the Pollux Commercial
Seth did such a great job!
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Last Tuesday my friend Seth asked that I help direct a commercial he was shooting for a local clothing shop, Pollux, that my friend Ivy owns. I was more than happy to help out and had such a fun time hanging out in a beautiful alfalfa field at the base of Mt. Garfield. Ivy did such a good job styling the shoot and her cute, “Mobile Pollux” was perfect for the shoot. I can’t wait to see the finished commercial!
A couple of weeks ago Tangle got to install our knitted art display, Knit on the Corner, at the Art and Jazz Festival. This was our third year! This is one of my most favorite projects we do and I love that knitting gets recognized as art. We installed over 100 pieces on Friday and took them all down on Sunday. I love that our city gets the whimsey and fun of guerrilla knitting.
I rode the bus with my friend Brian the other day to see what it was like. In the 12 years that we’ve had public transportation, I’ve never tried it. Because many of our patients at the clinic will be riding the bus, we wanted to see what the trip to our clinic would be like for them on the bus. It took us 1.5hrs to ride what took 12min in a car.
Gunnison hanging out at Tangle
This soda is amazing. 60 calories, 3 ingredients. yum.
Giant zig zag quilt I’m working on
Grilled artichokes with queso fresco (one of the only cheeses I can eat sans migraine.) Quarter and boil the artichokes until tender. Drizzle with olive oil, top with cheese. Grill til the artichokes are a little crispy on the outside and the cheese is melted.
Watching the eclipse on my neighbors roof.
*”Great characters in exciting stories don’t sit around on the couch playing it safe. They get up, move, try, fail and risk it all again.
Living a great story costs something. People who live great stories know failure isn’t a judgment, it’s an education.” – Donald Miller
*Life happens in seasons. And we never know when the next season will come… and the current one will end. It’s so important to soak up every season, to squeeze out all the good things and memories because some seasons only come once a lifetime. If we don’t live in the moment of each season, if we aren’t present for what’s happening around us, we miss out on the most priceless things.
I’ve been living my life in phases. Currently I’m in the experiences and participating phase. I feel like I’ve been living my life so backwards. First I was married and had kids, now I’m dating and living with roommates. I’m just soaking up every experience I can. I feel like so much of my past life was lived asleep and now that I’m awake to the world, feeling so alive, I want to gobble it all up… everything I can. So I’m learning about sports and learning to fly fish and reminding myself that I CAN do things when before I didn’t think I could. I’m deciding if I like shrimp and ribs and colorful skinny jeans and long hair. And when experiences turn out not as good as I want (dudes, if you invite a girl out to coffee, ALWAYS PAY FOR IT) I remind myself that I still had the experience. I now know what that feels like, for a little while I got to live it. Carrie always reminds me that each experience is just material for my (someday) book.
I don’t say NO very much (participating) because now is the time to try things and saying NO takes away people’s chance to welcome us into their hearts. So we celebrate holidays we’ve never celebrated. The kids went on their first-ever Easter egg hunt last weekend because I wanted them to try it and see what they thought. (They are having a little bit of hard time wrapping their head around this new phase of life.) And we go hiking and we light campfires in the back yard even though the dudes aren’t around and we clean up the yard by ourselves (because we CAN) and I sit in church all by myself (and find out that it’s one of my favorite things to do alone). And I learn to live in community, to let people lift me and the kids up when I can’t do it all.
I feel proud of myself for being a little bit brave. For wanting to try new things and not fearing the inevitable failure that might come. I feel so thankful that I am so awake, so alive. That I SEE the world around me and that I’ve found a way to be SO content in the life I live RIGHT NOW. That I’m not really wishing for much because what I have is pretty great. That I am whole and enough and loved. And that there is so much more out there to experience!
About once a week we have “Salad with Everything” for dinner. Everyone in the house love it, especially if it’s topped with bacon!
My friend Ivy owns a great clothing store here in town called Pollux. This outfit was on their mannequin outside the store and I couldn’t help but try it on. I didn’t buy it because I have no clue where I would wear it, but it was so fun to try on.
I’ve been taking a lot of walks lately and my outfits keep getting more and more silly. My friend Rickelle told me that I looked like a mom with my nike’s and skinny jeans… sad but true.
Same outfit as I was wearing in these pictures but 20lbs less.
Dexter has been especially frustrating lately. He refuses to pee outside unless we make him use his dog door, so I spend my days cleaning up lots of puddles… so frustrating for a 2 year old dog.
My tiger lilies poking their finger up through the ground.
Graffiti on Tangle. Not sure why anyone would want to tag a yarn store? But at least it was on the window and pretty easy to remove.
silly picture of me in the new glasses I ordered
“No girl who plays the role of a hero dates a guy who uses her.”
From my favorite book, “A Million Miles in a Thousand Years” by Donald Miller.
A few weeks ago I helped Seth with a commercial he was making for the Colorado Marriage and Relationship Center. It was an interesting experience, pretending to be married to someone in a video. But I’m really proud of the final product. Seth did such a fantastic job, don’t you think?
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Thursday Carrie, Eden and I headed out to the country to play in the corn maze. We were amazed when we got there, there was so much to do! They have a petting zoo with farm animals, a giant slide that ends in a giant pile of dried corn rather than gravel, pumpkin patch and the biggest bump & jump I’ve ever seen (they call it a big pumpkin).
We had so much fun making our way through the corn mazes as Eden and Carrie sampled the corn (it’s feed corn). I was maybe the tiniest bit nervous about finding our way through until I discovered that we could use the GPS on our iphones to pinpoint our exact location in the maze. The bump and jump was so fun too. This is definitely a tradition I plan to keep up every year and next year we want to take an adults only trip to the maze when it’s dark – so fun!
If you live in Western Colorado and want to visit Studt’s, their hours and information are on their website. I would highly recommend it.
I’m amazed that they can make such complex mazes. They told us that they grow the corn into the shape of the maze, using weed killer to carve the path.
This photo doesn’t do the view justice. You can see Mt Garfield and the Grand Mesa in the background.
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