the ewww factor

May 18th, 2007 — 1:08pm

We live in a very old house (built 1895), down town. The “nice” thing about an old house is that you get such a nice cross breeze – it’s definitely not sealed up tight. And that means that lots of creepy crawlies find their way in.

With all that being said, guess what woke me up this morning? (Let me give you a hint, this has been one of my worst fears.)

6 comments » | gah!

how sweet

May 16th, 2007 — 5:49pm

“Honor, you’re so cute.”

“Mom, you’re so adorkable.”

1 comment » | Honor

May 11th, 2007 — 3:11pm

I think we all go through phases in our blog reading. Sometimes I’m obsessed with knitting blogs, and other times, they’re the last I read. But my two favorite blogs of late are totally unrelated. The first, The Purl Bee, is the blog of Purl, the yarn store in NYC that brought us the book Last Minute Knitted Gifts. Sometimes when I read “competitors” websites and blogs, it gives me this uneasy feeling, like I must strive to compete. But not so with The Purl Bee. I find it to be pure inspiration. I’m always excited to see that there are new posts.

The second is No Impact Man. Reading about the No Impact experiment in the NY Times a few months ago was really inspirational. It got me to start thinking about whan sort of impact I’M having on the world. And it really pushed me along in my quest to put better stuff into our bodies too. Every day that I read, I’m inspired further to take small steps toward being more green. And I find myself surprised at how easy they are becoming, which is very good!

So check them out:
The Purl Bee

No Impact Man

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the shorts

May 10th, 2007 — 3:49pm

Honor has taken latey to throwing major fits. Yesterday I had to insist that he wear shorts, as the weather around here is finally normalizing. He decided that he didn’t want to wear shorts. And proceded to whine and scream about it for an hour straight. I had a meeting at 10, so I had to drop the kids off at Jim’s office and Honor was still throwing a fit about his shorts.

Jim took him into the bathroom and they had a long talk. Honor came out not screaming and he and Jim told me what they talked about. “Boys don’t cry about shorts.” they told me. I guess that’s a good rule to live by.

4 comments » | Honor


May 4th, 2007 — 1:07pm

Just a quick note to say that Malabrigo is 40% off at Tangle.


1 comment » | yarn store

my coolest new tip

May 2nd, 2007 — 9:54am

Generally in my house, I do the laundry. But every once in awhile Jim will “help” and my favorite new shirt will come out of the dryer small enough to fit Eden. After the most recent laundry tragedy, I decided to start writing explicit instructions on the washer like “don’t dry my grey shirt dress” or “this load needs to be run again on hot, with bleach”. (BTW, if you rinse your whites first in cold and then wash in hot with soap and bleach, they stay really white!)

All you need is a dry erase marker and the smooth top of your washer and you have an instant message board. Just make sure to test it first in an inconspicuous spot.

9 comments » | daily


April 30th, 2007 — 3:53pm

Thursday, I loaded up the kids and a mullet-free Jim into my FIL’s minivan and headed over the mountains to Denver. 2 Apple stores, 3 yarn stores, 1 Guitar Center, 4 Starbucks, 1 Urban Outfitters and a trip to Casa Bonita later, we headed home. It was a quick trip, but Jim was able to spend his birthday money on a couple new guitar pedals and I got to fondle the new yarn I’m thinking of ordering for Tangle.

Saturday, Eden had two soccer games in the 85 degree heat (I tell you, this side of Colorado just skips over spring) and I managed to pull off a surprise party for Jim. He is now 32 years old. The fact that he’s into his 30’s makes ME feel old! Aside from the fact that he was actually surprised, we now have enough Jack Daniels in our house to inebriate a small country. Hey – I guess it really isn’t too hard to buy Jim a present!

Sunday, I sewed curtains from the extremely cool fabric (aka bedspread) I bought at UO and talked Jim into buying shelving material for our work-in-progress dining room. (Pics will follow when it’s all done – in 2009.) I’m really excited to finish up the dining room, and just thinking of all the free space I will have with floor to ceiling shelves makes me giddy. Plus, it’s just really nice to start implementing the plans I have for this house. It only took me 6 years to decide how I really want it – I’m just ready to have it that way!

I’ll leave you with some photos from the new, fancy macbooks at the Apple Store. (PS, this was the first time I saw the new ipod shuffle, and I think I might really need one. Really. Either that or some nike ipod shoes. I fully embrace my nerd-ness, you’re welcome to laugh.)

the second apple store in 24 hours

The second apple store in 24 hours

4 comments » | daily

menu, week of April 30, 2007

April 30th, 2007 — 3:33pm

Southwest wraps

Pasta Salad

Spinach and Mushroom Enchiladas

Veggie Sandwiches with hummus

(ps, my sister’s senior art show is this night – she’s the only student outside of the art department who is showing – she’s a stinkin’ good potter)
Vegetable Tostadas

Date night!! hopefully sushi

Organic Steak

1 comment » | Menu


April 23rd, 2007 — 11:33am

Earlier today I told Eden to go get dressed. A couple minutes later she came out of her room and said, “Mom, I think we need a faster washing machine.”

Do you think it’s time to do laundry?

2 comments » | Eden

because he loves me THAT much

April 20th, 2007 — 1:57pm

Last weekend we were at a friends house having dinner when the topic of love languages came up. Mine, according to Sarah, is nurturing. But none of us could figure out what Jim’s is. I remained unconvinced that Jim HAS a love language, but he determined that his love language is giving people a hard time. Relentlessly.

That is why what happened Wednesday should have come as no surprise to me:

During lunch, Jim walked over to the local barber to get a much needed hair cut. I was in the bathroom doing my hair when he got home. As he walked in, he was trying to keep a mischievous grin off his face, but that’s not terribly unusual so I didn’t think much of it. He was looking at me straight on and I commented on how happy I was that he cut his hair. That was until he walked away.

I did a double take and realized that he had told the barber to give him a MULLET. On purpose. FOR the purpose of annoying me. Isn’t he SO special?


12 comments » | hair, Jim

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