A few things

May 25th, 2005 — 10:17am

*I am in love with this clutch. Isn’t it the coolest thing EVAR?? I don’t know why I’m even looking at clutches, since there’s no way I could carry one and hold the hands of two children. They’re cool though…

*And in honor of all things shrug, here is a PDF from interweave knits with several different shrug patterns.

PDF shrug patterns

I like the first one, it’s simple and has a cute 3/4 sleeve with a ruffled cuff.

Ahhh, I need to start knitting more. (She says as Jim scrambles to take away all methods in which to BUY MORE YARN. HA! Too late!)

*I recently discovered Blingo. It’s a new search engine, well not really new because they just use google results. But you can win all kinds of prizes just by searching. I have an online buddy who won a year of free blockbuster just the other day. I figure if I’m going to google anyway, I might as well win something. If you sign up under me, I win when you win. It’s kinda interesting…


*The kids are currently running through the house, Honor holding a cow flashlight and Eden has a big rubber alligator. Honor’s screaming, “AHHHH”. And Eden is behind him saying, “I’m going to det you mean cow!”

4 comments » | random monday

You mean they’re not the same?

May 24th, 2005 — 7:19am

Yesterday while I was changing a particularly stinky diaper (Honor says “Poopoo, uuk”), Eden discovered the difference between girls and boys. She said, “Mom Honor has a sore” as she pointed to his penis.

This is where it gets kind of tricky. I don’t want my kids to be the ones who go around to all their friends and inform them of their body parts and their functions. But I also don’t want my kids to be learning about things of this nature from their friends. I guess the way I view it is that if I’m the one who wants to educate my kids, then I need to make sure I’m the first one on the job.

So I told her, “Girls and boys have different peepees. Honor has a penis.”
She said, “A penis?”
I replied, “Yes, and you have a vagina.”
Her response, “Oh.”

And that was that.

4 comments » | Kids

At Camping

May 23rd, 2005 — 9:21am

Camping was great fun. I didn’t realize how much easier it would be when Honor was able to walk. I think we all came away from it with a renewed desire to camp all summer long. Every where we go this is now the typical conversation with Eden,
“Are we at camping?”
“No, sweetie, we’re at ______.”
“Can we go at camping again?”
“We sure can.”

Honor ran right into the lake and then tripped and was floating face first. Jim was right there and rescued him. I think it gave him a new found (and needed) respect for water. I wasn’t there or I would have taken a picture of him. I know how you all love me to take photos rather than rescue him, so I made sure to take a picture of this.

Everyone waiting for breakfast.

My little camping buddy.

I’m going to sit down this week and plan out our whole summer. I’ve found that if we don’t plan it, we don’t end up doing anything. And Lord knows, we need to go “at camping” again.

6 comments » | camping

The time with the chairs

May 20th, 2005 — 11:30am

We’re going camping tonight. I loooove camping. Eden is peeing her pants with excitement to camp. Probably because I bought her a Barbie camping chair. She’s already drug the thing all over the house. We had to get Honor’s chair out too so he could drag it around the house behind Eden dragging her chair around the house. Ahhh, sometimes they are so cute.

Speaking of camping chairs, I think it’s time that I write about The Time Jim Left Our Camping Chairs On The Side Of The Road. This wouldn’t have been such a huge event if it wouldn’t have closely coincided with The Throwing Away of the Bras (are we starting to see a pattern here?)

Every year the volunteer fire department in Glade Park (which is about a 45 minute drive from here) shows family movies on the back of the fire house to raise money. Everyone brings their lawn chair and sleeping bags and feasts on hot dogs and hamburgers and popcorn. (I wrote about our trip last year here.) They have hay rides for the kids and take donations for the $1 movie tickets.

Well, we were there watching Shrek when Eden was about a year old and she decided that she didn’t want to watch the movie. So we had to stealthily pack up all our gear and left in the middle of the movie. I was packing our Grumpy Pea into the car and Jim was loading up all our stuff when IT HAPPENED. He got everything else, the stroller, the blankets, the diaper bag, my purse, but he FORGOT THE CHAIRS. Even in the dark, how do you lose chairs? It’s not like they were small or anything. They were HUGE and GREEN and IN A NICE BAG WITH A SHOULDER STRAP and they had CUP HOLDERS and… now they’re gone.

Yet another thing to add to the list of The Things That I Will Never Let Jim Forget. Such is life.

Happy weekend, ours will be full of s’more covered children trying to share their sticky love.

5 comments » | camping

‘Tis better to have loved and lost…

May 19th, 2005 — 6:55am

I had to bring the Nikon D70 back to the office. I guess they need it for weddings. I’m finding that I’m really surprised at how sad I am to have to give it up. I really, really, really liked that camera. And now I really, really, really need one. I keep searching my mind as to how I could come up with twelve hundred bucks. I wish I would have known that I couldn’t have the camera before we used our income tax return. The kids don’t need a college fund right?

So I’ll let you share with me in my commiseration. Here’s one of the last good photos.

3 comments » | daily

April Showers

May 18th, 2005 — 10:23am

I finished up this bag this weekend. It ridiculously took me 5 tries, before I got it the way I wanted it. It’s handspun yarn by midnight and lulu. I worked so hard on the bag because I wanted it to “fit” the coolness of the yarn.

I need to get into some more knitting, my hands are starting to get really restless.

6 comments » | bags, knitting

Jim’s quote of the week

May 17th, 2005 — 12:36pm

“Why do you always make me burp when I kiss you? You’re like Soda.”

2 comments » | quote of the week

Big trouble

May 16th, 2005 — 9:29am

So, I’m in trouble. Honor didn’t take a nap yesterday. He’s been fighting nap time more and more lately. This scares me because I need nap time!!! What scares me more is that he figured out how to climb out of his crib. We were all outside yesterday and he just showed up on the deck. We were being lazy and didn’t want to get up, so we just let him stay up.

He must have been tired though, because after dinner he dragged Eden’s pillow and blanket outside. Rather than rescuing her blanket from the dirt, I took pictures. (I blame this on all of you because you’d rather me take pictures of him in the toilet instead of rescue him!) But, hey, what’s one more piece of laundry anyway?

And here’s Eden with the kitty.

5 comments » | Honor

menu – week of May 16, 2005

May 16th, 2005 — 7:34am

Grilled portobello and zucchini tacos

Tuscan Chicken with rosemary and lemon


Chicken coconut curry

weekend options
chicken with buttermilk marinade
BBQ chicken

2 comments » | Menu

Things I’ve fished out of the Toilet no.#786

May 13th, 2005 — 9:06am

Just yesterday I was thinking that I haven’t added anything new to the the “Things I’ve fished out of the Toilet” list. Doesn’t it seem that whenever you think something like that, it has to prove you wrong? Like whenever I think, “Wow, Jim and I have been getting along so well, it’s been forever since we’ve been in an argument.” Then he goes and throws away the Mervyns bag containing two brand new bras totaling over $50.00. Not only does he do this, he does it on trash day. (Don’t get me started on the things he’s thrown away.)

Well, the same happened with Honor. Just as I was marveling that his toilet fascination had come to an end, I had the wonderful opportunity to fish yet another thing out of the toilet. This may top the all time funniest thing I’ve fished out of the toilet, which by consensus is the Waffle.

Thing no.#786 that I’ve fished out of the toilet.


and feet first I may add.

7 comments » | Honor

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