Square bottomed bag

March 18th, 2004 — 1:39pm

Happy Anniversary to Kevin and Sarah.

I am posting this link here because I lost it once and don’t want to again.

square bottomed lined bag tutorial

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Good girl, mommy.

March 10th, 2004 — 1:38pm

Honor has turned into a grabby little monkey over night. Nothing is safe anymore! He loves to click the mouse button on the computer… he’s his daddy’s kid. It is amazing how much they change so fast, he just isn’t the same kid we brought home from the hospital.
Eden is growing up so much. The other day we were at the office and she needed to sit on the potty. She went, flushing the toilet (twice). And then I went. As she heard the pee tinkling in the toilet she exclaimed, “Good girl mommy, you went potty!” After which we had to wash our hands in both sinks.

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Martha, don’t go

March 6th, 2004 — 1:37pm

My official mourning/tribute to Martha:

It seems very unfair that Martha will be spending some time in prison. Don’t those jurists know that I need Martha! How will I spend every morning at 10am? What will I do without Martha? Why did they have to choose her to make an example of? Oh Martha, how sad I am for you! How you will be missed!

Is is wrong that I truly don’t care if she is innocent or not? Does being a celebrity mean that you are never guilty just because people like you? Martha has been such an inspiration to people, to me! I was sure she would skate by with just probation or something….. They just can’t send Martha to prison!!!!!!!

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February 20th, 2004 — 1:35pm

The pics of Eden’s Birthday are up. She had such a great time. She is still singing “Happy Birthday to You”. And since she turned two she is talking so much more. As I walked into the kitchen today she said, “Wait for me!”

Honor is starting to roll and he pushes himself up very well. He now likes to lay on his tummy and play with his toys. But he decided that he needs to wake up to eat at 5am! Yawn…..

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makin’ monsters

February 8th, 2004 — 1:31pm

It’s been awhile since I’ve barely looked at my computer. We’ve been so busy with the office but it’s finished!! Except for some minor things, Jim was in there working today. AAAAHHHHH finally some time to relax. Hopefully?

I found this =http://www.ericamulherin.comsite[/url] today, check out make the monster. I had some fun with it. And don’t forget to look at the portfolio, it’s amazing art work!

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ashley the spelling wiz

February 2nd, 2004 — 1:29pm

My sister Ashley called to tell me that there were some grammatical errors on the site, some people have too much time! And to any hot missionaries out there…. Ashley is looking for you. Send me an email, I’ll put you in touch with her.

The office is getting closer. It wasn’t until today that I could find my USB cable for my camera so now I can get some pics up for your viewing pleasure. (Hopefully soon, we’ve been so busy working down there. )

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January 26th, 2004 — 1:28pm

We just got back from the windy city of Casper, where we did some great shopping at one of the three Gap Clearance stores in the country. Why it’s in Casper, I’ll never know! I hope to have some pics of the trip up soon.

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Slider tins

January 19th, 2004 — 1:09pm

On not martha there was a link to slider tins that would be great for lip balm but the company that was listed no longer carries them. I found them at clay alley. They would be really cool, I remember having chapstick in similar ones when I was a kid.

Edit 10/22/04
I’ve found a cheaper place to order slider tins. They also come with a little shrink wrap sleeve.
Alyssa’s Soap Cottage

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Lip balm

January 11th, 2004 — 1:11pm

I made my first batch of lipbalm and it turned out great. It was super easy too. I was really surprised, I thought that it would be hard or that I would have some sort of huge catastrophe, but it went very well.

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