2006 year in review

January 7th, 2007 — 7:08pm

Better late than never, my year in review. I think all I really have to say about 2006 is that I potty trained Honor, but just incase you wanted more info: (I have to say, I can’t believe how much the kids have changed over the past year. Just one year ago, Honor was still sleeping in a crib and Eden BARELY had any hair!)

-We attempted to let Honor sleep without the walls of his crib.
-Eden went through a stubborn streak. In an attempt to get her to say things (like her memory verse and “thank you”) we bribed her with a $40 groovy girl car.
-Honor started carrying around collections of small toys that he called his treasures.
-I was accused of being a bad mom by the lady at the fabric store.
-We had the carpet cleaned. It lasted 3 days.

-I took the kids to our friends farm to see the baby pigs.
-Honor started wearing orthodics in his shoes and a fabric brace on his leg in hopes to straighten out his foot.
-Eden turned 4.
-I went to Stitches West in California with my friend Joelene.
-So began my drama with Bresnan cable service.
-I got a Nikon D50 camera!

-Honor got sick and puked for the first time. He really hates puking.
-We started potty training Honor. We were dumb.
-lots and lots of knitting projects were finished and I released my first knitting pattern for sale.
-I won an ipod nano from Blingo
-We adopted a 3 month old beagle and this website got a fresh, new look.

-I had an abscessed tooth and the worst pain of my life. 2 root canals and countless dr’s visits later, I had much less money.
-Honor plus potty training puppy = mad mommy
-Honor’s fascination with bugs began
-Eden’s hair was finally long enough to pull up into an itty bitty pony tail
-Jim turned 31
-Eden learned how to knit

-Eden got her ears pierced
-The yarn store I worked for moved to a location close to my house.
-Honor started wearing big boy underwear. I did a lot of laundry.
-We had to officially ban the “b” word (butt) from our vocabulary.
-Honor smeared the contents of his diaper all over the kids bedroom carpet. Twice. I ripped it out and painted their bedroom floor.
-A real starbucks opened, I emailed them because they wouldnt make my drink. They make my drink now.

-months of potty training started to kick in. For his reward, Honor was allowed to say the “b” word – just once.
-We took a nice trip over the mountains to Denver. The trip that is hereby referred to as the one where we went over the mountains and Eden was sick.
-The yarn store that I worked and taught for decided to close. I decided to open up my own store in it’s place.
-The kids took swimming lessons.

-We went camping with some dear friends in the rain for the 4th of July.
-I was busy, busy, busy creating my first ever newsletter for Tangle, ordering yarn, purchasing furniture, painting…
-The neighbors ginormous tree fell down, missing our house and theirs too. phew!
-Eden went to Wyoming with my mom to visit my Grandma. Her first trip away from me. We both survived just fine.
-I filled up the hard drive on my computer.
-Eden pulled a shopping cart containing Honor and two wooden chairs onto herself. We all survived that too.

-Tangle opened for business.
-Because I was working full time and the kids were being watched by various family members and friends, I began enjoying my time away from the kids. And felt guilty about it too.
-Honor CUT up a handknit sock scissors. He’s banned from scissors for life.
-Eden learned about the perils of country music.

-I turned 25, Honor turned 3
-We spent some much needed time up in the mountains. We even took the dog with us.
-Eden began declaring to everyone, “Daddy Cheated.” At monopoly Eden, at monopoly.
-Potty training really started to sink in. Honor celebrated with a trip to Chuck E Cheese.
-Jim and I both worked our asses off. (too bad not literally….)

-I experienced a slew of migraines.
-Jim and I celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary in Glenwood Springs.
-Joelene came for a visit and we had a fantastic time.
-Honor had an ear infection.
-I had the joy of pulling glued down, puppy urine soaked carpet up from the cement stairs leading down to our basement.
-Jim spent some time visiting his sister.
-Honor was officially potty trained.

-I finished my Hourglass Sweater. I love it
-I took my first ever road trip by myself to help someone who needed me. It was VERY hard on me.
-We celebrated Thanksgiving with a wonderful family.
-I pre-launched the website for Tangle, which took up SO much of my time.
-Eden began showing a real interest in Bible stories. She quotes just about any story you can think of.
-Jim formed 5 marketing group. As if we needed another business to run.

-I had a busy month at Tangle.
-We celebrated Hanukkah.
-I started taking Sam-E for depression.
-One of my dearest students at the yarn store was given a very limited time to survive bone cancer.
-We went sledding.
-Jim took the month off from playing the guitar at church.
-Honor became very difficult to deal with, throwing fits and disobeying every chance he got.
-We celebrated the new year’s arrival with most of our closest friends, happy to see 2006 behind us.

5 comments » | year in review


January 6th, 2007 — 1:57pm

“Honor you’re a cool boy.”

“You’re a cool dirl mommy. Eden’s a cool dirl too.”

“No I’m not cool, I’m pretty.”

1 comment » | daily


January 2nd, 2007 — 10:55am

I have so much to write about and no time! My time has been consumed with Tangle’s website and I’m happy to report after hours and hours of editing, shooting photos (still a work in progress), checking fiber content, etc.., that almost all the yarn I have in stock is up on the website. All the remaining product is forthcoming too! I can’t even begin to describe the amount of work, I’m just glad it’s almost done!

I have so much more to write about: my year in review, my improved mental health, changes we’re making in our lives, Eden’s Bible scholarly ways, a few finished knit projects… So until I find a spare moment, tell me about something great going on in your life?

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girl, through and through

December 27th, 2006 — 6:54pm

On the way to old navy:
“Mom, I need more purses and shoes, I don’t have enough purses and shoes.”

6 comments » | Eden, quote of the week

a much needed haircut

December 21st, 2006 — 1:20pm

(photo taken at Tangle)
new haircut, new headband

13 comments » | me

the big rock snowy mountains

December 20th, 2006 — 4:24pm

We live in Colorado. Colorado! You know, Rocky Mountains, Colorado? Wouldn’t it make sense that if people live in Colorado they might want to participate in winter activities on a regular basis? It makes sense to me. Nevertheless, when we decided to go sledding, it didn’t help us find sleds, or waterproof mittens for little kids or snow pants for mommy. In December. (Pssst, Target, really, it’s Colorado here, come on! And while we’re talking, did you forget that Toys R Us left town? I’m thinking so. I expect more from you, you know.)

We took the kids on their first ever sledding trip last Sunday. Eden, especially, loved it and even went by herself a couple times. Honor didn’t mind it too much once he figured out that the cold snow wouldn’t kill him. Yes, Honor, when you stick your bare hands right into a big snow drift, it may be a little cold. Just a thought, but I promise you’re not going to die.

And a few photos I snapped as we were packing up to leave:

happy hanukkah from us!


7 comments » | daily


December 18th, 2006 — 2:49pm

Honor has been really giving me a lot of trouble lately, and just me, he’s fine for Jim and everyone else. I’m not quite sure what to do with him and I’m totally open to any suggestion, as remote as it may be. I’m pretty desperate right now and I continue to be awestruck at my child’s ability to never fail to make me look like a fool.


10 comments » | Honor

tangle update

December 16th, 2006 — 5:05pm

The very best sock kit is back in stock.

just in case you wanted to know!

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craftivity (better late than never)

December 13th, 2006 — 4:56pm

My friend, Tsia, recently came out with a book, Craftivity. I finally got myself a copy. I have to say, it’s amazing.

I really, really love the book. It’s the kind of book that is more and more inspirational with every page turn. And the kind of book that makes me wish I was creative like that. (A real goal I have for myself is to be creative with every aspect of my life – to pour passion into everything I create. And to not be so confined by borders.)

Christina (who works with me and has been so great for Tangle) and I set out today to create this pom pom rug for the store.

Craftivity - pom pom rug

Isn’t it amazing? Christina is crocheting the base and then we’ll begin the arduous task of making dozens of colorful pom poms. Well, I’m sure it won’t be too bad. I know it will be so beautiful in the store.

Check out the book at amazon or Urban Outfitters or Barns and Noble (and hopefully soon for sale at Tangle too.) It’s one of those books that just makes you happy to revel in the art and beauty contained in the pages.

4 comments » | books

Menu – week of December 11, 2006

December 13th, 2006 — 4:34pm

(Should have posted this earlier since I actually planned a menu this week.)

Pitas stuffed with fresh veggies and avocado. Hummus (me) or Ranch (Jim) to dip.

Lemon and green olive chicken with mashed potatoes

Curried Cauliflower Soup

Chicken Picata

Red Beans and Rice

Friday or Saturday In celebration of Hanukkah
Beef Roast in Red Wine Sauce, Latkes, Green Salad

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