
December 11th, 2006 — 11:01am

Settle an argument for me:

Say you were at the drive thru. The girl tells you your total is $4.51. You give her $5.51. When she hands your husband back a handful of change, you make him ask her about your dollar. She then explains that she said the total wrong and it was $4.52. You’re holding in your hot little hand 99 cents.

Is it understandable to be annoyed?

15 comments » | NERD!

saving these links for later

December 10th, 2006 — 9:53am

Super Cute Cabled Bag

Twinkletoes from the new Knitty

Still deciding if Glampyre’s new pattern will make me look preggo. I carry the yarn in the store. hmmm…

I’ll possibly add more later…

4 comments » | knitting

funny camera phone photo of me

December 8th, 2006 — 4:25pm

I finished this hat over the weekend.

asymmetrical cabled hat from One Skein

The pattern is from “One Skein” and I used Misti Alpaca Chunky. I can’t say enough how much I love this yarn. I did make some mods to the pattern. I wasn’t so sure how my pointy head would look in a hat that was purposefully pointy, so I decided to incorporate decreases into the top of the hat.

At a certain point (I don’t remember how far in, maybe 6″?) I began decreases as follows:

k5 in pattern, k2tog (or p2tog depending on the pattern), to the end
knit one round in pattern
k4 in pattern, k2tog (or p2tog depending on the pattern), to the end

so on and so forth. I tried my best to incorporate my decreases into the pattern. If I came to a spot where I needed to knit a purl together with a knit stitch, I turned that stitch into a knit.

Anyway, I’m just in love with the yarn and now I’m deciding which color I should make my new scarf. hmmm… I’m thinking chartreuse.

edit: Two corrections to the pattern too. The big cable should be twisted on the 8th row and then every 12th thereafter (according to the photo.) And I think it’s near impossible to get the gauge on 11’s, I’d start swatching with 10’s and that’s what I used.

4 comments » | knitting


December 7th, 2006 — 12:31pm

Tuesday one of my very favorite customers came to the store with some terrible news. She’s been fighting a battle with cancer for a long, long time and it seems the cancer has won. With very limited time she is preparing for the end of her life.

“God, I just want to knit.” She told me. “I mean God I just want to knit.” And then she said something to me that I will remember for the rest of my life. “You have been such an unexpected blessing to me. I don’t even have words to describe, but you’ve been such an unexpected blessing.”

I can’t even begin to grasp the loss that so many of us will be experiencing, but until then, I have one recurring thought:

Can the simple act of knitting be a gift from God? I think maybe so.

8 comments » | ouch

steps to overcoming depression for the pretending sane

December 6th, 2006 — 8:00pm

1. Yell at your husband.

2. When he yells back, cry. Then, when your 3 year old son asks if the reason daddy was yelling and you were crying was because you broke something, laugh.

3. Start taking Sam e and B vitamins.

4. Drink coffee, lots of it – Grande Decaf Americanos are good.

5. Knit.

More to come…

11 comments » | me

the oreo aftermath

December 4th, 2006 — 10:44am

I think that in the course of his 3 year life, he has not been able to eat anything without making a mess. Anything.

the oreo aftermath

the oreo aftermath

the oreo aftermath

1 comment » | Honor, messes

eden’s sweater

December 1st, 2006 — 12:39pm

She wore it yesterday and I forgot to take a picture. Of course it’s not nearly as cute lying on the table, but…

Eden's sweater

I’m really happy with how it turned out. I used two colors of GGH Samoa and threw in a couple rows of GGH Esprit.

The pattern is from Knitting Pure and Simple. The thing I really like about the Knitting Pure and Simple patterns is that once you make one of them, you can make any of them – it’s top down, seamless and quick!

I made Eden the size 2-4 and I wish I would have made the 24 months – they’re sized that big! But she’ll be wearing this sweater until she’s 10, I can just add to the length.

Next up I’m going to make one for Honor. I’ll substitute ribbing for the roll edges and I think I’m going to make it lime green and brown… but he’s really asking for blue so maybe blue and brown. We’ll see who wins.

4 comments » | knitting


November 30th, 2006 — 2:20pm

It just occurred to me that it’s candy making season! I love candy. I’ve been so busy with the store that it’s finally sinking in: it’s December, there’s snow on the ground and Hanukkah starts in 10 days.

And it also just occurred to me how much I LOVE pecan brittle. I always forget about this, so when December rolls around it’s like I’m falling in love with it all over again.

Every year my mom promises me we’ll make Divinity and rarely do we end up doing it. I’m making Divinity this year, damnit! I don’t care if I have to ruin make it myself. (For some reason, Divinity is my one candy-making mental block.)

What candy will you make? What candy do you wish someone else would make for you?

I’ll leave you with the link to my pecan brittle recipe and some pictures of Eden looking at the new snowfall in anticipation.

snow day

snow day

9 comments » | daily

Because in Eden’s world, girls are FAR superior to boys

November 28th, 2006 — 12:16pm

My friend Sarah recently announced that she is pregnant with her third child. (Yay!)

“Eden do you know that Sarah has a baby in her tummy?”

“She does?! Is it a girl”

“We don’t know yet, we have to wait for the baby to get bigger before we can know if it’s a girl or not. Right now it’s really tiny, but it will grow and grow and when it’s big enough, it will come out of her tummy.”

-Thoughtful pause-

“Does the baby have clothes on?”

“Nope, the baby comes out naked.”

“Well, the baby must be cold then.”

3 comments » | Eden, quote of the week

the online store

November 26th, 2006 — 11:05am

I’m happy to report that the pre-launch of my online store is up! Now you can see what’s been taking up all my time!

Please take a look around and tell me what you think. I’ll be continuing to add new products and of course, I’m happy to take a special order.

If you want to buy something, use coupon code “ps” to receive 10% off.

I’m very excited about this!

7 comments » | yarn store

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