
July 25th, 2006 — 7:59am

The other day I filled up my 60 gig hard drive on my computer. Who fills up SIXTY GIGS? It’s rather crazy, if I do say so myself. It got to the point where I couldn’t do anything because, yep, it was all full. I managed to delete some things and free up a gig, but after that… I need to move all my 16 gigs of photos to another hard drive. (Yeah, I know.)

I was thinking this morning how much I wish I could get an additional hard drive for my brain, as cheesy as it sounds. Seriously, I’m all full up, there is not space for another thought, yet they keep on coming. I like this, being busy, having lots to do, but I just wish that I could reboot and repair disk permissions and get things running a bit smoother. But then what would we do if I was, like, actually sane?

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July 24th, 2006 — 9:05am

Yesterday, Eden left with my mom and sister to go to Wyoming to visit my grandma. Eden was VERY excited at the prospect of going on a trip with Grammy and having “four sleepovers.” She is still enjoying herself so much that she hardly wants to talk to me on the phone. She did, however, make sure to check and see how Honor is doing. She talked to him on the phone way more that she talked to me. I guess this is really the first time that they’ve been apart.

With Eden being gone, it’s amazing how low the level of Yap is around our house. Honor is such a quiet kid when his sister isn’t around. He’s been doing well, really behaving himself (I guess the two egg each other on) and he’s been my big helper. Good thing too, because things are getting down to the wire. But I’m feeling pretty confident that everything is going to come together.

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The pile July 20

July 20th, 2006 — 9:39am

New additions to the pile:
Midnight and Lulu handdyed and handspun, AMAZING.
Interweave magazine including the new Knitscene.
Addi Turbos and Trekking Sock yarn
Bamboo needles
Clover Knit lites

oh and Jim’s guitar

the pile July 20

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photos galore

July 20th, 2006 — 9:37am

So it turns out that I did remember to bring the camera home, it was sitting in the living room the whole time. Yes, I am losing it that much…

But! Here are my before pictures of the shop, it looks so different from these photos already! I think all I have is one more day of painting left and then I can start transporting all this yarn to the shop.

Click any photo to see it bigger.

Walking in the door.

walking in the front door

The main room. The big table goes here.

the main room

The east room. We painted over the mint walls.

the east room

Walking into the kitchen. We painted over these walls too.

walking into the kitchen

View from the dining area of the kitchen. The kids area will be the dining area.

view from the

The west room, full of windows, this room will pretty much stay the same.

the west room

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July 19th, 2006 — 6:51am

Dude, it’s so crazy around here. I spent all day yesterday painting the yarn store and will probably do the same today. I even took “before” pictures that I intended to post today, but I forgot to bring the camera home from the store. The pile has also grown a bit too and I’m expecting an order from skacel (addi turbos, baybee!) today. It’s all coming right along. Pictures tomorrow just as long as I remember to bring the camera home.

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grace, like rain, falls down on me

July 17th, 2006 — 10:33am

My kids in opposite world: Honor looking sweet and Eden looking grumpy.


the biggest grump

Honor has been SO difficult lately, Good LORD, difficult. I’m not exactly sure what to do with him. But I just keep thinking, some day he’s GOT to grow out of this… I hope? He is cute tho… I’m really worried about the one day a week he will be down at the shop with me.

Eden on the other hand has been really easy and so hilarious. She’s been throwing her daddy’s jokes right back at him, it’s been really funny to see the two of them go at it. Sometimes I wonder how my four year old is more mature than I am?

Yesterday we were all sitting down for dinner when we heard a big crash in our back yard. Jim got up to check it out and I was sure that it had something to do with the dog. Jim hasn’t been a big fan of the dog lately, and if you took a look at our back yard, you’d know why. Hopefully the dog (and the yard) will survive the rest of the summer.

Luckily for the dog, it wasn’t him. The neighbors gigantic dead tree just fell over. No wind or anything, it just fell down. It totally missed everything, there were three possible houses it could have hit (including ours) and one possible car, and it just hit the ground. That, that’s Grace right there.

4 comments » | random monday

the pile July 17

July 17th, 2006 — 10:12am

New additions: The Couch and 3 weights of GGH cotton/acrylic blend, lotsa colors!

the pile July 17

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The pile – July 14

July 14th, 2006 — 7:43am

Well, yesterday I got a huge shipment in from Cascade. 164 POUNDS of yarn. I got Cascade 220 and 220 superwash, Pastaza, Fixation, Pima Tencel, Eco Wool, Teseo, Magnum…umm, I think that’s it? There were a few things that were backordered. I also got a box of needles and patterns in. The stack is growing! I think that the elliptical machine is going to have to move.

the plie July 14

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I have it

July 13th, 2006 — 9:07am

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about what I don’t have, or what I think I don’t have. I was thinking about what I thought my life would be when I was married with kids. There were certain specific small things that I wanted. I wanted a husband who would lay in bed with me and talk late into the night. I wanted children who didn’t smear things on the wall, things like boogers and poop. And maybe I don’t have those specific small things, but it sort of hit me the other day. I have it. I have the life that I always wanted.

Emotions may not always follow reality, sometimes you don’t feel in love and sometimes you don’t feel like you want to be a mother. But the fact is that I’m in love with all of it.

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It’s started to come in!

July 13th, 2006 — 8:59am

I’ll continue to post pictures of the yarn pile as it grows.

Here’s the first of it. Books and Southwest Trading Company and lamps for the store. Notice that the first thing I did with the yarn was put it in correct rainbow color order. I’m obsessive that way. Today I’m expecting more in!!

the pile

southwest trading company

lamps for the store

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