Category: daily

Scarf Swap Update

February 27th, 2006 — 9:11am

I just wanted everyone to know that I’m waiting on squares from 4 people still and then I’ll start getting the scarves put together.

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customer service

February 24th, 2006 — 9:36am

I just spent the last 20 minutes on the phone canceling my qwest service at our house. Those many minutes on hold led me to start thinking about customer service, or the lack thereof. Can you think of a place you’ve been recently that has offered you terrific customer service? All I can think of is places that I refuse to go because they’ve treated me so poorly (Circuit City!) I understand that working in retail can have it’s difficult moments, but I also understand that every human being is entitled to a certain amount of respect. And I don’t feel bad about expecting it.

I’ve been thinking about this because of my recent debacle with my internet, phone and television service. We decided to stop paying for both home and cell phone service and go cell only. Because of that, we thought we’d just switch over to cable for our television and internet (hence the canceling of qwest.) I was in California when the cable guy came to hook up our service. I asked Jim to record Grey’s Anatomy for me because I’d be flying home when it aired. He thought that he got it recorded, but when we got home, we couldn’t figure out how to access it. So the next day I called Bresnan to ask them how to access my show and discovered that we don’t even have a DVR.

Apparently they’re out of DVR’s. Of course the installer didn’t bother to tell Jim that we weren’t getting a DVR. Wasn’t that nice of him? I have to admit that I felt really silly about throwing a fit about my television service. It’s not like we’re without heat or something. But if I’m paying for it, and if I’m told I’m going to have a service, I expect to get what I’m paying for. It’s not that hard. They did offer minimal compensation, but in the meantime, we’re without a DVR.

The biggest problem is that I haven’t watched Martha all week and I’m starting to go through withdrawls!

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losing it

January 31st, 2006 — 8:51am

(I hesitate to write this because I know that when my mom reads it she’ll yell a big “HA!” at her computer. But in my defense, I have never driven past the turn for my house.)

I have a theory. As parents, I think our brains are so trained to be interrupted that we get to the point that we can’t finish a thought. Because, seriously, even when my children aren’t around, I can’t think! It’s amazingly scary. I used to be SO on the ball, and now I get distracted so easily. I read somewhere that once you become a parent that you lose IQ points. I think it’s true.

Please tell me that I’m not the only one out there working with a brain that can’t finish a thought?

10 comments » | daily


January 26th, 2006 — 10:08am

So you know the snow that it was just snowing like THIRTY MINUTES AGO? It’s almost gone already. Boo. That’s all I’m going to say.

5 comments » | daily

hats galore

January 24th, 2006 — 9:51am

Well, it’s only two hats, but here they are.

Birthday present for my friend Adam.

mens beanie for adam

And I actually knitted myself a hat! As many of these as I’ve made, and this is the first one I made for myself.

two hour hat

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January 23rd, 2006 — 8:14am

Heidi tagged me!

4-Jobs you have had in your life.

1. Hardware store clerk
2. Pharmacy Technician
3. Painter of hand made rocking animals
4. Knitting teacher

4-Movies you would watch over and over again.

1. Ever After
2. The Notebook
3. The Matrix
4. yeah, I can only think of three.

4-Places I have lived.

1. Wyoming
2. Colorado

4-tv shows you love to watch.

1. Battlestar Gallactica.
2. 24
3. Martha
4. Grey’s Anatomy

4-Places you have been on vaction.

1. Disney Land
2. Four Corners/Mesa Verde
3. Las Vegas
4. Very soon to be California!!

4-Websites you visit daily

Too many to list.

4-Favorite foods.

1. Sushi
2. Candy
3. Salad
4. Tamales

4-Places you would rather be right now.

1. Knitting
2. Ouray hot springs
3. shopping
4. having coffee and a bagel at Main St. Bagels

3 comments » | daily


January 11th, 2006 — 11:21am

So I’m thinking, forget New Years Resolutions, I’m going for blogolutions. I resolve to be a better blog reader, and to do that I need your blog address! Joelene talked me into using bloglines, and it’s definitely changed the way I read blogs. (I admit it, Jo, I’m hooked.) So, leave me your blog link in the comments so I can start being a better reader!

Also, I resolve to do better about updating my Menu page, which I did this week! Yes, I deserve a pat on the back!

There you have it, my two measly blogolutions. Lets hope I can keep them.

16 comments » | daily

scarf swap spectacular details

January 9th, 2006 — 8:43am

Ok, this is who I’ve got signed up:

Sarah E.
Sarah Grace

That makes 13 people. So, please make 13 squares – knit or crochet in the colors black, white or grey. They should be as close to 6″h x 5″w as possible. Label each square (with a pinned note card or sticky note or something) with your name and, if you wish, your email/url. I think it will be fun to know where each of your squares comes from. The deadline for your squares is Feb 15th. Please have your squares in the mail no later than Feb 15. Don’t forget to send along a self addressed, postage paid envelope, so I can send it back to you. The sooner I get all the squares, the sooner I can send you out your scarf!!

I will be emailing you with my mailing address. If anybody has decided to back out of the swap, let me know immediately so I can tell the others to make fewer squares.

Let me know if there are any questions.

To sum up.
13 squares – 6 inches long and 5 inches wide
Self addressed and stamped envelope
Mail by Feb 15.

This will be fun!

6 comments » | daily

5 weird things about me

January 6th, 2006 — 10:52am

Elizabeth and Alex both tagged me for this.

1. I can blow air out my eye. I discovered this because my mom was demonstrating to me that she can do it.

2. I prefer mustard instead of ketchup on fries. But when I ate cheese, I could not eat mustard and cheese together, like on a cheeseburger or sandwich. ewww.

3. I love lemon pepper. I can eat it plain. Anything salty and sour… mmmm.

4. I hate mayo. (Joelene informs me that that’s strange.)

5. I am slightly obsessed with my eyelashes. I REALLY wish they were long and I’ve tried every product out there that’s supposed to make them appear longer. (Mark Lastensions is my current fav.)

10 comments » | daily

Scarf Swap Spectacular 2006

January 3rd, 2006 — 11:31am

It’s that time again!

Here’s how it works:
Each person who wants to participate will make a set number of scarf “squares.” For example purposes, we’ll say 10 people sign up. Each person will make 10 squares. You will send those squares to me, along with a postage paid return envelope. Each scarf will have a square from each participating person, I will sew these together. I will then mail one scarf to each participant.

Squares can be knit or crochet only. And this year we’re going with a color pallet to make the scarves a little less funky. Black, white and grey.

Comment to this post if you want to sign up (be sure you include your real email address.) I will limit the number of participants so I won’t have to sew together tons of scarves! so sign up quick if you want to participate.

Once everybody is signed up, I’ll email you with the details, ie: the number of squares and size that you need to make and my address and the deadline date.

email me if you have any questions.

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