happy birthday Jim!

April 28th, 2006 — 9:22am

Today Jim turns 31.
I realize in that time that I haven’t taken nearly enough pictures of him, because these are about it.

sucked into sponge bob

more tv

His birthday present was a second copy of his beloved computer game and my agreement to play with him. I’m not excited about this… the things you do for love.

I’m also taking him to dinner and to a movie. Anything to put off the commencement of the game playing. We’re going to see V for Vendetta. And I think we’re going to eat at the Outback. mmmm… blooming onion… All of this will be sans children, thanks to Jim’s Dad and step-mom. I hope that it’s a great day for him.

Happy birthday Jim, I love you.

(I just installed a new spam blocking plugin, so please send me an email if your comments aren’t going through. thanks!)

11 comments » | Jim


April 27th, 2006 — 8:59am

re: the Victorian Wristlet pattern. It’s available for free download on my knitting page. Enjoy!

re: My tooth. Jim tells me that everyone is sick of reading about my tooth. So hopefully this is the last I have to say about it. The specialist said that he thinks that I should wait a month and see how it is. Hopefully it is just still healing up. That’s a relief.

re: Church. Jim has been filling in at a church in town whenever they needed a guitarist. Their regular guitarist quit so he’s going to be playing full time. This will be ok with me, I’ll attend with him when I can. I think this will be good until we’re really ready to find a permanent place to attend.

re: this website. I re-wrote my about me page. I’d love any constructive feedback about it.

5 comments » | daily

tooth update part 57

April 26th, 2006 — 7:56am

We’ll I’ve tried to refrain from writing about my tooth, but… well… sorry. Today I go to see the Root Canal Specialist. I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve been to the dentist at this point. I even went to another dentist (who I plan on switching to) for a second opinion.

As it stands, I still have an abscessed tooth. I just finished my 3rd round of antibiotics and the pain is pretty minimal. The problem is that it may not be the original tooth that is abscessed. It seems that when my original dentist did the filling on my second tooth at the time of the root canal, he put in a big filling that is apparently sitting on the nerve of my tooth. So the specialist will determine which tooth it is that is infected and hopefully we’ll know where to go from there.

I think that I’m about at the point where I tell them to pull them all and I’ll just eat all my meals in liquid form from now on.

6 comments » | daily

look who learned to knit

April 25th, 2006 — 8:56am

The little peanut! Yes, she’s FOUR!

looked who learned to knit?

wrapping the yarn – I thought it best to teach her English style.

wrapping the yarn

slipping it off

slipping it off

she’s SO proud

look at her knitting

Eden’s knitting

Eden's knitting

14 comments » | Eden, knitting

knit list

April 24th, 2006 — 9:42am

It’s not that I’ve finished many of the projects I have on my plate, but that doesn’t stop me from adding to the list.

Picovoli – I was wanting to make the Loop d Loop ballet top out of Rowan Felted Tweed. When I read that grumperina designed picovoli as a finer gauge ballet top with more shaping, I thought it would be perfect. I want to make this with long sleeves, or at least 3/4 depending on how far I can get my 5 balls of yarn to go.

cardinal joy hoodie

Cardinal Joy Hoodie from Handknit Holidays – I’ve got navy blue yarn to make this for Honor. The trim will be light blue, I’ll skip the bird. I think this will be so cute on him, I can’t wait to get it done.

over the knee stocking

Over the Knee Stockings from Handknit Holidays – I think I’ve talked about these before, but I think they’re so beautiful and I think I need to go pick out some shoes to wear with them.

I’ve also got yarn for two more Linen Print shawls. One for me and one for my aunt. Ahhh, I wish there were more knitting hours in the day.

10 comments » | knitting

he helped himself to rice crispies

April 21st, 2006 — 9:57am

Honor: It’s not making sounds.
Me: Do you want milk?
Honor: Yeah.

is the bowl big enough?

He helped himself

5 comments » | Honor


April 20th, 2006 — 9:14am

Yesterday, on a whim, we decided to hop in the car and drive to Ouray, CO. Jim had the day off and we thought it would be fun. When we were already on the road it occurred to us that we should call a head and make sure the hot springs pool was open. After two phone calls to Verizon 411, they still couldn’t find the number. Seriously, it’s 411 and they can’t find the number?

So we stopped in the next town, about half way there, to look up the number. The pool was closed. So, this isn’t the first time this has happened to us. Two years ago we drove all the way there to find the pool closed for cleaning. Yep, you’d think we’d learn. (The thing that’s driving me insane is that I blogged that trip, with some really cute pictures and the post is gone.)

So you can see, all that worthless driving time (and the 2 hour Alias) gave me time to finish my sock. And it’s a beauty if I do say so myself. Now I just have to finish the other one.

one cabled footie

5 comments » | daily

Emergency Sock Help

April 19th, 2006 — 9:47am

I started the Cabled Footies from One Skein on Sunday. And have subsequently ripped it out more times than I care to admit. I completely finished one sock and decided that the ankle was too short for my comfort. I’m not a big fan of ankle socks and I should have listened to my inner knitting voice when I started these socks and went ahead and made them longer.

My second try, I decided that I’d rather work a short row heel rather than a heel flap. I’m not too big a fan of a heel flap, I’ve decided. (This may be due to all the peer pressure I’ve received from my good friend, Joelene.) I’m determined to get the short row heel perfect. I’ve even had to call in some Emergency Sock Help from Joelene. Anyway, I think I’m on try 4? now. But I think I’ve got it figured out. I’m determined that I’m not going to let these socks get the best of me. They are going to be perfect!

Here they are in the book, pretty cute eh? I have a feeling that I’m making them harder than they should be.

One Skein Cabled Footies

2 comments » | knitting

the bug keeper

April 18th, 2006 — 12:20pm

Over the weekend my mom gave Honor a little bug keeper with tweezers and a magnifying glass and the kids had a great time collecting bugs to put in it. Luckily there are no cockroaches at my moms house.

the bug keeper

Hon-ee boy

checking out his ants

scooping ants with a spoon

looking for ants

2 comments » | Kids, photos

Your choices are half chance. So are everybody else’s.

April 17th, 2006 — 11:03am

The Sunscreen Song was on the radio today. The last time I heard it was seven years ago (SEVEN!) when I was graduating. I listened to it today as I drove, seething mad at Honor. He had stepped in puppy poop and purposely smeared it all over the house, just as we were heading out the door. PURPOSELY.

As I was listening to the song, I wondered if the last time I heard it I would have imagined that seven years later I’d be driving in a car pissed as hell at my two year old? Is life what I wanted it to be seven years ago? I was graduating high school, in love with a man I knew I wanted to marry, and the possibilities of my life were endless. I can’t help but think that those possibilities for my life are less endless than they were seven years ago.

I know that I’m mad, I know that I’m frustrated, and I know that it won’t last. I also know that I’m tired of scrubbing things off the carpet. But how can I say that this isn’t the life I wanted? I guess I can say it, but how can I mean it?

Maybe you need to question your choices to know that you’ve made the right ones?

6 comments » | parenting struggles

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