Category: Kids


June 8th, 2008 — 12:23pm

In the last week we’ve reached the pinnacle of Honor’s naughtiness. He has gotten to the point where he absolutely refuses to comply with anything I’m telling him to do. In turn, I’ve tried anything that I can think of to get him in line. Tuesday I implemented a point system that Eden immediately took to. The kids have a list of chores (some mandatory and some optional) that they need to do to earn points. Once a certain amount of points are earned, they can choose a reward (like going to Chuck E. Cheese). They can also loose points for bad behavior. Eden has a whole bunch of points, Honor has none.

I’ve taken away all of Honor’s toys, he’s lost all his computer and t.v. privileges, and he still doesn’t care. There is no discipline that I give to him that he cares about. And, yes, it’s just me… for Jim he behaves. I don’t know what to do, I can’t allow him to completely disregard me, to completely ignore what I tell him. As it is, he’s putting himself and others in danger – today he disobeyed me and as a result Tuck got ahold of a large piece of fried chicken and ate the whole thing, bones and all. The other day Honor threw a CD at Eden and barely missed her eye.

I don’t know what to do other than watch his every move and be extremely consistent. He gets away with nothing, no matter how much he has worn me down. I don’t understand his behavior because he can also be extremely sweet and loving and I know is completely capable of behaving because he does it for Jim. I’m at a loss and I’m miserable and I don’t know what to do.

10 comments » | Honor, ouch

it’s not that bad

April 30th, 2008 — 5:25pm

Eden: Mom, why aren’t you like your mom? When Grammy drives us she doesn’t say rude things and bad words.


2 comments » | Eden, quote of the week

should probably be my new tagline

March 31st, 2008 — 8:14pm

All the people in moms life, they are kind of crazy.

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butter makes everything better

March 23rd, 2008 — 6:47pm

“Mom, you know why corn is good? Because you can put butter on it.”

2 comments » | Eden, quote of the week

just like waterboarding

March 15th, 2008 — 11:09am

Today Honor started like this:

honor before hair cut

Add fifteen minutes of screaming like we’re pulling his hair out one by one and you get this:


2 comments » | Honor

so that explains it…

March 6th, 2008 — 6:48pm

“Mom, I want you to buy that for my birthday when I turn 5. Because I would play with it all day and I wouldn’t whine all day.”

4 comments » | Honor, quote of the week

take your broke self home

February 17th, 2008 — 11:09am

We let Eden spend a little bit of her birthday money yesterday at Target. She chose a Kidz Bop CD. (For those of you who are not fortunate to have the opportunity to watch Nickelodeon, it’s a pop music remake CD for kids.) I’m starting to wonder if that was a good idea because I woke up this morning to Eden singing,

“If you don’t got no money, take your broke self home.”

1 comment » | Eden, quote of the week

6 year old

February 15th, 2008 — 9:53am

On Tuesday, Eden turned 6 years old. After some deliberation, we decided to get her a computer for her birthday. For months she has been asking for one, and fighting with us when we wouldn’t let her use ours. (Who thought I’d have to compete with a 5 year old to use my own computer?) So when it came time to asking her what she’d like for her birthday, she was steadfast in her request for a computer.

So we found an eMac in fantastic shape on Ebay for a good price and barely got it here in time – thanks to all the snow in the mountains! Eden was so, so, SO excited when she got her present early Tuesday morning before school. (Hence the sleepy daddy in the background.)

seeing her new computer for the first time

her new computer

We also celebrated her birthday on Sunday with a little tea party with her kindergarten friends. Because our gas stove wasn’t here yet (still isn’t!), I bought unfrosted cupcakes from the local bakery and decorated them myself. Hello Kitty, of course…

hello kitty cupcakes

hello kitty cupcakes

I just can’t believe that she is six years old. But if you were to talk to her, she would convince you that she was like… 19.. I can’t believe how mature she is these days. And I’m very proud of how well she is doing in school. The other day she read all 64 pages of “Hop on Pop.” It’s such an unexplainable feeling to see your children thriving and succeeding.

at her tea party

(click any photo to see the whole set.)

4 comments » | Eden


January 26th, 2008 — 7:04pm

“Robots don’t go potty.”

“How do you know?”

“‘Cause they don’t have butts!”

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stinky honor boy

January 15th, 2008 — 5:10pm

He needs a haircut.
in need of a haircut

too busy to look at the camera


BTW, Honor’s latest threat is that he will give you a knuckle sandwich if you’re not doing what he likes – complete with balled up fist and ornery (Honor-y) look. His latest term of endearment is to call us a “chicken peep.”

3 comments » | Honor

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