September 9th, 2007 — 6:58pm

I just checked the forecast for the week. I can’t say how happy those mid 80’s are making me. So long Summer!

1 comment » | daily

September 8th, 2007 — 5:13pm

Awhile back we had a free evening and found ourselves sitting around bored. So I got a piece of paper and had everyone throw suggestions out about what we should do. Here’s the list:

Chuck E Cheese
ice cream
play games
watch a movie at the theater
buy a toy at kohls
play tag at the park
go on a picnic and a hike

3 comments » | daily


September 6th, 2007 — 1:26pm

This week, we started back to our fall schedule at Tangle. That means that one week I work 3 week days and one week I work 1 week day and the weekends. It’s a great schedule, but to say that Honor has been giving me fits while he is at the store with me, is an understatement.

I was pretty certain that once Eden started school, he would start behaving for me. To a degree it’s helped, but he’s still pretty dern naughty most the time we’re at the store. I was really hoping that he could just hang out with me while I worked, but he’s the kind of kid that can’t have my attention stolen from him for one second. Even if we’re in opposite rooms, the second there is the potential to steal away my attention, he’s gotta have ALL of it. Immediately. The big, giant, screaming fits just don’t fly, but he still tries.

I’ve started looking for preschools for him to attend, but so far most of them are only half days and I need a whole day. (I probably should have been doing this months ago… so much for my wishful thinking.) And I’ve been trying to ask friends too, but nothing thus far has worked out. And I just can’t stick him in a daycare.

I’m super frustrated and I don’t know what to do. Not having a solution stresses me out more than anything. And I just want to get along with my little kiddo. Being at odds with him is very unsettling.

6 comments » | Honor

camping pics

September 3rd, 2007 — 9:11am

click on any pic to see more.

playing in the dirt with snails



the kidlets

the newlyweds

does she look like me?


little miss poser

4 comments » | camping


August 30th, 2007 — 10:58am

Today, at the grocery store, a crotchety old man yelled a me for blocking the road because my cart was parked next to the toy vending machines, pushed all the way against the wall and was maybe taking up one inch of the doorway. Some people…

But I’m off to the enjoy the mountains one last time before it gets too cold, so I’m not going to let crotchety old men get to me. (Think of all the relaxing knitting time I’m going to have!)

Comments Off | camping, daily


August 29th, 2007 — 9:30am

My mom gave me 2 huge boxes of peaches yesterday, so today I pulled out my food dehydrator. (Note to self: next time, put it away clean.) I spent the last hour washing and slicing peaches. But the upside to that one – I’ll walk into the house to the wonderful smell of peaches when I get home from work today. (Not to mention, yummy dried peaches without any crap in them!)

I needed those big boxes of peaches to jump start me back into domesticity. Up until last year, I dried all sorts of fruits. I think after peaches I will do pears and then apples. That should get us good and stocked up for Eden’s lunches. Speaking of lunches, I’m having a hard time coming up with ideas for her lunches – I refuse to fill her with crap every day. This week she’s taking hard boiled eggs (she loves these), a cheese stick, an organic yogurt tube, and a beef jerkey stick. Ideas?

10 comments » | daily


August 27th, 2007 — 7:48am

Trying to get my 5 year old to wear skinny jeans is not going very well…

1 comment » | random monday

pink bolero

August 26th, 2007 — 8:39am

I keep forgetting to post photos of the pink bolero I made for Eden. It started out as a model for the shop and when I realized that it was going to fit her (even though it was a size 2) I decided that she might as well wear it.


She was rather grumpy about being photographed (as if that comes as a shock).
Here’s the stats:
Pattern: Knitting Pure and Simple #275 suggested to me by Sarah
Yarn: Blue Sky Alpacas Cotton in Lotus.
It knit up in just a couple days.
(more stats at Ravelry)

2 comments » | knitting

miss kindergardener

August 24th, 2007 — 8:10am

So, this week has been jam-packed with events – some exciting, some sad, some stressful and some just plain exhausting. I’ve been battling a terrible cold, so the only one I have energy to blog about is probably the most momentous. Eden started Kindergarden on Wednesday.

miss kindergardener on her way to her first day of school

She is just loving it. And I suspect that Honor is loving his time alone with me too (as evidenced by his sudden good behavior – thank GOD!) When I picked her up, the first thing she said to me was, “Mom, school took forever!” 8 hour days would be a lot to adjust to! But today she is off (and every Friday hereafter) and she is wishing she could go back.

Although I’ve been very calm about the whole thing, I’m really relieved that she’s enjoying school. And I continue to be SO thankful that she got into her school. With all the craziness going on this week, knowing that she is safe and getting a good education is seared in my mind as a huge blessing.

2 comments » | Eden

surely I’m not the only greenie in Colorado

August 17th, 2007 — 12:18pm

Yesterday I stopped in Walgreens to pick up some more happy pills (buy one get one free too!). I had about 6 items and because I left my purse in the car and only grabbed my wallet, I didn’t have my reusable shopping bag.

I told the cashier that I didn’t need a bag, and she argued that I had a lot of things to carry. “That’s ok,” I told her, “I’m not a fan of plastic.”

“Oh, you must be from California.” She replied.

13 comments » | gah!

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