He crawls, he stands, my life has just gotten MUCH harder

May 28th, 2004 — 4:54pm

Honor, the sweet boy, at age almost 8 months crawls. It’s a kind of modified crawl, more like an army crawl. He is now into everything! The plants, the stero (nearly blasting our ears out!) the bathroom cabinet, anything in the kitchen that is his height… Today he had decided that he can pull himself up. Here he is in all his standing glory.

The only problem is that once he gets himself up, he doesn’t know what to do. Today I came in to get him from his nap and he was just screaming because he was stuck standing up, facing the wall. The cute little stinky toad.

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A conservative girl in a not-so-conservative world.

May 26th, 2004 — 3:50pm

A few weeks ago, I wrote about taking a break from my forum. After a 7 day break, I decided to go back. The withdrawls were killing me! The reason that I decided to go back was all the nice private messages and emails I received while I was gone. I realize that I can be the voice of the minority. And that, while more conservative views may be harder for some of those girls to accept, they should still be tollerated.
I will from now on, make sure that if I am going to post in the more controversial threads I only state my point and move on and I only make a point at all if it is really important to me.

Last night I displayed my awsome photoshopping skills in a thread that our resident troll was snarking up.

She (the troll) proceded to be really mean back to me. All the girls were so nice, sticking up for me and sending me messages.

I feel bad for the troll. She has nothing better to do than just be plain mean and rude. One thing I just keep thinking is: “Hurting people hurt people.” She probably has no friends and doesn’t know how to make friends so she spews the hurt she has inside onto others. Misery loves company, I guess.

Anyway, I’m glad to be back. The troll situation has proved to me that I do have friends there.

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mommy I want a awful

May 24th, 2004 — 9:27am

While eating waffles today, Eden asked for another awful.

Jim and I are helping out with our church youth group. Last night they had food olympics. A few of the activities included:
*Passing life savers between straws, no hands! It was really hard.
*The classic chubby bunny.
*Donut on a rope, one partner, with eyes closed, held a string with the donut and the other laid on the floor and tried to eat it.
*Guess the flavor, baby food.
*Stinky twinkie. The cream was removed and replaced with things like tabasco, tuna and mustard.
* Balloon toss, balloons filled with things like pickle juice and eggs.

It was quite the funny and somewhat gagging night.

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How to Unravel a Sweater and other projects

May 21st, 2004 — 11:41am

How to Unravel a Sweater – Recycled Yarn via =http://megan.scatterbrain.org/notmarthaNot Martha[/url]

great idea!

messenger bag with gusset tutorial

Tutorial for the hobo-jordy bag

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a mom’s #1 job, BOOGER PICKING

May 19th, 2004 — 9:14am

Honor seems to have come down with an ear infection, poor baby. You would not believe the amount of snot that can come out of such a small kid. I wipe a nose about every 3.5 minutes. I feel bad for him, we just thought he was feeling bad because of his two top teeth that came in late last week.
Eden learned how to pick her nose yesterday, but after she gets the booger on her finger, she doesn’t know what to do with it. Oh, the freak out that ensues after she gets that booger on her finger!!!! I was driving the car, trying to find a kleenex or napkin or wipe or something, that she could wipe her booger on, all the while she was freaking out that there was a booger on her finger. And! she can’t use the same kleenex twice for her boogers, Nope, she has to have a whole new one for each booger.

The one good thing about Eden becoming more booger-aware is that there are less boogers wiped on her sleeves. Now she just comes up to me whining, “I have boogers.” She knows where the kleenex are and how to use them, I guess she needs to announce it before taking care of it.

I’d like to write more, but I have to go wipe a nose.

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everyone knows you don’t slouch striped socks!

May 16th, 2004 — 3:30pm

Today has been such crazy day! The wonderful children woke us up at 6 am. Yup 6 am! Honor went back to sleep after nursing, but Eden was up and roaring to watch a woobie and drink some juice. At 8 Jim woke me back up out of a dead sleep and I had to hurry and get some clothes on and take him to church. Now that we are worship leader-less, Jim has taken on a whole bunch of responsibilities and had to be there early.

After droping him off we started off for home and I decided to stop by walmart to pick up some ingredents for pasta salad for the picnic later after church. Eden was still in her red, white and blue jammys and she got called a boy, but I am getting over it.

When we got home, Honor had to eat and Eden finished her Elmo video she started earlier. I tried to get ready as fast as I could while cooking noodles and listening to a screaming-fit-baby. We all surprisingly got out the door on time and made it to church before the first service was even out. This gave me time to feed Honor again.

Church went well, the music sounded really good and I wasn’t nervous singing, which I thought I would be. We then rushed home where I finished my pasta salad, got changed and packed back into the car. With two stops for gas and drinks respectively, we made it to the “kite day” picnic.

I recieved several compliments on the pasta salad and there wasn’t much left to bring home. Eden had fun playing with Alannah at the park and Honor liked to swing. Alannah is much braver than Eden on the play ground, I think that Eden inherited some of my claustrophobia because she gets all freaked out in the tube slides.

Jim cannot fly a kite. At least the $2.99 Alien one from Rite Aid. But it did do some interesting nose dives. The funniest part of the day was when Jim took off running, trying to get the kite in the air with Honor jiggling in the backpack. Somebodys Barbie kite got tangled up with ours and a dog got ahold of it and drug it off.

Everybody is now naping and I think I will take the peaceful opportunity to knit.

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so you got flamed, get over it.

May 14th, 2004 — 9:00am

I have recently decided to take a break from the forum that I post on. (Names have been changed to protect the…. whatever.) It’s funny how people I don’t even know have the power to hurt me! What kind of baby am I? That I get hurt by “words on a screen.”
It just makes me feel alone.
My mom always said that it seems like the one thing you truly want in life is the one thing that you never get. For me that one thing is a really, really good friend. I do have one good friend, but she has a very demanding job and a family and it is understandable that I am not #1 on her priority list. I just want someone who I can go to when I am sad or having a hard time. Someone who I can let know the deep secrets of my heart. While Jim is most of that to me, he is a boy and compassion is definetly not his strong suit.
I think that is why the girls on my forum have hurt me. I have always wanted a group of friends. I have always wanted to be the odd man in, not out.
When I was little and we first moved into our neighborhood, I rode my bike around asking all the girls my age if they would be my friend. I still vividly remember the girl at the end of the street telling me that she would think about it. The next day I rode over there to get her decision and the answer was no. That pretty much sums up the course of my friendships.
Last night I went with Jim the the church for P&W practice (I am singing Sunday) and as I sat there with the 3 other girls, I felt totally out of place. They were twittering among themsleves and I had nothing to say. I hate that I am unfriendly. But it’s not like I start out to be unfriendly, I just have nothing to say. I think I am shy-er than I think I am.
I hate having flash backs to my more awkward high school years. Always thinking, I want to be friends with them, but I don’t know how. I just don’t know how.

Wahh, Wahh. You’d think it was that time of the month or something!

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House for sale

May 13th, 2004 — 2:00pm

Selling a house. It’s not that fun. Having people tramping thru your house. Deciding if they like it or not. Waiting to hear back from the realtor who has to hear back from their realtor who has to hear back from them. And then they don’t like it. It’s too much work, it’s not enough work (for a fixer uper), this is wrong, that is wrong. Sigh.
It’s like they are criticizing a part of me. Maybe I am being too sensitive.

The last time the house was shown, the realtor called up and left a message saying things that the people didn’t like about the house. I was thinking, great! they didn’t like it and now there is some stuff that we need to fix. But come to find out, they did like the house they just had a few concerns. Sigh.

I just hope it sells soon. I don’t want to be in this limbo for months and months. And I do NOT want to be moving in the dead heat of summer. It looks like that is what is going to happen. Sigh.

Anyone out there interested in a house for sale?

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Trying to get this working

May 10th, 2004 — 11:09am

I think that it is finished!!
Well, maybe not the archive feature, but all the rest?? hopefully!!!
I have not added much to the projects page but I have done such a butt load of everything else. Also, I can’t seem to find my recipe for my grandmas sugar cookies, I will have to call her for it. Other than that everything else really should work.
I hope I hope!!

Ok one more thing. It seems that the photo album that Jim programmed for me needs a little more programming. I’ll have to get him to fix it.

and then the posts should be more frequent. I just want this to be working!!

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I think I might be high

May 4th, 2004 — 8:49am

Will the painting ever be over? I am beginning to thnk that for the rest of my life I will be painting some wall or the other. Right now we are, well I should say I am (Jim doesn’t paint), painting the bathroom. Every ten minutes or so Eden comes in and says “What are you doing?” and I say “Painting, what are you doing?” I am painting the bathroom white because it seems that blue and lime green aren’t the most popular colors if you are trying to sell your house.

“What are you doing?” “Painting, what are you doing?”

It’s wierd what memories come up when you are sitting a in a bathroom, hugging the toilet, trying to paint the baseboards. I keep remembering all the thoughts I had while painting the bathroom the lovely blue and green. At that point I wasn’t even pregnant with Honor yet. It’t wierd to think of not even being pregnant. I can hardly remember when Honor was not part of our family. The good thing about selling our house is that I will never again have to paint that specific bathroom ever again. Gotta look at the bright side.

“What are you doing?” “Painting, what are you doing?”

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