a few crafty links for later

May 31st, 2008 — 2:15pm

•Fabric envelopes would be a great use of scraps.

•I love this great use for tin can’s. Tin Can Covers

• Fabric Covered clothes hangers

• granny square tute because I don’t know how

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New truck and camper.

May 29th, 2008 — 4:50pm

New truck and camper.

Originally uploaded by pretendingsanity

-test posting from my cell- this is the new truck with the new camper. We took it out on its maiden voyage Sunday night. We had a great time and slept pretty well too. Cant wait to go again this weekend. Pics of the ‘remodel’ coming soon. Saturday night my friend carrie and i stayed up til 3 am painting to get it ready for the first trip.

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I’m using this for my new curtains

May 29th, 2008 — 4:37pm

new fabric at tangle

Originally uploaded by pretendingsanity

(test posting from flickr)

I just made more curtains for the camper out of this fabric. It’s one of 6 new ones we just got in at Tangle.

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my moment in the spotlight

May 29th, 2008 — 4:26pm

So last Monday I was approached in the grocery store by a reporter from our local newspaper. She must have been drawn to the large car shaped shopping cart I was hauling around full of screaming small people. (I had Eden, Honor and my niece, Alex with me. I know that was crazy.) When she asked to interview me, I looked down at my cart at the squirming little bodies and told her that I was a little busy. But she persisted and I ended up shopping pushing a cart full of screamers with a reporter trailing me asking about my shopping habits and how the rise in grocery prices was effecting my budget. Amidst it all, she got the quotes right. But left out the part of where I talked about how important it is to me to spend more on organic if I have to rather than buy junk for cheap.

Little did I know that the article would run in Sundays paper on the front page and that my name would be the first words of the first article on the front page. Just great… I’m just glad that I turned down the photographer who wanted to come take picture of me putting groceries away!

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Socks for DonAnn

May 28th, 2008 — 3:14pm

Socks for DonAnn

Originally uploaded by pretendingsanity

Some socks I whipped up for our friend DonAnn’s birthday. Gotta love that Big Mexiko.

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menu – week of May 27, 2008

May 28th, 2008 — 10:08am

Pasta with mushrooms, sundried tomatoes and marsala sauce

Oatmeal-raisin bars for a treat

Seared Tuna

Hamburgers and cole slaw

At the movies! (Sex in the City for me, Speed Racer for Jim and the kids)

BBQ Chicken

camping: beef stew with salad and bread. Eggs and beef sausage patties for breakfast the next morning.

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book review – Eco-Chic: The Fashion Paradox

May 28th, 2008 — 10:03am

Eco Chic: The Fashion Paradox, by Sandy Black takes a look at the fashionable relevance of sustainable clothing. With beautiful photography, it covers a vast range of eco issues in the fashion world. From the ethics and impacts of certain fibers, to the new eco-friendly trend in fashion, to extreme overconsumption in fashion, the book covers all aspects of eco-conscious fashion. It points to new trends in fashion that are keeping up with environmentally conscious consumers and questions the feasibility of specific environmentally friendly processes.

I really enjoyed the break down of each fiber and it’s environmental impact as well as the section on slowing down fashion – to have pieces that last more than a season. I will continue to come back to this book as a resource as I question my fashion decisions. And I would recommend it as an interesting and educational read.

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random… whatever

May 23rd, 2008 — 3:39pm

• Yesterday Eden graduated from Kindergarten. I cannot begin to say how incredibly thankful I have been for her teacher this year and that she made it into her school. And I cannot begin to say how strange it is that she’s already finished with kindergarten! I feel like I’m going to turn around and my life will be over.

• Tuesday we hopped over to Denver to look at some campers that Jim found on craigslist tres cheap. We ended up buying the first one we looked at for just $175. It’s older with wood paneling and gold linoleum, but it’s structurally sound and it was SUCH a good price. I’m working today on sewing AB curtains. And hopefully will get in to paint tomorrow. I’ve got before pictures, I just left my camera at home today.

• Did we mention that we also bought a truck? It’s an older GMC in pristine shape. And it will mostly sit parked at our house. Gas is SO expensive! But we’re super happy to have a decent camping vehicle and it will come in handy for hauling things.

• What else? We have been SO busy with fixing up the yard and garden, working on the house and now our new camper project. But I always find it good to be busy… if only it afforded me more time to blog! Soon as I have time to sit down and figure it out, I’ll set up my cell phone so I can blog via text message. Until then, Twitter is a good substitute. I’ll have pictures up soon(ish) of the truck and camper and Eden’s graduation.

4 comments » | random monday

just sayin’

May 17th, 2008 — 1:23pm

um, I think I need this.

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unexplained absence

May 14th, 2008 — 9:54am

So wow, where have I been? The last week has been crazy to say the least. Eden had her student led conference last Wednesday. She sat down and showed us all her work, read us a book at her reading level, told us about her favorite poems. It was so cute! Her teacher also let us know that she’s at a level 12 reading level which is really great for a kindergartener. They need to be at a level 16 by the end of 1st grade.

Thursday I worked my last day of regular hours at Tangle. We’re now on reduced summer hours and it’s so relaxing! I’ve been feeling like I’m on vacation. Friday the kids stayed at their grandmothers house because we were leaving town early Saturday morning. So we stayed at our friends house in the next town over so we could get an early start. Saturday we went up to Arapahoe Basin where I hung out at the tailgating party for our friend’s birthday and Jim got in his last snowboarding trip for the year. It was crazy to be up in so much snow again.

Sunday was an amazing mothers day – Jim totally spoiled me with a new skillet, sushi making stuff, flowers for the yard, new glasses for my new favorite drink – an Otter Pop, clothes, jewelry and shoes. It was kind of ridiculous… but who am I to complain? Eden had painted me a flower pot at school and led me on a scavenger hunt to find it. She was so excited and so cute.

After we went and had desert at my moms house we went on a hike to the Mica mine not far from town. It was about a 5 mile hike round trip and the kids did great. There was so much run off from the snow that the trail had a big stream going down the middle of it. Needless to say my new Keen’s got soaked, but they are luckily fine. And I missed out taking some amazing shots because I forgot my camera!

And now I’ve got to go visit my Grandma who is in town… but there’s much more to say! Miss you all!

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