in sickness and in health

October 11th, 2006 — 9:18am

I think maybe Honor has an ear infection. We’ll find out today at 2:15. He had an especially hard time going to bed last night and then he woke up because he wet the bed. I’m not sure why in the middle of the night it doesn’t occur to us that we can just change his sheets, so I made him a pallet on the floor next to my side of the bed. This proved to be a big mistake because he whined ALL. NIGHT. LONG. Poor little guy…

Then, not long after, Eden wet her bed. This is very unusual. And once again, no sheets were changed, so I went out to make her a bed on the couch. This, of course woke up Honor and so by the time I got back into bed, I was wide awake. I probably laid there for an hour. This makes me SO mad. I hate not being able to fall asleep. Jim, on the other hand, falls asleep the second his head hits the pillow… no matter what is going on.

Today Honor is still not feeling well, but he’ll go to the doctor this afternoon and we’ll get him fixed up. Eden is convinced that Honor will get a shot at the doctor’s office, so she is quite certain that she does not need to go. I guess she’ll spend some time with Jim today at his office.

On another note, I’ve been so frustrated with my head. After my migraine last Wednesday, I got another one on Friday. I think that Monday was the only day in the past week that I haven’t had a headache. Yesterday another migraine threatened it’s way in but I managed to ward it off with Ibuprofen and Rice-a-Roni. I’m just at the point where I’m flat pissed off. I do not want to deal with this. I want to feel fine and damnit! that’s how it needs to be!

I probably need to do another elimination diet. I’m just worried that I’ll find I’ve developed another allergy. What could it be? My aunt is allergic to wheat – it causes her migraines. I’m pretty sure that I can’t be allergic to wheat because beer it made with wheat and… well… I’m not so sure what kind of life I could live without beer.

8 comments » | daily

not enough knitting time in the day

October 9th, 2006 — 8:46am

Well, I finally finished these socks! I’ve got so many things in progress that it’s nice to have finished something.



yarn is Regia, I’m not sure what colorway.
Knit two at a time, top down on a US2 addi turbo 32″

Other things on my plate:
I’m still working on the Hourglass sweater, I ripped out 4 inches of the sleeves last night because I decided that I want them tighter fitting.

I’m also still working on two shawls for the store.

And I’m going to start the Sweater Workshop on Thursday and make a sweater out of some of my stash yarn – Rowan Felted Tweed.

Oh and I’m half way done with the Cable Eight Top, I’m just waiting on a phone call from a friend who has my pattern right now.

Lots to do… always!

7 comments » | knitting


October 6th, 2006 — 10:15am

I wanted to thank you all for your wonderful comments in regards to my last post. My migraine medication really WAS talking!


I obsess over water. It used to be that I could drink water out of the tap. But that all changed when Joelene* introduced me to Smart Water. Who knew that I could actually like the taste of water?

Since that time, I’ve been pretty obsessed with bottled water. And I’ve been pretty obsessed with who drinks out of my water bottle. Often times I won’t be able to finish a bottle of water if I think the kids could have possibly taken a drink. I even have a hard time drinking water after Jim, a person who I kiss regularly.

Jim’s obsession lately has been cash. He freaks out to touch it. He’s not generally a germ freak, but cash has him dashing for the nearest faucet and antibacterial soap.

Is there something that freaks you out that you obsess over?

*I’m trying to see how many times this week I can mention Joelene.

13 comments » | NERD!

Wherein I blame everything on my migraine medication

October 4th, 2006 — 3:02pm

I woke up today with cramps AND a migraine. And, no, I haven’t had any cheese to cause said migraine. WHAT GREAT FUN!

I’ve been feeling a bit unpopular in the blogging world these days. I think its easy to turn blogging into a popularity contest and then it starts to feel like High School all over again. Knit bloggers are especially hard to understand. You never know what you will say or knit that will suddenly make you oh, so cool. But in the meantime it’s hard to be on the outside looking in.

I try not to obsess over my daily hits and only visit my stats page a couple times a month. But I couldn’t help but look at my stats when I saw that only 14 people subscribe to me with Bloglines. I felt better, though, to see that my hits are doing good, going up. It’s silly to be obsessed with these things, I know, and even sillier to blog about them. But I’m blaming it on my migraine medication. Yes, that and the fact that I plan to eat ice cream for dinner… that should make me feel much better.

I think the funniest part about my stats page is the top 20 search strings. This is the top 20 things people search for that brings up my website (that they click on.) At one point in time a google search would bring me up #1 when you typed in “booger picking queen”. Here they are for the first few days of October.

16.95% purse
3.39% pretending sanity
2.54% lip balm recipe
2.54% lip balm recipes
1.69% 241
1.69% goofy boys
1.69% knitting scarves
1.69% kutless
1.69% ms. marigold
1.69% poop smearing and children
1.69% recipe for homemade lip balm
1.69% thorasic output syndrome
1.69% wristlets mitts
0.85% 1 year old boy
0.85% a purse
0.85% baby biker
0.85% baby herringbone hat pattern
0.85% ballerina picture by eden
0.85% bday cake
0.85% best lip balm recipe

My personal favorites, poop smearing children and a purse. I cannot even imagine what page I come up when someone searches for a purse. Probably page 1200. That right there, that’s dedication, to go through 1200 pages and then suffer the disappointment of finding ME!

25 comments » | daily

socky socky

October 3rd, 2006 — 10:37am

A couple weeks ago, Joelene posted a short row heel tutorial. Because I’m not really that humble, I would like to take a little bit of credit for this. I was the one who figured out how to pick up the wraps on the purl side. See? Not so humble. I also prefer to pick up my wraps from the top rather than the bottom. So go check it out, it’s the bestest way to knit a heel.

I haven’t had nearly as much time to knit socks as I would like. That is why this pair that lives in my purse was is still not finished. I started them on the Fourth of July as I was waiting for it to get dark enough for the city fireworks to start. I think I need to get Regia in the store, don’t you? I really like these.

regia socks

regia socks - short row heels

And then there’s these socks.

yarn pirate socks/ louet pearl toes

And you’re thinking… why haven’t these socks progressed? One word. Tuck. The dog PURPOSELY grabbed one of my balls of yarn and started chewing on it. When I yelled at him, he took off across the house with my socks wrapped around his legs. I chased him screaming, NO NO NO, and it just made him run faster. The socks finally found their resting place in the kitchen when the yarn broke. BROKE! Deep breaths…

I should have taken a picture of the mess the dog left, but I was just. so. mad. I managed to mostly save the socks, but now there is a knot in the yarn. I hate knots. Weaving in ends is just so not fun. I had to rip out my 4 inches of progress I had achieved on Yahaira’s Dragon Skin Socks. This would be, I think, the 3rd time I ripped out the socks? I started in plain stockinette, and then decided to switch to the dragon skin socks. Then I realized that the chart was written (non-traditionally) left to right, so I had to rip again. Now I’ve started again in plain stockinette and I’m not so sure about it. I really like socks with some ribbing. Dare I rip again? And now that I look at the dragon skin socks, I’m still really liking them. But I think for awhile these socks need to just get put away… they bring up too many bad memories and… the dog… I still have to like him, unless of course anyone out there wants a 10 month old barking, howling, chewing, sock yarn loving beagle?

Oh, and I really wish I had time to join and I don’t, but everyone should go join Socktoberfest.

4 comments » | daily


October 2nd, 2006 — 10:11am

We’ve got the whole month of October’s weekends planned. I like this. We have a plan and a purpose.

This coming Saturday, we’re having a little get together with a few friends at our house. This will be a replacement for Fiesta Blevinza as we just didn’t have time to plan it this year. Saturday is also my big sale at the store. I just like to do everything at once. The weekend following we made reservations in Glenwood Springs to celebrate our 7th anniversary. This will be childless!

The weekend after that we plan to do the same thing to our bedroom floor as we did to the kids floor. I also plan to paint the walls in our room, after 5 years of while walls, I think it’s time to commit to a color. This is the one weekend activity that I think we will probably put off, but I’m still planning on it.

The last weekend this month I get an extra special treat. Joelene, the Sock Queen is coming to visit me!! I am exceedingly excited about this. We will have a great time knitting, drinking coffee and eating sushi.

It’s nice to have plans, this will be a great month, I just know it!

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no arguing that he’s my boy

September 29th, 2006 — 9:18am

“So Honor, it’s your birthday so I think we should have a special dessert. What would you like for your special dessert?”

“Um… I think I want coffee, yeah, coffee.”

What Honor picked for his Birthday desert.

(Disclaimer: no children consumed caffeine in the context of this post.)

3 comments » | Honor

Three Years Old

September 28th, 2006 — 10:13am

Today Honor turns 3 years old. I really can’t believe how big he is. His turning three brings some great relief. I’ve spent the last three years wishing he would get easier and now here he is bigger, easier and he will never be that tiny toilet playing boy again. Changes like these are bitter sweet.

He woke up this morning slightly grumpy until I tempted him out from under his blankets with the offer of a juice box. Juice boxes are revered treats in our house, never mind that they get them almost every day. After I tempted him with his juice box, I took him to the living room to show him his pile of presents. That cheered him up right away and it was perfect timing because his dad just walked in the door from an early meeting.

This morning he opened up something that he has been wanting SO badly – a Batman Sword. I could tell he was very happy with his present because he kept coming up to me between swings and jabs to tell me, “I love you very much, mom.” He’s sweet that way.

I was thinking about how much he has changed in the last year. It has wizzed by. He talks really well; it’s a rare occasion that we don’t understand him. When that happens, he speaks very loudly as if the shear volume of his voice will cause us to understand. He is an amazingly good eater, often he will eat as much as I do at one meal. It doesn’t seem to affect his waistline, every pair of pants he owns still fall down. He gets his butt from his dad. Ooops! I said the “B” word. Every time he goes poop on the potty, he still asks if he can say the “B” word… one time.

Everything done wrong is “just a wittle accident.” Oops, I hit my sister, “It was just a wittle accident.” He intentionally splatters soup all over the floor, “It was just a wittle accident.” This works out especially well for potty training. He told me yesterday, ” I won’t pee in my pants, because that would be just a wittle accident.” No big deal!

He loves bugs and dinosaurs and lizzards and pirates and batman and tools. When Honor was born, the hospital gave him a soft little bear with their logo emblazoned across its chest. This has become Honor’s favorite over the past few months. His name is Tootie Bear and, yes, it is because he toots. A lot. Tootie Bear has tooted on everything you could imagine. The other day Tootie Bear disappeared. I checked with everyone whose house we had been at recently, tore our own house apart and still couldn’t find Tootie Bear. A few days later he magically appeared. This further convinces me that Honor has a secret hiding place for his most beloved items because I frequently search the house for special toys to no avail only to have Honor find them days later. The presence of a secret hiding place is not surprising to me at all.

I planned to post photos of Honor over the past three years today, but having spent the last hour searching through iPhoto, I’ve discovered that there was no way I could pair it down to anything manageable. Click the photo below of Honor today in his special “pirate” birthday shirt to see the whole set of Mr. Honor aka Destruct-o-con aka Spuddy Buddy aka Stinky Pants.


well… one more just for good measure.


9 comments » | Honor


September 27th, 2006 — 1:32pm

Something amazing that I discovered yesterday: You can track packages with Bloglines. Now I can obsess over my packages arrival without even visiting an ugly brown website.

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my Kelly Rippa moment

September 27th, 2006 — 1:32pm

Today I had the rare opportunity to go have sushi with my husband for lunch. With keeping the store open all the time, it’s difficult to get away. Jim splattered a little bit of soy sauce on his shirt and asked, “Where’s my Tide Pen when I need it?”. It was pretty funny to see his jaw drop when I pulled a Tide Pen out of my purse. Much to his surprise it really worked.

4 comments » | NERD!

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