagement ring when I’m in “a bad space,” it’s a good reminder of life’s messiness, and yet life’s wonder.”

I’m thinking of this as I think about this ring. Life isn’t always what you want, but that doesn’t make it any less beautiful, right?

8 comments » | daily

Ain’t never going to be a popular girl

June 7th, 2005 — 5:58pm

For weeks now, I’ve been trying to break in to a blogging clique. But I’m throwing in the towel. I’ve posted comments to their every post, I’ve read with anticipation and it just isn’t happening. It’s like high school all over again.

Ahhh, well. I guess that I’m just going to have to get used to the fact that I’m just not the coolest evar. That my cool rating might be just a 7. Such is life, eh?

EDIT: I’m not going anywhere, don’t worry. *wink*

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