Honor took a step!

July 27th, 2004 — 9:36pm

Honor took his first step today. He was standing at Edens bed and just walked towards me! He is already much braver than Eden ever was, he just threw himself into it. What a tuff kid!!

Tomorrow he will be 10 months old. I just can’t believe it. We’re really working with him on saying bite when he wants more food. Right now what he does is just yell. I hope that it won’t be long until he learns how to say bite because I can’t stand the yelling!!!

2 comments » | Honor

the funniest ever

July 24th, 2004 — 5:22pm

I’ve added a few new recipes to the site. You may want to check out the fruit salad, the ice cream (yes I know I promised the recipe weeks ago), the fresh salsa and the potato basil frittata.

While you’re looking be sure to read Jim’s rating system. It’s one of the funniest things I’ve read in awhile.

What I’ll never understand is why he will knock a point off lasagna for being hard to prepare when he’s not the one to prepare it? I’ll never know….

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The Top Secret Poncho

July 21st, 2004 — 1:03pm

I’ve decided to post the pic of Brooke’s top secret birthday present. She’s really busy, she won’t look at my site (hopefully.)

This is the pattern that I am making.

Here is my progress thus far:

I’ve also finished a few kerchiefs.

And here is my progress on the 2×2 rib knit scarf


On a side note, I bought some wonderful bamboo needles last week and I’m now in love with bamboo.

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July 19th, 2004 — 4:38pm

I’m working on a top secret project for my friend Brooke’s birthday. I don’t think that she often visits this site, but I won’t post it until her birthday comes (if it’s done by then!).

I’m also in the middle of a 2×2 ribed scarf and the never ending baby blanket for my step-nephew.

I’m very excited to get those projects behind me because Hobby Lobby had knitting needles half off last week and I have some cool new ones to try out. Now I just need to order more yarn. I’d love to have some from here. Unfortunatly, I’d have to sell one of my children to afford it. Some days I’m tempted…

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the menu

July 16th, 2004 — 5:08pm

If you look to the left, above the pic of my wonderfully cute child, you can see that I’ve added a new feature to this website. My weekly menu.

It’s not quite in the format that I like it, but it’s a start. We’ll all see how well I keep up on updating it!

9 comments » | daily

Penne with Sausage and Tomatoes

July 15th, 2004 — 6:55pm

FYI, just added a new recipe. Jim’s techincal rating was 7.6666666666666 but the database wouldn’t let me use decimals.

Penne with Sausage and Tomatoes

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July 14th, 2004 — 10:37pm

We’ve had a pet mouse for about 2 months now (but it’s really a rat.) And up until today his name was Stuart Little (but he’s really a girl.) Today Eden informed us that “His name’s not Stuart, it’s Peach.” Nobody knows where she got it, but that’s the rats name. Unfortunatly for Peach, she’s going back to the pet store. She bit Eden the other day. And Eden says Peach is “naughty.”

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Tan and White striped scarf

July 13th, 2004 — 12:17pm

Last night I finished my tan and white scarf. Surprisingly this is the first scarf I’ve ever knitted!
It’s just a simple garter stitch scarf, I didn’t want to have to think while were camping and I got a teeny bit of knitting done while we were on the road, so I wanted to keep it simple.

Now I’m working on a simple kerchief, which should be done tonight.

I’ve just needed a break from the baby blanket I’m knitting as it’s taking me FOREVER! I needed some satisfaction.

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camping in Ridgeway

July 11th, 2004 — 10:53am

Thursday and Friday night we were camping. It was a fairly nice time.
Thursday we got to the campground around 8pm. We set up and went to sing some songs with the church group that we were camping “with.”
Friday morning, we ate breakfast with the church group and then as it was sweltering hot, we went swiming in the lake.

We were surprised at how nice the swim beach was. The water was so nice and not to cold. It was the only way that we survived the heat. That afternoon it clouded over and there was a nice breeze so we were able to sit and relax while the children didn’t sleep in the tent. I managed to get some knitting done. I came home with half a scarf.

We left early Saturday morning so we could beat the heat. It was certainly good to be home and shower and be able to put Honor down without worring about wether he would try to pull himself up on the fire pit or fall and bonk his head on the concrete.

We both agreed that we would have had more fun if we would have went camping alone as a family instead of going with the church. My reasoning for wanting to go with the church group is that we’ve been going to that church for a year and a half and I still feel no sense of belonging. I thought that being with the “core” group of church goers would help us to finally fit in.

It didn’t. I don’t feel like I developed any deeper relationships than we had before we went camping. It seemed like the “core” group just paid “lip service” to us (ie: how did you sleep, how’s business, your kids are cute, etc.) and didn’t really try to get to know us.

I know that Jim and I are quieter and maybe a little harder to “reach” out to, but I just get this feeling of not being liked. I think that I get to be too sensitive about these things. But, since we feel like it is important to go to church and this is the church that we decided to be committed to, it would be nice to feel “at home”. It would be nice to know that if we weren’t there, we would be missed.

Sign, nothing is ever perfect.

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more cool bag ideas

July 11th, 2004 — 8:29am

a bag made out of capri sun containers

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