anti potty training

May 10th, 2006 — 8:59am

So yesterday was the big boy underwear wearing day. Suffice to say that we went through all 6 pairs, I washed them and then we went through some of them again. The culmination of the underwear wearing came at dinner time. I was in the kitchen cooking dinner and talking to my sister on the phone, I thought the kids were playing in their room. Suddenly, Eden came in and told me, “MOM, there’s poop everywhere!”

It WAS everywhere. The floor, the walls, his hair, all over him, some toys, some clothes and somehow there were BBQ tongs involved. Don’t ask. And yes, Honor is still alive.

All I have to say is that even though he JUST sat on the potty, he had a little accident and tried to clean it up himself. But I am resolute, if he can try to change his own diaper, he can be potty trained. Today the underwear wearing continues and this kid will be potty trained.

(How many days will it take for me to eat my words?)

12 comments » | Honor

The post where I say “underwear” 50 times

May 9th, 2006 — 9:23am

Sunday night we stopped off at our favorite spot to pick up a few things. Is it sad that both my kids recognize Target just from the parking lot? As we walked in, Honor reminded me that I had promised him some big boy underwear. He reminded me all the way through the store until we picked them out.

new underwear

Today will be the first day that we really try to go without a diaper. I think that we’re armed with enough pairs of underwear to at least make it through the day. So I guess that really it means, more laundry for me. Laundry that I must go do now, because everyone is rapidly running out of clean underwear.

6 comments » | Honor

I should be skinnier

May 8th, 2006 — 7:49am

According to, knitting burns 125 calories per hour.

5 comments » | random monday

me me me

May 5th, 2006 — 11:36am

My other friend Sarah tagged me for this Meme.

I AM – not what some people want me to be.
I want – more yarn and these shoes.
I wish – for my house to always be clean.
I hate – laundry and migraines and judgement.
I miss – Joelene.
I hear – yapping kids and birds chirping.
I wonder – when our tax return will come?
I regret – not going to art school.
I am not – sorry for who I am.
I dance – rarely.
I sing – fairly well and less than I’d like.
I cry – about the people who are without, the people who are ignored.
I am not always – fat.
I make with my hands – dinner, hats and mittens and sweaters and shawls.
I write – sometimes better than I think I can and sometimes not as well as I wish.
I confuse – myself. Frequently.
I need – Jim. Eden. Honor.
I should – clean my house and play with my kids and walk my dog.
I start – sweaters.
I finish – sweaters… eventually.

Comments Off | me


May 5th, 2006 — 9:45am

Yesterday this fabulous scarf with a wonderfully sweet note came for me in the mail. Isn’t Sarah E. the greatest?

It’s all rainy and cold here so this is a low light photo which doesn’t do it (or my new bangs) justice.

scarf from Sarah E

And a pic with better light.

scarf from Sarah E

Thank you so much Sarah, you’re fabulous!

3 comments » | cool things

photos from the backyard (lots of them)

May 4th, 2006 — 8:56am

The kids would spend every waking second in the backyard, but sometimes they have to come in for a bath or a nap. They live a rough life.

yell a lot and carry a big stick

the sun is too bright

don't look at me


in time out

grumpy pants

spinning on the swing

2 comments » | photos

on the move and something new

May 3rd, 2006 — 7:56am

Today we’re moving the yarn store. I’m very excited because it’s literally going to be a block from my house. Ahh, the joys of living downtown. Now Jim and I can both walk to work. The gas savings alone… I just keep thinking of all those times I’ve rushed to work because Jim was late getting home to watch the kids… no more!

In other yarn related news, I cast on Picovoli last night. Should I be casting on any new projects? Most definitely not. I’m already in the middle of a linen print shawl, the curly scarf in Loop d Loop, a baby sweater, my second Koigu sock and a bag. But I couldn’t resist. You can’t blame me for my lack of knitting self control, can you? Maybe you’re still doubtful, lets look at the yarn.

I’m using Rowan All Seasons Cotton, it’s pretty huh?

all seasons cotton

Now you’re convinced, right? I’m imagining it with a jean skirt or some cute capris, or just some jeans. See, really, I just HAVE to knit this. I have no choice.

2 comments » | knitting

menu – week of May 1, 2006

May 2nd, 2006 — 10:03am

Spaghetti and green beans

Grilled Cheese

Marinated white beans with Tuna

Fish Tacos

Green Chile smothered burritos

weekend options
grilled tuna steaks
grilled chicken Asian lettuce cups

3 comments » | Menu

Eden’s earings

May 2nd, 2006 — 10:00am

Edens earings

2 comments » | Eden


May 1st, 2006 — 9:28am

Jim’s little birthday celebration was a success. We had a yummy meal and headed over to the mall for a movie. V for Vendetta wasn’t playing until 9:45 (of course) so we saw Failure to Launch, which I thought was hilarious. We had a little time before the movie started so we headed over to Target. It’s like we’re just pulled to Target when we’re at the mall, it’s the default, I suppose. This turned out to be pretty ironic because yesterday there was a small interview with me in the local paper about how we always end up at Target on date nights. funny.

Little Miss Eden got her ears pierced on Friday. I’ve been trying to talk her into getting them pierced for quite awhile so when she told me that she wanted them pierced, we went right to the mall to get them done. She looks cute, but won’t pose for a photo right now. So instead, I’ll leave you with some puppy shots.

tuck and daisy

tuck and daisy

running puppy

4 comments » | daily

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