Pink worm scarf and oh, so fuzzy pink hat

September 12th, 2004 — 10:36pm

Eden finally has her pink snake. It’s made out of cotton yarn and only took me about an hour and a half.

I also finished this great pink fuzzy hat.

It’s made out of patons allure in rose quartz. It took just over one ball (of course) and took me about 2 hours.

I love this yarn and my mom is already deciding what color I’m going to make her a scarf and oh, wait, a hat too.

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September 11th, 2004 — 4:41pm

I really can’t believe that its been 3 years since the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center. I was pregnant with Eden at the time and I remember being so terrified that the terrorists would come and attack Grand Junction and I’d never be able to meet my baby.

I am so thankful that I got to meet Eden. She is the funniest, cutest, sometimes grumpiest, kid.

Not a moment passes that she isn’t singing a song or talking to Bunny (aka George). She is so smart and imaginative; so much so that I can mostly ignore the fact that she can throw a fit like no other kid I have seen in my entire life. It’s times like now (when she’s sleeping and not throwing a fit) that I am so thankful for her.

And if I never met Eden, I would never have met Honor either.

Honor has the prettiest eyes in the whole world. He can make me forget why I’m telling him “NO” for the 50th time with those eyes. And if it doesn’t make me forget, the way he laughs at me while I scold him will. He is turning into such a great little boy. I can tell by the way he studies things that he’s going to be scary-smart like his dad. He is going to give me a run for my money, but I’d have it no other way.

All this is made possible by the best man in the world. I am so thankful that I was lucky enough to make such a good choice in a husband. I love the life we have together. I love that even after 5 years of marriage, that he’s still my first choice of anyone to be with. He’s my favorite.

I just wanted to take today to remember all the good things in my life, to be thankful for what God has given me. Please feel free to comment about what you are thankful for.

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The Stash and don’t miss me.

September 6th, 2004 — 10:04am

I thought I’d take a picute of my yarn purchase on Saturday. Jim thought I went overboard, but I think I could have done much worse.

The cotton yarn was on sale for 88ยข so I couldn’t pass that up, I can get 2 1/2 dish cloths out of one ball. The boucle was on sale for $1.99 and I can get 2 scarves out of one ball. The rest I just needed.

I finished up another hat

It’s knitted out of Brown Sheep Company’s, Lambs Pride, Bulky wool in Pine Tree. I had originally intended this yarn for my green bias scarf, but it just wasn’t looking that nice to me, so I turned it into a hat.

Speaking of the bias scarf, after many, many tries here is my progress.

It’s knitting up pretty quickly, so I should have it done soon.

AND, I’m going to be gone for the rest of the week. I’m going with my mom to Casper, Wyoming to visit my grandma. She hasn’t been feeling well and I wanted to make sure that we went to see her before the weather got bad.

The really good thing about Casper, Wyoming is that they have a Gap/Old Navy/Banana Republic clearance store. In January when I was there, I scored leather pants for $1.99. Yes that was not a typo, $1.99. I hope that I can find some spankin deals this time too.

I hope that everyone has a good week and I’ll be back this weekend.

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I can do it myself.

September 3rd, 2004 — 4:56pm

Eden has taken to telling us when she can do something without help. And even if she can’t she still tells us, “I can do it myself.” Of course when she discovers that she can’t do it herself, she throws a huge whopping fit, screaming and freaking out until someone helps her do whatever it is she needs. I’m not too fond of the fits.

Today we got the invatations for Fiesta Blevinza printed out and ready to mail. Tomorrow we will walk down to the post office and mail them out. I’ve got to get my moms cotton candy machine fixed sometime this month. If we have nothing else to eat at this fiesta, there WILL be cotton candy.

I also started on another scarf. This one is forrest green and knitted on a bias. I’m too lazy to take a picture right now, but I’ll have one up soon.

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nothing compares to finishing something

September 2nd, 2004 — 9:11am

What a treat I have for you today!! I’ve finished 3 whole projects!!!

First, and possibly the cutest, is the worm scarf.

It’s made from only one ball of red cotton yarn. It didn’t take me too long, I just kept putting it off because I hate purling whole rows. The whole time I was making it, Eden kept asking me, “Where’s my snake? I want a pink snake? Where’s my snake?”
Here she is modeling it.

Next is the purple wool scarf. Knitted in a 2X2 rib stitch. The yarn is Brown Sheep Company’s Lambs pride bulky weight in Jacks Plum. This is my favorite “adult” scarf thus far.

Finally is a hat. I made it in all of 3 hours last night. I had originally intended this yarn to be for a scarf, but I couldn’t come up with a pattern that was masculine enough but wouldn’t take up tons of my time. The pattern is Hot Head page 162 of Stitch ‘n Bitch.

I used Brown Sheep Company’s Lambs pride worsted weight wool in Grey Heather. Since this pattern called for bulky weight yarn, I held two strands of the yarn together.

It’s nice to get some projects finished, but I have many, many more to finish.

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The worst mom award

August 31st, 2004 — 9:57am

Yesterday Honor and Eden thought it would be great fun to play with the bike. I found this out when Honor started screaming. The most I can figure out is that Honor was touching the gears of the bike while Eden turned the pedals.

He got his finger caught between two gears and somehow the chain was also involved in the whole finger smooshing. I couldn’t figure out how to get him out, and was afraid that I’d hurt him worse. All kinds of things ran through my mind: What if it’s stuck in there too long and he loses his finger? What if I can’t get it out and I have to call 911 and he has to stand there for hours while they disassemble the bike? What if it’s broken and I have to rush him to the hospital?

As you can see, I’m a little dramatic. I couldn’t figure out how to get his poor little finger out, so I called Jim who happens to work only 6 blocks away. He told me to calm down and then ran all the way home. In the mean time, I was able to take the chain off the bike and get Honors finger out. It was pretty red and swollen and it broke the skin right at the cuticle. But other than that he was ok. Today it’s just a little red. Poor baby.

1 comment » | Honor


August 30th, 2004 — 9:31am

Last night we went to my sisters house to visit her new pet. An Iguana named Melengar. He’s a rather massive lizard, about 3 feet long. I wish I would have brought my camera with me….

He’s got a blue head that fades into a brilliant green and then ends at his tail in brown. Eden was pretty scared of him and would only touch his tail, when we forced her to. But this morning, all she could talk about was “Ashweys Wizard”. She told me that she touched the “wizards” tail and that the “wizard woves me!”.

On a side note, yesterday Eden gathered up her purse full of toys, put her shoes on (nevermind pants!) and announced that she and bunny where going shopping at Old Navy. Makes me so proud!

5 comments » | Eden

Fruit Leather

August 27th, 2004 — 9:22am

It’s that time of year again. Peach Season. There’s nothing better than the smell of peaches drying on a summer-turning-to-fall day. With it being peach season, then pear season, then apple season, the dehydrator doesn’t stop running. I even had some frozen apricots left that I just finished drying.

My family LOVES fruit leather, which is just fine with me, it’s so easy to make. All you do is wash the peach and then just break it up with your hands into a big pot (remove the seed of course). Cook it down for a few minutes with a dash of lemon juice, and then blend. Pour onto fruit leather trays and dry. The most time consuming part is rolling it. I cut my “sheets” into 8ths and then roll in wax paper. Here’s a picture of the apricot leather all ready to be rolled.

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Happy (late) Birthday to Ashley

August 25th, 2004 — 10:42am

I’ve been a little slow in posting, but I wanted to say Happy 21st Birthday to my little sister, Ashley. We had a fabulous steak dinner at our moms house on Monday and a REALLY good whipped cream cake. How can you go wrong with whipped cream?

Ashley is the hardest person EVER to shop for. I had planned on getting her some pants at Old Navy, but they ended up being flare legged and Ash hates flares (who could blame her?). So, everything I suggested to her that she would want, she didn’t want. I was at a complete loss. I bought her a belt. Whoo Hoo! She didn’t seem too thrilled. But she was happy with the adult beverage that we also bought her. She did turn 21 afterall.

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August 22nd, 2004 — 4:51pm

It has suddenly occured to me that the Feast of Tabernacles is coming up! This is what Jim and his family have celebrated his whole life (and is part of his quazi Jewish upbringing.)

This will be the third year now that we will celebrate in our own special way, Fiesta Blevinza. (cheesy, I know.) It keeps getting bigger and bigger, this year I’m even thinking of making tee shirts… hmm… maybe next year. It’s the greatest bash. We have SO much wonderful mexican food, mariachi music, great decorations and awsome party favors, if I do say so myself.

With this feast coming up, it means that I need to lurch in to planning mode. I want this Fiesta Blevinza to be 10 times better than last year. And seeing that I had Honor one week after last Fiesta Blevinza, I’m sure it will be 10 times better.

It also means that I’ve got to lurch into knitting mode. This is the feast that we exchange gifts with Jim’s family. I plan to make everyone who will wear one, a scarf.
Here’s my progress on Abbey’s scarf. It’s the cutest pattern ever, a worm.

I also made this scarf out of the left over yarn from Brooke’s poncho. I’m not sure who it will be for, but the more I see it, the more I think I need to keep it for myself.

Today, I ordered some plain wool yarn (oh, the joys of eBay!) that I will hand dye to make more scarves. Soon I will be crowned the scarf making queen!!!

Here’s my progress on Aunt Ann’s scarf, which will be for Christmas.

It’s made out of merino wool and some kind of sparkly yarn which is a pain to knit with because it keeps getting tangled, but that’s for another day.

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