Dinner time

August 20th, 2008 — 6:20pm

Dinner time

Originally uploaded by pretendingsanity

Taking a break from painting to picnic and fish before its back to the grindstone.

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August 19th, 2008 — 5:18pm


Originally uploaded by pretendingsanity

We just put up our coming soon sign! Its real now! Cant wait for thurs night – farmers market! So many people are down here!

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August 18th, 2008 — 2:32pm


Originally uploaded by pretendingsanity

New tangle before

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1st grade

August 18th, 2008 — 1:01pm


Originally uploaded by pretendingsanity

Eden started 1st grade today. She was pretty nervous despite the fact that she was with all her friends. It was hard for me to leave her upset but such is the life of a mommy.

Today we start renovating the new store! its exciting and a little nerve wracking! wish me lots of painting luck!

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tiny update

August 14th, 2008 — 1:31pm

Just wanted to write to say that I’m still alive! Things have been busy around here and somewhat difficult. Eden starts 1st grade on Monday and we also take over the new space for Tangle that day. I don’t know how much time I’ll have to write over the next few weeks as I transform the new store, but I’ll definitely take pictures!

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Summer Sale @ Tangle

August 5th, 2008 — 7:15pm

We’re having a big summer sale at Tangle. Lots of the summer yarns are 30-50% off and all the other yarn in the store is on sale too.

Tangle Summer Sale

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changes that should have taken place long ago

August 4th, 2008 — 4:13pm

I wanna watch TV.

No, we’re going to get rid of TV.

No! Please? I really like TV. It’s the only thing I like to do!

Sorry, TV isn’t good for us. We don’t need to watch it.

But TV shows us stuff that we want to buy.


It’s time to blow up our life. We’ve been far too complacent and self absorbed for far to long. I don’t know exactly what that means for all of us, but we will all be changing our lives together. Getting rid of cable is just one of the first small steps. Getting rid of the “stuff” that we just think we have to have is the next.

I’m excited.

7 comments » | daily, Honor


August 1st, 2008 — 9:02am


Originally uploaded by pretendingsanity

Were just getting ready to fill the vases with flowers. My mom sewed the runners out of satin – enough for thirty tables. we will also add 200 party favor boxes to the tables as well. Theyre filled with candy! Eden and honor are particularly excited about that!

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random… what day is it?

July 30th, 2008 — 12:32pm

• So the wedding is 2 days away. Most everything is done and I feel pretty calm about the whole thing. I have a feeling that my mom and sister aren’t quite as calm, but that’s pretty indicative of our personalities. The flowers arrived today and tomorrow we do all the decorating. Friday all we will have to do is arrange flowers, so we should be all set to go for the wedding at 5. My future BIL was born here but raised in Mexico and his family is preparing all the food for the wedding. I’m so excited about authentic Mexican foody goodness!

• I have been having some big stomach problems, so I am hoping that I will actually get to eat the food! The upside is that I’ve lost 10lbs in all of this.

• I’ve been really enjoying my new phone that arrived last week. I totally didn’t need it, but I wanted it so I bought it. (What a spoiled brat, eh?) My hope is that I can sell my old phone on ebay for almost enough to cover the cost of the new one. The auction is up to $99 already, so it looks like so far so good.

• Eden has a dentist appointment today. Her second bottom tooth never fell out and the adult tooth grew up behind it. We kept missing the dentist between our vacation and his, so I’ve let the adult tooth grow in more than I had wanted. With the thousands and thousands that my parents and I have spent on my mouth and the thousands that we need to spend on Jim’s mouth, I’m not having much hope for kids with straight teeth. But I’m hoping that we can catch a lot of it early and at least make it a little better. Poor kiddo, I don’t envy her the annoyance of having her teeth worked on.

I’m off, but I’ll try to post photos of our decorating progress and the wedding, even if it’s just cell phone pics!

3 comments » | random monday

‘vases’ for the wedding

July 25th, 2008 — 3:13pm

‘vases’ for the wedding

Originally uploaded by pretendingsanity

Here are the ‘vases’ for the wedding. We are taking wide mouth pint jars, covering them with taffeta, wrapping them with tulle and tying with a satin ribbon. The wedding colors are black and white with the only color coming from bright flowers.
I cant believe that my sister is getting married in one week!

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