I knew we couldn’t make it a week…

April 15th, 2005 — 1:28pm

…without another Honor related medical incident. Look at his poor eye!

He was playing outside and got something in it. Jim was on duty, so that’s all the details I have. We rinsed it out and gave him some benadryl. The nurse at the doctors office said that all we can do now is just wait for it to go down. Poor kiddo.

Totally unrelated, he came to us the other day like this.

(it’s strawberry applesauce) Being the responsible house keeper that I am, I took a picture rather than save my carpet from strawberry doom.

I know you are all SO shocked that he could make a mess.

3 comments » | Honor, messes

A good ball of ear wax

April 14th, 2005 — 8:00am

Jim has an ear infection. I hate when he gets an ear infection because he turns into such a little whiney baby. Last night he was in some sort of daze because he was trying to tell me how much he loves me and this is what I got.

“You’re like a good ball of ear wax or my 4 dollar shoes, you know, something special.”

Geeze, thanks babe.

[And I have to say that his four dollar shoes have VELCRO]

4 comments » | quote of the week


April 13th, 2005 — 8:28am

Yesterday I came home to find a note from our teenager. She moved out. This all started a couple of weeks ago when we sat her down and laid out some new rules. We have been unhappy with some of the choices she was making and wanted to let her know what the future consequences would be. After experiencing one consequence (losing her phone for a day), she decided that she couldn’t “take” it and moved out.

We haven’t talked to her, we don’t know where she is. We’re both a little angry that she just gave up, but there’s not a lot we can do. The only real authority we had in her life is what she allowed us. It’s a scary thing when a teenager can do whatever they darn well please. It’s just no fun being the bad guy all the time when all we’re trying to do is what’s best for her.

So anyway, today I’m feeling very thankful that my children are 1 and 3, I’m thinking of what we can do with our basement now that’s it’s not inhabited for the first time in over a year, and I’m going to go make myself some Starbucks with half and half and whipped cream.

3 comments » | parenting struggles

The One Campaign

April 12th, 2005 — 11:31am

I saw an ad for the One Campaign on television the other night. It intrigued me because along with all these huge name movie stars like Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Tom Hanks; Pat Robertson endorses it as well. I couldn’t believe someone so ultra conservative would be endorsing something that all these big time Hollywood stars were. I had to check it out.

The One Campaign

From the website, “The ONE Campaign seeks to give Americans a voice, to ring church bells and cell phones, on campuses and in coffee shops, for a historic pact to fight the global AIDS emergency and end extreme poverty. We believe that allocating an additional ONE percent of the U.S. budget toward providing basic needs like health, education, clean water and food, would transform the futures and hopes of an entire generation of the poorest countries.”

They’re not asking for your money, just your signature in support. I think it’s a campaign worthy of checking out. You can also view the television commercial from the website.

2 comments » | daily

3rd hair cut

April 11th, 2005 — 8:38am

Honor got his third haircut yesterday. After my friend Sarah’s account of her two year olds recent hair cut, I was worried about how this would go. Luckily for me, he sat perfectly still on my lap as I buzzed his head. This was truly a miracle because he never sits perfectly still. Here he is, now of course you can’t expect him to look a the camera.

He fell flat on his face off the couch, for the fiftieth time, yesterday. Poor kid, it’s hard to believe he hasn’t broken his nose yet.

Eden actually had a hair cut the other day too. I cut about 3 hairs of her bangs to even them up a bit. We had a big talk about cutting hair. I told her that she should NEVER cut her own hair or else she would look like a boy. She took this to mean that she would BE a boy if she cut her hair. I didn’t try to hard to correct her… anything to keep her from cutting what very little she has.

2 comments » | hair

menu – week of Apr 11, 2005

April 11th, 2005 — 8:38am

Stir Fry w/ Grilled Chicken

Kebabs – Turkey smoked sausage, bell peppers, mushrooms, cherry peppers and onions. yum.

Carls Jr.

Fettuccini with Lemon Cream Sauce, Steamed Broccoli and Grilled Chicken

Weekend Options
Steak and Mashed Taters

Saturday it’s our turn to watch our friends Adam and Mel’s kids while they have a date night, we’ll probably have things like mac and cheese and tater tots.

Pizza or Chicken Strips

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I blame my mother

April 8th, 2005 — 9:53am

Jim just doesn’t understand that it’s not my fault that I like to return things. It was bred into me. My mom is the supreme, expert returner. She’ll return anything. She even returned the paint that she painted her house with FIVE YEARS AGO. And trust me, she’ll get her money back. She may have to throw a fit in front of the store manager, but she’ll get her money back. As a kid, I remember groaning when I heard the words, “Let me talk to your manager.”

I’ve been known to return a thing or two myself. Jim thinks I like it, but I just want to make sure that I’m happy with my purchase. Sometimes you just need to get an item home before you know if you want it or not. When we celebrate my birthday week (don’t I have him trained so well?) one of my presents is always something that I can return. He searches for the ugliest item of clothing in the store and then wraps it up with the receipt. I can’t convince him that I don’t return for the thrill.

So, basically, Eden has no hope. The curse of the returner is just too hard to break. Today she was looking through an avon catalogue (she doesn’t understand why I have so many “books”) when she came upon a CareBears bed set. She told me that she wants to take her bed back to the store and get the bear bed instead. But really, what should Jim expect? There really is NO hope.

5 comments » | Eden

Spring Knitty

April 7th, 2005 — 3:21pm

Yippee!!! The spring Knitty is up!!!


knitted flowers, steering wheel cover, lamp shades, cute tanks and a fiery skirt, what could be better?

2 comments » | knitting

scatched cornea

April 7th, 2005 — 11:06am

I think I need to change the title of my website to “The Honor induced medical drama of the Blevins family.”

Yesterday I had to go the the eye doctor because Honor scratched my cornea. And it HURT!! I’m not exactly sure how it happened, but he was in bed with us ( = no sleep) and started wrestling around and suddenly he wacked my eye. It hurt worse and worse as the day progressed and I finally decided to go in. All I have to say is I hate not having insurance! While I was there I found out that to get a full exam and the supa cool Vera Wang glasses I picked out would be over $350. No wonder I’ve waited for 4 years to get new glasses!

So, my eye is feeling much better today. Maybe we’ll make it at least a week without a medical related drama?

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He’s wearing a TIE

April 6th, 2005 — 9:07am

This is from the guy who 6 months ago refused to wear anything except a tee shirt to work.

That was yesterday, and today he’s wearing a tie AGAIN.

In other news, Honor went to the doctor on Monday. I guess that an asthma attack can be caused by a virus and the doctor is hopeful that that is what happened.

Also, I signed up to sell Avon online. If you like makeup as much as I do, check it out.


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