Going camping

July 8th, 2004 — 1:34pm

I apologize for being so lax in my posting as of late. We’ve been so busy here, I can hardly keep up. Later on today, we’re heading out to go camping for two nights with our church.
This is the state park that we will be camping at. Tomorrow we will swim in the resivior. I am packing a whole bunch of yarn as I hope to be able to get a lot of knitting done.

When we get back I’ll post the recipe for homemade ice cream and if you want to look at the fourth of July pics click here.

Have a good weekend.

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20 questions

July 7th, 2004 — 11:49pm


kinda a fun game.

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fourth food

July 2nd, 2004 — 11:08am

We’re planning a back yard bash for the Fourth of July with our friends Brooke and Brian. We’re going to have a cookout with some awesome food and then light off fire works in the back yard. (Luckily the fire ban was lifted within the city limits just in time.)

Here are some of the things I am planning on making:

Homemade ice cream (I’ll post the recipe and a pic after I make it)

7-up salad (which, by the way, if you search google for 7up salad, mine beats out Kathie Lee Gifford’s)

fresh, homemade salsa and guacamole

corn on the cob if I can find some, I seem to remember having it last 4th

baby potatoes and fresh green beans

Brooke and Brian are bringing the meat and some beer. I think they will bring steaks and we’ll keep Jim away from the grill as he’s lost his touch for grilling. We don’t want to eat jerky.

I’m making a trip to my favorite market on Saturday, so I will probably come home with all kinds of delicious fresh produce.

I was really wanting to make a pie, but with the ice cream and the 7up salad, I will probably hold. off.

I hope everyone has a happy independence day. Please take some time to remember the foundations this great country was built on.

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Driving insantiy

June 30th, 2004 — 11:05am

I would like to set some criteria for letting someone cut in front of me while driving. Really, before allowing someone in, I’d like to sit down for a short interview with them.

I need to know if they will sit for 5 seconds or more at a green light before deciding to finally move. I can only have quick movers in front of me. None of this putting the car in neutral to alleviate the need to keep ones foot on the clutch. When they finally realize that the light is green they start to rev the engine and realize that it’s in neutral. They then have to take the time to put it into first gear before being able to move. By this time the light is yellow. I can have none of this! (Sadly I am married to someone like this.)

I also need to be assured that they won’t be talking on their cell phone any of the driving in front of me time. I can have no cell phone talking!

I may also have to take a quick survey of their vehicle. Do they have annoying bumper stickers? Do their brake and turn signals work? I need proper warning if they will be slamming on their brakes. Do they have a ridiculously loud sub woofer? I cannot have someone?s stupid bass interfering with the music I am listening to.

Size does matter. If they are a gigantic land yacht, there is no way. I must be able to see over them from my little Honda Civic.

Finally and most importantly, I need to determine whether they are capable of turning on and off their turn signal. Nothing is worse than someone who switches lanes with out signaling. Alternately, just as bad, is someone who leaves their signal on. How can you not hear the little click, click, click? Honestly!

After having met all these requirements, I will allow you to cut in front of me. Unless of course you’re a semi and you just force your way in, using your size to be a bully and not caring if my family is in the car that you almost squished!

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June 28th, 2004 — 6:52pm

Today is Honor?s 9 month birthday. I can?t believe he is so old. It seems like Eden’s first 9 months took twice as long as his have. He crawls really well, he pulls himself up on everything, including his favorite thing, the toilet. He has just started to walk around the furniture. He waves bye-bye and says ?ba ba? while waving. He can pick up the cheerios with his thumb and forefinger but is REALLY good and throwing them all over the house. The vacuum bag contains almost exclusively cheerios.

And he has earned a new nick name. Destruct-o-con. While the squirm is still fitting, even more than ever. Destruct-o-con is just more fitting, as my house will attest to. It showed last night and by noon today, you?d never have a clue that it was sparkling clean. None at all.

Oh, well, I love the little destroyer. The cuteness makes up for the cheerio messes.

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I am the Booger Picking queen.

June 25th, 2004 — 12:01am

Go ahead, try it. Search google. Type in “booger picking” Who do you see in the #2 spot? That’s right, you can say it, I am the queen!!!

My sister will be jealous as she has been the booger picking queen for quite some time. Many an old person in this town has seen my sister pick her boogers while waiting at a red light. Many a wall, in her younger years, has been smeared with her viscous, green goo. I’m sorry dear sister, you have lost your title. After all, I come up #2 on google for booger picking. What can I say?

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Here fishy, fishy

June 24th, 2004 — 3:31pm

We went swimming the other day. The kids had a great time although Eden is quite afraid of the water.

Honor on the other hand LOVES the water.

Sadly, it was past his nap time and he got a little grouchy.

Eden and Madison had tons of fun together.

They would throw the little squirty toys in the water and then Madison would retrieve them.

It made me a little nervous, I was sure Eden was going to fall in and further her fear of the water, but it all turned out fine. No one got sun burned and and no one got dunked. It was sure a lot of work for the mommy though.

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rockin the dial up

June 23rd, 2004 — 4:14pm

If there is anyone out there who actually reads this, I apologize for being so lax in my posting. All I have to say is that Qwest is not my favorite phone company right now. Their “spirit of service” may need an exorcist!
I called to order our new DSL modem and they transfered me over to repair. I waited on hold for like 15 minutes. The repair lady hounded me about what was wrong with our modem. I told her that it died and I want a new one. She said, “Well, we just don’t send new ones out.” And I asked why I can’t just buy a new one. Turns out that I needed to talk to the ORIGINAL PERSON I TALKED TO before I waited on hold for FIFTEEN MINUTES!!!
So when I got back to him, he told me that they only lease modems out to new customers, not exsisting ones who have been paying $88 a month for the last two years. By that time, I was too mad to want to give them anymore of my business that I just told him to forget it and that I would buy a modem from someone else.

Unfortunatly, a modem would cost more from someone else, so I’m sadly off to bite the bullet and call the stupid Qwest guy back.

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Happy Fathers Day

June 20th, 2004 — 2:38pm

On Friday, our DSL modem went down, so I am suffering through posting this on dial up. Dial up is so awful, I don’t know how anyone does it. It’s pure torture. On top of having to use dial up, I also have to surf from the kitchen at Eden’s little table because there is no phone line by my computer. Feel my pain as I suffer.

Today I told Eden to tell Jim “happy fathers day.” She was telling him happy fathers day and then she told me happy fathers day. I think that she doesn’t know what “father” means, so I told her that it is happy daddys day and she said “No, it’s happy Edens day.”

She is so funny.

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glass rings and duct tape design

June 15th, 2004 — 11:26am

I may need to get myself one of these. My Ring Collection | The Carrotbox via =http://www.awfulcufflinks.com awfulcufflinks[/url]

check out these cool purses made out of duct tape, amazing!

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